--- /dev/null
+# Sync this directory tree with sourceforge.
+# Cribbed and modified from Peter Miller's same-named script in
+# /home/groups/a/ae/aegis/aegis at SourceForge.
+# Guide to what this does with rsync:
+# --rsh=ssh use ssh for the transfer
+# -l copy symlinks as symlinks
+# -p preserve permissions
+# -r recursive
+# -t preserve times
+# -z compress data
+# --stats file transfer statistics
+# --exclude exclude files matching the pattern
+# --delete delete files that don't exist locally
+# --delete-excluded delete files that match the --exclude patterns
+# --progress show progress during the transfer
+# -v verbose
+/usr/bin/rsync --rsh=ssh -l -p -r -t -z --stats \
+ --exclude build \
+ --exclude "*,D" \
+ --exclude "*.pyc" \
+ --exclude aegis.log \
+ --delete --delete-excluded \
+ --progress -v \
+ ${LOCAL}/. scons.sourceforge.net:${REMOTE}/.