my @path=split(qr{/},$key);
map { $_=encode_ytext($_); s/\./@/g } @path;
- my $mailbox=$maildir . "/.".join(".",@path)."/" ;
+ my $mailbox=$maildir . ".".join(".",@path)."/" ;
--- /dev/null
+use Email::Folder;
+use Convert::YText qw(decode_ytext encode_ytext);
+# we need at least version 2.54 of IkiWiki for the new config api
+BEGIN { require IkiWiki; die unless ($IkiWiki::version >= 2.54) }
+use IkiWiki::Setup;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Carp;
+my $config_file=undef;
+die "configuration file is mandatory" unless ($config_file);
+my %config=IkiWiki::Setup::load($config_file);
+my $queue=$config{queue} || croak("missing queue location");
+my $folder=Email::Folder->new($path,reader=>'Email::Folder::maildir')
+ || croak("mailbox could not be opened");
+for my $messages ($folder->messages){
+ my $to=$message->to;
+ if ($to =~ m/$prefix($Convert::YText::valid_rex)/){
+ my $page=decode_ytext($1);
+ # sanity check the page path
+ # check if comments folder exists, create if needed
+ # write the message to the folder
+ $msg_file= $comment_folder->write($message);
+ # update vcs
+ IkiWIki::rcs_add($msg_file);
+ # tag for deletion
+ push (@must_die, $message->message-id);
+ $folder->delete($message);
+ }
+ # make regex for message-id
+ # called delete_message from Email::Delete