--- /dev/null
+# Copyright
+"""Functions for processing text
+As defined in :RFC:`5545`, section 3.3.11 (Text).
+import logging as _logging
+import re as _re
+_LOG = _logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ '\\': [r'\\'],
+ '\n': [r'\n', r'\N'],
+ ';': [r'\;'],
+ ',': [r'\,'],
+ }
+def _backslash_escape(text):
+ r"""Escape backslashes, but nothing else
+ This is used in ``_setup_escapes`` to build regular
+ expressions.
+ >>> _backslash_escape('\\')
+ '\\\\'
+ >>> _backslash_escape('stuff')
+ 'stuff'
+ """
+ if text == '\\':
+ return r'\\'
+ return text
+def _setup_escapes():
+ global _UNESCAPES
+ for key,values in _ESCAPES.items():
+ for value in values:
+ if len(value) != 2:
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ '{!r} escape value too long ({})'.format(
+ value, len(value)))
+ if value[0] != '\\':
+ raise NotImplementedError(
+ '{!r} escape does not begin with a backslash'.format(
+ value))
+ _UNESCAPES[value] = key
+ escape_regexp = '({})'.format('|'.join(
+ _backslash_escape(char) for char in _ESCAPES.keys()))
+ _LOG.debug('text-escape regexp: {!r}'.format(escape_regexp))
+ _ESCAPE_REGEXP = _re.compile(escape_regexp)
+ unescape_regexp = r'(\\({}))'.format('|'.join(
+ _backslash_escape(escape[1]) for escape in _UNESCAPES.keys()))
+ _LOG.debug('text-unescape regexp: {!r}'.format(unescape_regexp))
+ _UNESCAPE_REGEXP = _re.compile(unescape_regexp)
+def _escape_replacer(match):
+ return _ESCAPES[match.group(1)][0]
+def _unescape_replacer(match):
+ return _UNESCAPES[match.group(1)][0]
+def escape(text):
+ r"""Convert a Python string to :RFC:`5545`-compliant text
+ Conforming to section 3.3.11 (text)
+ >>> print(escape(text='Hello!\nLook: newlines!'))
+ Hello!\nLook: newlines!
+ >>> print(escape(text='Single backslashes \\ may be tricky\n'))
+ Single backslashes \\ may be tricky\n
+ """
+ return _ESCAPE_REGEXP.subn(
+ repl=_escape_replacer, string=text)[0]
+def unescape(text):
+ r"""Convert :RFC:`5545`-compliant text to a Python string
+ Conforming to section 3.3.11 (text)
+ >>> for text in [
+ ... 'Hello!\nLook: newlines!',
+ ... ]:
+ ... escaped = escape(text=text)
+ ... unescaped = unescape(text=escaped)
+ ... if unescaped != text:
+ ... raise ValueError(unescaped)
+ """
+ return _UNESCAPE_REGEXP.subn(
+ repl=_unescape_replacer, string=text)[0]