+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Technologies, Inc.
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo/src/catalyst/livecd/runscript/Attic/amd64-archscript.sh,v 1.2 2004/04/14 05:20:36 jhuebel Exp $
-case $1 in
- kernel)
- genkernel_args=""
- export genkernel_args
- ;;
- preclean)
- ;;
- clean)
- ;;
- bootloader)
- # CDFSTYPE and loop_opts are exported from the default
- # runscript
- # Time to create a filesystem tree for the ISO at $clst_cdroot_path.
- # We extract the "cdtar" to this directory, which will normally contains a pre-built
- # binary boot-loader/filesystem skeleton for the ISO.
- cdtar=$clst_livecd_cdtar
- [ "$cdtar" = "" ] && die "No livecd/cdtar specified (required)"
- tar xjpvf $cdtar -C $clst_cdroot_path || die "Couldn't extract cdtar $cdtar"
- [ "$clst_boot_kernel" = "" ] && die "No boot/kernel setting defined, exiting."
- first=""
- for x in $clst_boot_kernel
- do
- if [ "$first" = "" ]
- then
- #grab name of first kernel
- first="$x"
- fi
- [ ! -e "$clst_chroot_path/tmp/binaries/$x.tar.bz2" ] && die "Can't find kernel tarball at $clst_chroot_path/tmp/binaries/$x.tar.bz2"
- tar xjvf $clst_chroot_path/tmp/binaries/$x.tar.bz2 -C $clst_cdroot_path/isolinux
- #change kernel name from "kernel" to "gentoo", for example
- mv $clst_cdroot_path/isolinux/kernel $clst_cdroot_path/isolinux/$x
- #change initrd name from "initrd" to "gentoo.igz", for example
- mv $clst_cdroot_path/isolinux/initrd $clst_cdroot_path/isolinux/$x.igz
- done
- icfg=$clst_cdroot_path/isolinux/isolinux.cfg
- kmsg=$clst_cdroot_path/isolinux/kernels.msg
- hmsg=$clst_cdroot_path/isolinux/help.msg
- echo "default $first" > $icfg
- echo "timeout 150" >> $icfg
- echo "prompt 1" >> $icfg
- echo "display boot.msg" >> $icfg
- echo "F1 kernels.msg" >> $icfg
- echo "F2 help.msg" >> $icfg
- echo "Available kernels:" > $kmsg
- cp ${clst_sharedir}/livecd/files/x86-help.msg $hmsg
- for x in ${clst_boot_kernel}
- do
- eval custom_kopts=\$${x}_kernelopts
- echo "APPENDING CUSTOM KERNEL ARGS: ${custom_kopts}"
- echo >> $icfg
- echo "label $x" >> $icfg
- echo " kernel $x" >> $icfg
- echo " append initrd=$x.igz root=/dev/ram0 init=/linuxrc ${cmdline_opts} ${custom_kopts} cdroot vga=0x317 splash=silent" >> $icfg
- echo >> $icfg
- echo " $x" >> $kmsg
- echo "label $x-nofb" >> $icfg
- echo " kernel $x" >> $icfg
- echo " append initrd=$x.igz root=/dev/ram0 init=/linuxrc ${cmdline_opts} ${custom_kopts} cdroot" >> $icfg
- echo >> $icfg
- echo " ${x}-nofb" >> $kmsg
- done
- if [ -f ${clst_cdroot_path}/isolinux/memtest86+ ]
- then
- echo >> $icfg
- echo " memtest86+" >> $kmsg
- echo "label memtest86+" >> $icfg
- echo " kernel memtest86+" >> $icfg
- fi
- ;;
- cdfs)
- ;;
- iso)
- #this is for the livecd-final target, and calls the proper command to build the iso file
- mkisofs -J -R -l -o ${2} -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/boot.cat -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -z ${clst_cdroot_path}
- ;;