if id != ''
let words = [id]
if exists('b:nm_search_words')
- let words = ['('] + b:nm_search_words + [')', 'and', id]
+ let words = ['('] + b:nm_search_words + [')', 'AND', id]
if len(words)
call <SID>NM_cmd_show(words)
function! s:NM_search_filter_helper(prompt, prefix, joiner)
" TODO: input() can support completion
- let text = input(a:prompt)
+ let text = substitute(input(a:prompt), '\v(^\s*|\s*$|\n)', '', 'g')
if !strlen(text)
- let tags = split(text)
- if strlen(a:prefix)
- call map(tags, 'a:prefix . v:val')
- endif
- if strlen(a:joiner)
- let idx = len(tags) - 1
- while idx > 0
- call insert(tags, a:joiner, idx)
- let idx = idx - 1
- endwhile
- endif
- let tags = b:nm_search_words + ['and', '('] + tags + [')']
+ let tags = b:nm_search_words + ['AND']
+ \ + <SID>NM_combine_tags(a:prefix, split(text), a:joiner, '()')
let prev_bufnr = bufnr('%')
setlocal bufhidden=hide
let ids = []
for msg in b:nm_raw_info['msgs']
if has_key(msg,'match') && msg['match'] != '0'
- if len(ids)
- call add(ids, 'OR')
- endif
call add(ids, msg['id'])
- let filter = ['('] + advance_tags + [')', 'AND', '('] + ids + [')']
+ let filter = <SID>NM_combine_tags('tag:', advance_tags, 'OR', '()')
+ \ + ['AND']
+ \ + <SID>NM_combine_tags('', ids, 'OR', '()')
call <SID>NM_add_remove_tags(filter, '-', advance_tags)
call <SID>NM_show_next(1, 1)
if has_key(msg_top,'match') && msg_top['match'] != '0'
" do this last to hide the latency
- let filter = ['('] + advance_tags + [')', 'AND', msg_top['id']]
+ let filter = <SID>NM_combine_tags('tag:', advance_tags, 'OR', '()')
+ \ + ['AND', msg_top['id']]
call <SID>NM_add_remove_tags(filter, '-', advance_tags)
echo 'not implemented'
+" --- tag manipulation helpers {{{1
+" used to combine an array of words with prefixes and separators
+" example:
+" NM_combine_tags('tag:', ['one', 'two', 'three'], 'OR', '()')
+" -> ['(', 'tag:one', 'OR', 'tag:two', 'OR', 'tag:three', ')']
+function s:NM_combine_tags(word_prefix, words, separator, brackets)
+ let res = []
+ for word in a:words
+ if len(res) && strlen(a:separator)
+ call add(res, a:separator)
+ endif
+ call add(res, a:word_prefix . word)
+ endfor
+ if len(res) > 1 && strlen(a:brackets)
+ if strlen(a:brackets) != 2
+ throw 'Eeek! brackets arg to NM_combine_tags must be 2 chars'
+ endif
+ call insert(res, a:brackets[0])
+ call add(res, a:brackets[1])
+ endif
+ return res
" --- other helpers {{{1
function! s:NM_get_search_words()