+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright (C) 2011 W. Trevor King <wking@drexel.edu>
-# This file is part of unfold_protein.
-# Unfold_protein is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
-# version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# Unfold_protein is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with unfold_protein. If not, see
-# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-from pyafm.afm import AFM as _AFM
-from pycomedi.channel import AnalogChannel as _AnalogChannel
-from pycomedi.channel import DigitalChannel as _DigitalChannel
-from pycomedi.device import Device as _Device
-from pycomedi.subdevice import StreamingSubdevice as _StreamingSubdevice
-from pypiezo.afm import AFMPiezo as _AFMPiezo
-from stepper import Stepper as _Stepper
-import pycomedi.constant as _pycomedi_constant
-import pypiezo.base as _pypiezo_base
-import pypiezo.config as _pypiezo_config
- from .temperature import Temperature as _Temperature
-except ImportError, _temperature_import_error:
- _Temperature = None
-def get_afm(with_temperature=True, logger=None):
- d = _Device('/dev/comedi0')
- d.open()
- s_in = d.find_subdevice_by_type(
- _pycomedi_constant.SUBDEVICE_TYPE.ai, factory=_StreamingSubdevice)
- s_out = d.find_subdevice_by_type(
- _pycomedi_constant.SUBDEVICE_TYPE.ao, factory=_StreamingSubdevice)
- z_axis_channel = s_out.channel(
- 0, factory=_AnalogChannel,
- aref=_pycomedi_constant.AREF.ground)
- x_axis_channel = s_out.channel(
- 1, factory=_AnalogChannel,
- aref=_pycomedi_constant.AREF.ground)
- input_channel = s_in.channel(
- 0, factory=_AnalogChannel,
- aref=_pycomedi_constant.AREF.diff)
- for chan in [z_axis_channel, x_axis_channel, input_channel]:
- chan.range = chan.find_range(
- unit=_pycomedi_constant.UNIT.volt, min=-10, max=10)
- z_axis_config = _pypiezo_config.AxisConfig()
- z_axis_config.update({'gain':20, 'sensitivity':6.5e-9})
- z_axis_channel_config = _pypiezo_config.ChannelConfig()
- z_axis_config['channel'] = z_axis_channel_config
- z_axis_channel_config['name'] = 'z'
- x_axis_config = _pypiezo_config.AxisConfig()
- x_axis_config.update({'gain':20, 'sensitivity':6.5e-9}) # TODO: GET FROM CALIBRATION
- x_axis_channel_config = _pypiezo_config.ChannelConfig()
- x_axis_config['channel'] = x_axis_channel_config
- x_axis_channel_config['name'] = 'x'
- input_channel_config = _pypiezo_config.ChannelConfig()
- input_channel_config['name'] = 'deflection'
- z = _pypiezo_base.PiezoAxis(
- config=z_axis_config, axis_channel=z_axis_channel)
- z.setup_config()
- x = _pypiezo_base.PiezoAxis(
- config=x_axis_config, axis_channel=x_axis_channel)
- x.setup_config()
- inp = _pypiezo_base.InputChannel(
- config=input_channel_config, channel=input_channel)
- inp.setup_config()
- piezo = _AFMPiezo(axes=[x, z], inputs=[inp])
- s_d = d.find_subdevice_by_type(
- _pycomedi_constant.SUBDEVICE_TYPE.dio)
- d_channels = [s_d.channel(i, factory=_DigitalChannel)
- for i in (0, 1, 2, 3)]
- for chan in d_channels:
- chan.dio_config(
- _pycomedi_constant.IO_DIRECTION.output)
- def write(value):
- s_d.dio_bitfield(bits=value, write_mask=2**4-1)
- stepper = _Stepper(write=write, delay=5e-2)
- if with_temperature:
- if _Temperature is None:
- raise _temperature_import_error
- temperature = _Temperature()
- else:
- temperature = None
- afm = _AFM(piezo, stepper, temperature=temperature)
- return (afm, d)