Update News Items
Commit mtimeDB
Display preserved libs warnings
- Exit Emerge
@param myaction: The action returned from parse_opts()
@type myaction: String
@type mtimedb: MtimeDB class instance
@param retval: Emerge's return value
@type retval: Int
- @rype: None
- @returns:
- 1. Calls sys.exit(retval)
root_config = trees[target_root]["root_config"]
if not vardbapi._pkgs_changed:
display_news_notification(root_config, myopts)
# If vdb state has not changed then there's nothing else to do.
- sys.exit(retval)
+ return
vdb_path = os.path.join(root_config.settings['EROOT'], portage.VDB_PATH)
myaction is None and "@world" in myfiles:
- sys.exit(retval)
def show_depclean_suggestion():
out = portage.output.EOutput()
msg = "After world updates, it is important to remove " + \