The configuration of a single set can be very simple as in most cases
it only requires a single option <varname>class</varname> to be
- complete. That option defines which handler class should be used to
+ complete <footnote><para>Technically the <varname>class</varname> option
+ isn't stricly required, but it should always be used as the default
+ handler might be changed in future versions</para></footnote>.
+ That option defines which handler class should be used to
create the set. Another universal option available for single sets is
<varname>name</varname>, however it's usually not needed as the name
of the set is generated from the section name if <varname>name</varname>
<!-- TODO: reference list of available set handler classes here -->
+ <sect1 id='config-set-classes'>
+ <title>Available Set Handler Classes</title>
+ <para>
+ The following sections contain the available handler classes that can be
+ used for the <varname>class</varname> option in
+ <filename>sets.conf</filename>, together with a description about required
+ and optional configuration options for single and multi set configurations.
+ Note that not all classes support both configuration styles.
+ </para>
+ <sect2 id='config-set-classes-StaticFileSet' xreflabel='StaticFileSet'>
+ <title>portage.sets.files.StaticFileSet</title>
+ <para>
+ This class implements a simple file based package set. All atoms from
+ configured file are used to form the set, and currently only simple and
+ versioned atoms are supported (no use conditionals or any-of constructs).
+ For descriptive purposes the file can be accompanied by a file with the
+ same name plus a <filename>.metadata</filename> suffix which can contain
+ metadata sections for description, author, location and so on. Each section
+ has the form <msgtext>key: value</msgtext> where <varname>value</varname>
+ can contain multiple lines. Therefore sections have to be separated by
+ blank lines. For example:
+ <programlisting>
+ description: This is a somewhat
+ longer description than usual. So it
+ needs more than one line.
+ homepage: http://www.foobar.org
+ author: John Doe <john@doe.com>
+ </programlisting>
+ </para>
+ <sect3>
+ <title>Single Set Configuration</title>
+ <para>
+ In a single set configuration this class supports the following options:
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem><varname>filename</varname>: Required. Specifies the path to the file
+ that should be used for the package set.</listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </para>
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3>
+ <title>Multi Set Configuration</title>
+ <para>
+ In a multi set configuration this class supports the following options:
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem><varname>directory</varname>: Optional, defaults to
+ <filename>/etc/portage/sets</filename>. Specifies the path to a directory
+ containing package set files. For each file (excluding metadata files) in
+ that location a separate package set is created.
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem><varname>name_pattern</varname>: Optional, defaults to
+ <parameter>sets/$name</parameter>. This describes the naming pattern
+ to be used for creating the sets. It must contain either
+ <parameter>$name</parameter> or <parameter>${name}</parameter>, which
+ will be replaced by the filename (without any directory components).
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </para>
+ </sect3>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id='config-set-classes-ConfigFileSet'>
+ <title>portage.sets.files.ConfigFileSet</title>
+ <para>
+ Similar to <classname>StaticFileSet</classname>, but uses Portage configuration files.
+ Namely it can work with <filename>package.use</filename>,
+ <filename>package.keywords</filename>, <filename>package.mask</filename>
+ and <filename>package.unmask</filename>. It does not support
+ <filename>.metadata</filename> files, but ignores the extra data (like
+ USE flags or keywords) typically found in those files.
+ </para>
+ <sect3>
+ <title>Single Set Configuration</title>
+ <para>
+ In a single set configuration this class supports the following options:
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem><varname>filename</varname>: See
+ <xref linkend='config-set-classes-StaticFileSet'>StaticFileSet</xref>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </para>
+ </sect3>
+ <sect3>
+ <title>Multi Set Configuration</title>
+ <para>
+ In a multi set configuration this class supprts the following options:
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem><varname>directory</varname>: Optional, defaults to
+ <filename>/etc/portage</filename>. Specifies the path to a directory
+ containing one or more of the following portage configuration files:
+ <filename>package.use</filename>, <filename>package.keywords</filename>,
+ <filename>package.mask</filename> or <filename>package.unmask</filename>.
+ No other files in that directory will be used.
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem><varname>name_pattern</varname>: Optional, defaults to
+ <parameter>sets/package_$suffix</parameter>. This describes the naming
+ pattern to be used for creating the sets. It must contain either
+ <parameter>$suffix</parameter> or <parameter>${suffix}</parameter>,
+ which will be replaced by the file suffix (e.g.
+ <parameter>use</parameter> or <parameter>mask</parameter>).
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </para>
+ </sect3>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id='config-set-classes-WorldSet'>
+ <title>portage.sets.files.WorldSet</title>
+ <para>
+ </para>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id='config-set-classes-PackagesSystemSet'>
+ <title>portage.sets.profiles.PackagesSystemSet</title>
+ <para>
+ </para>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id='config-set-classes-SecuritySet'>
+ <title>portage.sets.security.SecuritySet</title>
+ <para>
+ </para>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id='config-set-classes-NewGlsaSet'>
+ <title>portage.sets.security.NewGlsaSet</title>
+ <para>
+ </para>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id='config-set-classes-NewAffectedSet'>
+ <title>portage.sets.security.NewAffectedSet</title>
+ <para>
+ </para>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id='config-set-classes-AffectedSet'>
+ <title>portage.sets.security.AffectedSet</title>
+ <para>
+ </para>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id='config-set-classes-CommandOutputSet'>
+ <title>portage.sets.shell.CommandOutputSet</title>
+ <para>
+ </para>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id='config-set-classes-CategorySet'>
+ <title>portage.sets.dbapi.CategorySet</title>
+ <para>
+ </para>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 id='config-set-classes-EverythingSet'>
+ <title>portage.sets.dbapi.EverythingSet</title>
+ <para>
+ </para>
+ </sect2>
+ </sect1>