self._add_parent_atom(pkg, parent_atom)
- # NOTE: We always mask existing_node since
- # _select_package tries to avoid slot conflicts when
- # possible and therefore a conflict typically means
- # that existing_node was a poor choice.
- to_be_masked = existing_node
+ all_parents = set()
+ for node in (existing_node, pkg):
+ parent_atoms = \
+ self._dynamic_config._parent_atoms.get(node, set())
+ if parent_atoms:
+ conflict_atoms = self._dynamic_config._slot_conflict_parent_atoms.intersection(parent_atoms)
+ if conflict_atoms:
+ parent_atoms = conflict_atoms
+ all_parents.update(parent_atoms)
+ # NOTE: Generally, we mask the higher version since
+ # this solves common cases in which a lower version
+ # is needed so that all dependencies will be
+ # satisfied (bug #337178). However, if existing_node
+ # happens to be installed then we mask that since
+ # this is a common case that is triggered when
+ # --update is not enabled.
+ if existing_node.installed:
+ to_be_masked = existing_node
+ to_be_selected = pkg
+ elif pkg > existing_node:
+ to_be_masked = pkg
+ to_be_selected = existing_node
+ else:
+ to_be_masked = existing_node
+ to_be_selected = pkg
+ # For missed update messages, find out which
+ # atoms matched to_be_selected that did not
+ # match to_be_masked.
parent_atoms = \
- self._dynamic_config._parent_atoms.get(pkg, set())
+ self._dynamic_config._parent_atoms.get(to_be_selected, set())
if parent_atoms:
conflict_atoms = self._dynamic_config._slot_conflict_parent_atoms.intersection(parent_atoms)
if conflict_atoms:
parent_atoms = conflict_atoms
- if pkg >= existing_node:
+ if to_be_selected >= to_be_masked:
# We only care about the parent atoms
# when they trigger a downgrade.
parent_atoms = set()
msg.append("backtracking due to slot conflict:")
- msg.append(" package: %s" % to_be_masked)
- msg.append(" slot: %s" % to_be_masked.slot_atom)
+ msg.append(" first package: %s" % existing_node)
+ msg.append(" second package: %s" % pkg)
+ msg.append(" package to mask: %s" % to_be_masked)
+ msg.append(" slot: %s" % pkg.slot_atom)
msg.append(" parents: %s" % \
[(str(parent), atom) \
- for parent, atom in parent_atoms])
+ for parent, atom in all_parents])
writemsg_level("".join("%s\n" % l for l in msg),
noiselevel=-1, level=logging.DEBUG)