% draw a thermometer in TikZ
-% usage: \thermometer{bulb-location}
+% usage: \thermometerx{bulb-location}
\draw[blue!20, line width=4pt, cap=round] #1 -- +(0, 12pt);
\fill[blue!20] #1 circle (5pt);
\draw[red, line width=2pt, cap=butt] #1 -- +(0, 8pt);
\fill[red] #1 circle (4pt);
+ \raisebox{-2pt}{%
+ \resizebox{!}{10pt}{%
+ \begin{tikzpicture}%
+ \thermometerx{(0,2.5pt)};%
+ \end{tikzpicture}%
+ }%
+ }%
% shared figure between pyafm and calibcant
% usage: \tikzstack{unfold-protein-color}{calibcant-color}
\node[shape=rectangle,draw=black, semithick]
(motor) at ($(image.south) + (0, -1)$) {motor};
\coordinate (thermocouple) at ($(image.west) + (1.4, -4pt)$);
- \thermometer{(thermocouple)}
+ \thermometerx{(thermocouple)}
\coordinate (photodiode) at ($(image.west) + (1, 26pt)$);
\coordinate (piezo) at ($(image.south) + (-6pt, 0)$);
\draw[black!20,dashed] ($(daq.south west) + (-10pt, 0)$) -- +(0, 4);
\pypid\ package measures the buffer temperature using a
thermocouple inserted in the fluid cell (\tikzline{purple,<-},
\cref{sec:pyafm:pypid}). I represent the thermocouple with a
- thermometer icon, because I expect it is more recognizable than
+ thermometer icon (\thermometer), because I expect it is more
+ recognizable than a more realistic