--- /dev/null
+"""rss2email: get RSS feeds emailed to you
+Usage: python rss2email.py feedfile action [options]
+ feedfile: name of the file to store feed info in
+ action [options]:
+ new (create new feedfile)
+ run
+ add url name from to
+ list
+ delete num
+__version__ = "2.0"
+__author__ = "Aaron Swartz (me@aaronsw.com)"
+__copyright__ = "(C) 2004 Aaron Swartz. GNU GPL 2."
+___contributors__ = ["Dean Jackson (dino@grorg.org)",
+ "Brian Lalor (blalor@ithacabands.org)"]
+### Vaguely Customizable Options ###
+# The email address messages are from by default:
+DEFAULT_FROM = "bozo@dev.null"
+# 1: Receive one email per post
+# 0: Receive an email every time a post changes
+# 1: Treat the contents of <description> as HTML
+# 0: Send the contents of <description> as is, without conversion
+# def send(fr, to, message):
+# import smtplib
+# s = smtplib.SMTP("vorpal.notabug.com:26")
+# s.sendmail(fr, to, message)
+def send(fr, to, message):
+ os.popen2(["/usr/sbin/sendmail", to])[0].write(message)
+### End of Options ###
+from html2text import html2text, expandEntities
+import feedparser
+import cPickle as pickle, fcntl, md5, time, os
+def e(obj, val):
+ x = expandEntities(obj[val])
+ if type(x) is unicode: x = x.encode('utf-8')
+ return x.strip()
+def getContent(item, url):
+ if item.has_key('content') and item['content']:
+ for c in item['content']:
+ if c['type'] == 'text/plain': return c['value']
+ for c in item['content']:
+ if c['type'].find('html') != -1:
+ return html2text(c['value'], c['base'])
+ return item['content'][0]['value']
+ if item.has_key('description'):
+ return html2text(item['description'], url)
+ else:
+ return item['description']
+ if item.has_key('summary'): return item['summary']
+ return ""
+def getID(item, content):
+ if item.has_key('id'): return item['id']
+ if content: return md5.new(content).hexdigest()
+ if item.has_key('link'): return item['link']
+ if item.has_key('title'): return md5.new(item['title']).hexdigest()
+class Feed:
+ def __init__(self, url, to):
+ self.url, self.etag, self.modified, self.seen = url, None, None, {}
+ self.to = to
+def load():
+ ff2 = open(feedfile, 'r')
+ feeds = pickle.load(ff2)
+ fcntl.flock(ff2, fcntl.LOCK_EX)
+ return feeds, ff2
+def unlock(feeds, ff2):
+ pickle.dump(feeds, open(feedfile, 'w'))
+ fcntl.flock(ff2, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
+def add(url, to):
+ feeds, ff2 = load()
+ feeds.append(Feed(url, to))
+ unlock(feeds, ff2)
+def run():
+ feeds, ff2 = load()
+ for f in feeds:
+ result = feedparser.parse(f.url, f.etag, f.modified)
+ if result.has_key('encoding'): enc = result['encoding']
+ else: enc = 'utf-8'
+ c, ert = result['channel'], 'errorreportsto'
+ headers = "From: "
+ if c.has_key('title'): headers += e(c, 'title')
+ if c.has_key(ert) and c[ert].startswith('mailto:'):
+ fr = c[ert][8:]
+ else:
+ headers += '<'+fr+'>'
+ headers += "\nTo: " + f.to
+ headers += "\nContent-type: text/plain; charset=" + enc
+ if not result['items'] and ((not result.has_key('status') or (result.has_key('status') and result['status'] != 304))):
+ print "W: no items; invalid feed? (" + f.url + ")"
+ continue
+ for i in result['items']:
+ content = getContent(i, f.url)
+ id = getID(i, content)
+ if i.has_key('link'): frameid = link = e(i, 'link')
+ else: frameid = id; link = None
+ if f.seen.has_key(frameid) and f.seen[frameid] == id:
+ continue # have seen
+ if i.has_key('title'): title = e(i, 'title')
+ else: title = content[:70].replace("\n", " ")
+ message = (headers
+ + "\nSubject: " + title
+ + "\nDate:" + time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S -0000", time.gmtime())
+ + "\n")
+ if link: message += "\nURL: " + link + "\n"
+ message += "\n" + content
+ send(fr, f.to, message)
+ f.seen[frameid] = id
+ f.etag, f.modified = result.get('etag', None), result.get('modified', None)
+ unlock(feeds, ff2)
+def list():
+ feeds, ff2 = load()
+ i = 0
+ for f in feeds:
+ print `i`+':', f.url, '('+f.to+')'
+ i+= 1
+ unlock(feeds, ff2)
+def delete(n):
+ feeds, ff2 = load()
+ feeds = feeds[:n] + feeds[n+1:]
+ unlock(feeds, ff2)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ import sys
+ if len(sys.argv) < 3: print __doc__
+ else:
+ feedfile, action = sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]
+ if action == "run": run()
+ elif action == "add": add(*sys.argv[3:])
+ elif action == "new": pickle.dump([], open(feedfile, 'w'))
+ elif action == "list": list()
+ elif action == "delete": delete(int(sys.argv[3]))
+ else:
+ print __doc__
\ No newline at end of file