PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 )
-inherit autotools eutils perl-module distutils-r1 flag-o-matic multilib
+inherit autotools eutils perl-module distutils-r1 flag-o-matic multilib versionator
DESCRIPTION="A system to store and display time-series data"
use python && distutils-r1_src_install
-pkg_postinst() {
- if [[ "${REPLACING_VERSIONS}" -le 1.3 ]]; then
- ewarn "Since version 1.3, rrdtool dump emits completely legal xml. Basically this"
- ewarn "means that it contains an xml header and a DOCTYPE definition. Unfortunately"
- ewarn "this causes older versions of rrdtool restore to be unhappy."
- ewarn
- ewarn "To restore a new dump with an old rrdtool restore version, either remove"
- ewarn "the xml header and the doctype by hand (both on the first line of the dump)"
- ewarn "or use rrdtool dump --no-header."
- ewarn
- ewarn ">=net-analyzer/rrdtool-1.3 does not have any default font bundled. Thus if"
- ewarn ">you've upgraded from rrdtool-1.2.x and don't have any font installed to make"
- ewarn ">lables visible, please, install some font, e.g. media-fonts/dejavu."
- fi