method _start {} {
- global HEAD current_branch
+ global HEAD current_branch remote_url
set name [_rev $this]
if {$name eq {}} {
- set cmd [list git merge $name]
- set msg "Merging $current_branch and $name"
+ set spec [$w_rev get_tracking_branch]
+ set cmit [$w_rev get_commit]
+ set cmd [list git]
+ lappend cmd merge
+ lappend cmd --strategy=recursive
+ set fh [open [gitdir FETCH_HEAD] w]
+ fconfigure $fh -translation lf
+ if {$spec eq {}} {
+ set remote .
+ set branch $name
+ set stitle $branch
+ } else {
+ set remote $remote_url([lindex $spec 1])
+ set branch [lindex $spec 2]
+ set stitle "$branch of $remote"
+ }
+ regsub ^refs/heads/ $branch {} branch
+ puts $fh "$cmit\t\tbranch '$branch' of $remote"
+ close $fh
+ lappend cmd [git fmt-merge-msg <[gitdir FETCH_HEAD]]
+ lappend cmd HEAD
+ lappend cmd $cmit
+ set msg "Merging $current_branch and $stitle"
ui_status "$msg..."
- set cons [console::new "Merge" $cmd]
+ set cons [console::new "Merge" "merge $stitle"]
console::exec $cons $cmd [cb _finish $cons]
wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW {}