return # TODO: cleanup
treeCtrl = self._c['folders'].GetTreeCtrl()
treeCtrl.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self._on_dir_ctrl_left_double_click)
- #property editor
-, self.OnPropGridChanged)
- #results panel
- self.panelResults.results_list.OnCheckItem = self.OnResultsCheck
def _on_about(self, *args):
dialog = wx.MessageDialog(
+ def _on_size(self, event):
+ event.Skip()
def _on_close(self, *args):'closing GUI framework')
# apply changes
del self._c['manager']
+ def _on_erase_background(self, event):
+ event.Skip()
# Panel utility functions
- # TODO: cruft
- def _GetActiveFileIndex(self):
- lib.playlist.Playlist = self.GetActivePlaylist()
- #get the selected item from the tree
- selected_item = self._c['playlist']._c['tree'].GetSelection()
- #test if a playlist or a curve was double-clicked
- if self._c['playlist']._c['tree'].ItemHasChildren(selected_item):
- return -1
- else:
- count = 0
- selected_item = self._c['playlist']._c['tree'].GetPrevSibling(selected_item)
- while selected_item.IsOk():
- count += 1
- selected_item = self._c['playlist']._c['tree'].GetPrevSibling(selected_item)
- return count
- def _GetPlaylistTab(self, name):
- for index, page in enumerate(self._c['notebook']._tabs._pages):
- if page.caption == name:
- return index
- return -1
- def select_plugin(self, _class=None, method=None, plugin=None):
- pass
- def AddPlaylistFromFiles(self, files=[], name='Untitled'):
- if files:
- playlist = lib.playlist.Playlist(self, self.drivers)
- for item in files:
- playlist.add_curve(item)
- if playlist.count > 0:
- = self._GetUniquePlaylistName(name)
- playlist.reset()
- self.AddTayliss(playlist)
- def AppliesPlotmanipulator(self, name):
- '''
- Returns True if the plotmanipulator 'name' is applied, False otherwise
- name does not contain 'plotmanip_', just the name of the plotmanipulator (e.g. 'flatten')
- '''
- return self.GetBoolFromConfig('core', 'plotmanipulators', name)
- def ApplyPlotmanipulators(self, plot, plot_file):
- '''
- Apply all active plotmanipulators.
- '''
- if plot is not None and plot_file is not None:
- manipulated_plot = copy.deepcopy(plot)
- for plotmanipulator in self.plotmanipulators:
- if self.GetBoolFromConfig('core', 'plotmanipulators',
- manipulated_plot = plotmanipulator.method(manipulated_plot, plot_file)
- return manipulated_plot
- def GetActiveFigure(self):
- playlist_name = self.GetActivePlaylistName()
- figure = self.playlists[playlist_name].figure
- if figure is not None:
- return figure
- return None
- def GetActiveFile(self):
- playlist = self.GetActivePlaylist()
- if playlist is not None:
- return playlist.get_active_file()
- return None
- def GetActivePlot(self):
- playlist = self.GetActivePlaylist()
- if playlist is not None:
- return playlist.get_active_file().plot
- return None
- def GetDisplayedPlot(self):
- plot = copy.deepcopy(self.displayed_plot)
- #plot.curves = []
- #plot.curves = copy.deepcopy(plot.curves)
- return plot
- def GetDisplayedPlotCorrected(self):
- plot = copy.deepcopy(self.displayed_plot)
- plot.curves = []
- plot.curves = copy.deepcopy(plot.corrected_curves)
- return plot
- def GetDisplayedPlotRaw(self):
- plot = copy.deepcopy(self.displayed_plot)
- plot.curves = []
- plot.curves = copy.deepcopy(plot.raw_curves)
- return plot
- def GetDockArt(self):
- return self._c['manager'].GetArtProvider()
- def GetPlotmanipulator(self, name):
- '''
- Returns a plot manipulator function from its name
- '''
- for plotmanipulator in self.plotmanipulators:
- if == name:
- return plotmanipulator
- return None
- def HasPlotmanipulator(self, name):
- '''
- returns True if the plotmanipulator 'name' is loaded, False otherwise
- '''
- for plotmanipulator in self.plotmanipulators:
- if plotmanipulator.command == name:
- return True
- return False
- def _on_dir_ctrl_left_double_click(self, event):
- file_path = self.panelFolders.GetPath()
- if os.path.isfile(file_path):
- if file_path.endswith('.hkp'):
- self.do_loadlist(file_path)
- event.Skip()
- def _on_erase_background(self, event):
- event.Skip()
- def _on_notebook_page_close(self, event):
- ctrl = event.GetEventObject()
- playlist_name = ctrl.GetPageText(ctrl._curpage)
- self.DeleteFromPlaylists(playlist_name)
- def OnPropGridChanged (self, event):
- prop = event.GetProperty()
- if prop:
- item_section = self.panelProperties.SelectedTreeItem
- item_plugin = self._c['commands']._c['tree'].GetItemParent(item_section)
- plugin = self._c['commands']._c['tree'].GetItemText(item_plugin)
- config = self.gui.config[plugin]
- property_section = self._c['commands']._c['tree'].GetItemText(item_section)
- property_key = prop.GetName()
- property_value = prop.GetDisplayedString()
- config[property_section][property_key]['value'] = property_value
- def OnResultsCheck(self, index, flag):
- results = self.GetActivePlot().results
- if results.has_key(self.results_str):
- results[self.results_str].results[index].visible = flag
- results[self.results_str].update()
- self.UpdatePlot()
- def _on_size(self, event):
- event.Skip()
- def UpdatePlaylistsTreeSelection(self):
- playlist = self.GetActivePlaylist()
- if playlist is not None:
- if playlist.index >= 0:
- self._c['status bar'].set_playlist(playlist)
- self.UpdateNote()
- self.UpdatePlot()
- def _on_curve_select(self, playlist, curve):
- #create the plot tab and add playlist to the dictionary
- plotPanel = panel.plot.PlotPanel(self, ID_FirstPlot + len(self.playlists))
- notebook_tab = self._c['notebook'].AddPage(plotPanel,, True)
- #tab_index = self._c['notebook'].GetSelection()
- playlist.figure = plotPanel.get_figure()
- self.playlists[] = playlist
- #self.playlists[] = [playlist, figure]
- self._c['status bar'].set_playlist(playlist)
- self.UpdateNote()
- self.UpdatePlot()
- def _on_playlist_left_doubleclick(self):
- index = self._c['notebook'].GetSelection()
- current_playlist = self._c['notebook'].GetPageText(index)
- if current_playlist != playlist_name:
- index = self._GetPlaylistTab(playlist_name)
- self._c['notebook'].SetSelection(index)
- self._c['status bar'].set_playlist(playlist)
- self.UpdateNote()
- self.UpdatePlot()
- def _on_playlist_delete(self, playlist):
- notebook = self.Parent.plotNotebook
- index = self.Parent._GetPlaylistTab(
- notebook.SetSelection(index)
- notebook.DeletePage(notebook.GetSelection())
- self.Parent.DeleteFromPlaylists(playlist_name)
# Command panel interface
def select_command(self, _class, method, command):
+ # Folders panel interface
+ def _on_dir_ctrl_left_double_click(self, event):
+ file_path = self.panelFolders.GetPath()
+ if os.path.isfile(file_path):
+ if file_path.endswith('.hkp'):
+ self.do_loadlist(file_path)
+ event.Skip()
# Note panel interface
def _on_update_note(self, _class, method, text):