--- /dev/null
+@string{IJBMM = "International Journal of Biological Macromolecules"}
+@string{WKing = "King, W.~Trevor"}
+@string{MSu = "Su, Meihong"}
+@string{GYang = "Yang, Guoliang"}
+@article { king10,
+ author = WKing #" and "# MSu #" and "# GYang,
+ title = "{M}onte {C}arlo simulation of mechanical unfolding of proteins
+ based on a simple two-state model",
+ year = 2010,
+ month = mar,
+ day = 1,
+ address = "Department of Physics, Drexel University, 3141
+ Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA.",
+ journal = IJBMM,
+ volume = 46,
+ number = 2,
+ pages = "159--166",
+ issn = "0141-8130",
+ alternative_issn = "1879-0003",
+ doi = "10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2009.12.001",
+ url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6T7J-
+ 4XWMND2-1/2/7ef768562b4157fc201d450553e5de5e",
+ language = "eng",
+ keywords = "Atomic force microscopy;Mechanical unfolding;Monte Carlo
+ simulation;Worm-like chain;Single molecule methods",
+ abstract = "Single molecule methods are becoming routine biophysical
+ techniques for studying biological macromolecules. In mechanical
+ unfolding of proteins, an externally applied force is used to induce
+ the unfolding of individual protein molecules. Such experiments have
+ revealed novel information that has significantly enhanced our
+ understanding of the function and folding mechanisms of several types
+ of proteins. To obtain information on the unfolding kinetics and the
+ free energy landscape of the protein molecule from mechanical unfolding
+ data, a Monte Carlo simulation based on a simple two-state kinetic
+ model is often used. In this paper, we provide a detailed description
+ of the procedure to perform such simulations and discuss the
+ approximations and assumptions involved. We show that the appearance of
+ the force versus extension curves from mechanical unfolding of proteins
+ is affected by a variety of experimental parameters, such as the length
+ of the protein polymer and the force constant of the cantilever. We
+ also analyze the errors associated with different methods of data
+ pooling and present a quantitative measure of how well the simulation
+ results fit experimental data. These findings will be helpful in
+ experimental design, artifact identification, and data analysis for
+ single molecule studies of various proteins using the mechanical
+ unfolding method."
+% Talks
+@unpublished{ 2013-05-thesis,
+ title= {Open source single molecule force spectroscopy},
+ author = WKing,
+ year = 2013,
+ month = may,
+ day = 28,
+ note= {Thesis defense, Drexel University},
+ address = {Drexel University},
+ url = {http://blog.tremily.us/posts/Thesis/talk/},
+@unpublished{ 2013-01-columbia,
+ title= {Collaborative version control with {G}it},
+ author = WKing,
+ year = 2013,
+ month = jan,
+ note= {Software Carpentry boot camp, Columbia University},
+ address = {Columbia University},
+@unpublished{ 2009-10-life-cycles,
+ title= {Software life-cycles and alphabet soup},
+ author = WKing,
+ year = 2009,
+ month = oct,
+ note= {Drexel Physics Graduate Student Association},
+ address = {Drexel University}
+@unpublished{ 2008-06-locks,
+ title= {Manipulating combination locks \& Ray tracing with polarization},
+ author = WKing,
+ year = 2008,
+ month = jun,
+ note= {Drexel Physics Graduate Student Association},
+ address = {Drexel University}
+@unpublished{ 2006-05-quantum-computing,
+ title= {Quantum Computing},
+ author = WKing,
+ year = 2006,
+ note= {Rochester Solid State final},
+ address = {University of Rochester}
+% month = may,
+% Posters
+@unpublished{ 2013-04-swc,
+ title= {Teaching Software Carpentry: Better Science through Science},
+ author = WKing,
+ year = 2013,
+ month = apr,
+ note= {Drexel CoAS Research Day},
+ address = {Philadelphia, Pennsylvania},
+@unpublished{ 2012-04-calibcant,
+ title= {Thermally calibrating {AFM} cantilever spring constants},
+ author = WKing,
+ year = 2012,
+ month = apr,
+ note= {Drexel CoAS Research Day},
+ address = {Philadelphia, Pennsylvania},
+@unpublished{ 2011-04-saswsim,
+ title= {Flexible parallel simulations and packaging},
+ author = WKing,
+ year = 2011,
+ month = apr,
+ note= {Drexel CoAS Research Day},
+ address = {Philadelphia, Pennsylvania},
+@unpublished{ 2010-04-open-source,
+ title= {Open source software in experimental protein unfolding},
+ author = WKing,
+ year = 2010,
+ month = apr,
+ note= {Drexel CoAS Research Day},
+ address = {Philadelphia, Pennsylvania},
+@unpublished{ 2009-03-roughness,
+ title= {Experimental Estimation of the Free Energy Landscape
+ Roughness of Protein Molecules},
+ author = WKing,
+ year = 2009,
+ month = mar,
+ note= {Biophysical Society Annual Meeting},
+ address = {Philadelphia, Pennsylvania},
+@unpublished{ 2008-04-sawsim,
+ title= {Simulated mechanical unfolding of single proteins},
+ author = WKing,
+ year = 2008,
+ month = apr,
+ note= {Drexel CoAS Research Day},
+ address = {Philadelphia, Pennsylvania},
+@unpublished{ 2008-02-stiffness,
+ title= {Effects of Cantilever Stiffness on Unfolding Force in AFM
+ Protein Unfolding},
+ author = WKing,
+ year = 2008,
+ month = feb,
+ note= {Biophysical Society Annual Meeting},
+ address = {Long Beach, California},