Three point charges are arranged as shown in Figure~P23.9.
Find \Part{a} the magnitude and \Part{b} the direction of the electric
force on the particle at the origin.
% y5.00nC 6.00nC
% o-----------o----x
% |0.100m 0.300m
% o-3.00nC
+import Mechanics;
+import ElectroMag;
+real u = 16cm;
+Charge a = pCharge((0,0), 5, L="$5.00\U{nC}$");
+Charge b = pCharge((0.3u,0), 6, L="$6.00\U{nC}$");
+Charge c = nCharge((0,-0.1u), -3, L="$-3.00\U{nC}$");
+Distance dab = Distance(,, scale=u, L="$0.300\U{m}$");
+Distance dac = Distance(
+,, offset=-0.1u, scale=u, L="$0.100\U{m}$");
+a.draw(); b.draw(); c.draw(); dab.draw(); dac.draw();