mypkg = myfile[:-5]
if not mycat or not mypf or not slot:
#old-style or corrupt package
- writemsg("!!! Invalid binary package: '%s'\n" % full_path,
- noiselevel=-1)
- writemsg("!!! This binary package is not " + \
- "recoverable and should be deleted.\n",
+ writemsg("\n!!! Invalid binary package: '%s'\n" % full_path,
+ missing_keys = []
+ if not mycat:
+ missing_keys.append("CATEGORY")
+ if not mypf:
+ missing_keys.append("PF")
+ if not slot:
+ missing_keys.append("SLOT")
+ msg = []
+ if missing_keys:
+ missing_keys.sort()
+ msg.append("Missing metadata key(s): %s." % \
+ ", ".join(missing_keys))
+ msg.append(" This binary package is not " + \
+ "recoverable and should be deleted.")
+ from textwrap import wrap
+ for line in wrap("".join(msg), 72):
+ writemsg("!!! %s\n" % line, noiselevel=-1)
mycat = mycat.strip()