+def make_bash_profile(home_dir, nano_dir):
+ """Creates a .bash_profile file for nano setup
+ Adds nano to the path and sets the default editor to nano
+ """
+ nano_path = make_posix_path(nano_dir)
+ contents = '\n'.join(['',
+ '# Add nano to path and set as default editor',
+ '# Added by the Software Carpentry nano installer',
+ 'export PATH=$PATH:%s' % nano_path,
+ 'export EDITOR=nano',
+ ''])
+ with open(os.path.join(home_dir, '.bash_profile'), 'a') as f:
+ f.write(contents)
+def make_posix_path(windows_path):
+ """Convert a Windows path to a posix path"""
+ return windows_path.replace('\\', '/').replace('C:', '/c')
def main():
python_scripts_directory = "C:\\Anaconda\\Scripts\\"
#python_scripts_directory = "./scripts/"