def unitary_power_spectrum(data, freq=1.0):
freq_axis,power = power_spectrum(data, freq)
- # One sided power spectral density, so 2|H(f)|**2 (see NR 2nd edition 12.0.14, p498)
+ # One sided power spectral density, so 2|H(f)|**2
+ # (see NR 2nd edition 12.0.14, p498)
# numpy normalizes with 1/N on the inverse transform ifft,
# so we should normalize the freq-space representation with 1/sqrt(N).
- # But we're using the rfft, where N points are like N/2 complex points, so 1/sqrt(N/2)
+ # But we're using the rfft, where N points are like N/2 complex points,
+ # so 1/sqrt(N/2)
# So the power gets normalized by that twice and we have 2/N
# On top of this, the FFT assumes a sampling freq of 1 per second,
# and we want to preserve area under our curves.
# If our total time T = len(data)/freq is smaller than 1,
- # our df_real = freq/len(data) is bigger that the FFT expects (dt_fft = 1/len(data)),
+ # our df_real = freq/len(data) is bigger that the FFT expects
+ # (dt_fft = 1/len(data)),
# and we need to scale the powers down to conserve area.
# df_fft * F_fft(f) = df_real *F_real(f)
# F_real = F_fft(f) * (1/len)/(freq/len) = F_fft(f)*freq
_test_unitary_power_spectrum_sin(sin_freq=5, samp_freq=512, samples=4098)
_test_unitary_power_spectrum_sin(sin_freq=7, samp_freq=512, samples=1024)
_test_unitary_power_spectrum_sin(sin_freq=5, samp_freq=1024, samples=2048)
- # finally, with some irrational numbers, to check that I'm not getting lucky
+ # with some irrational numbers, to check that I'm not getting lucky
sin_freq=_numpy.pi, samp_freq=100*_numpy.exp(1), samples=1024)
# test with non-integer number of periods
print('Test unitary power spectrums on various delta functions')
_test_unitary_power_spectrum_delta(amp=1, samp_freq=1.0, samples=1024)
_test_unitary_power_spectrum_delta(amp=1, samp_freq=1.0, samples=2048)
- _test_unitary_power_spectrum_delta(amp=1, samp_freq=0.5, samples=2048)# expected = 2*computed
- _test_unitary_power_spectrum_delta(amp=1, samp_freq=2.0, samples=2048)# expected = 0.5*computed
+ # expected = 2*computed
+ _test_unitary_power_spectrum_delta(amp=1, samp_freq=0.5, samples=2048)
+ # expected = 0.5*computed
+ _test_unitary_power_spectrum_delta(amp=1, samp_freq=2.0, samples=2048)
_test_unitary_power_spectrum_delta(amp=3, samp_freq=1.0, samples=1024)
amp=_numpy.pi, samp_freq=_numpy.exp(1), samples=1024)
# generate the predicted curve
# by comparing our _gaussian2() form to _gaussian(),
# we see that the Fourier transform of x(t) has parameters:
- # std' = 1/(2 pi std) (references declaring std' = 1/std are converting to angular frequency, not frequency like we are)
+ # std' = 1/(2 pi std) (references declaring std' = 1/std are
+ # converting to angular frequency,
+ # not frequency like we are)
# area' = area/[std sqrt(2*pi)] (plugging into FT of _gaussian() above)
- # mean' = 0 (changing the mean in the time-domain just changes the phase in the freq-domain)
+ # mean' = 0 (changing the mean in the time-domain just
+ # changes the phase in the freq-domain)
# So our power spectral density per unit time is given by
# P(f) = 2 |X(f)|**2 / T
# Where
freq_axis,power = avg_power_spectrum(
data, freq, chunk_size, overlap, window)
- # 2.0 / (freq * chunk_size) |rfft()|**2 --> unitary_power_spectrum
+ # 2.0 / (freq * chunk_size) |rfft()|**2 --> unitary_power_spectrum
# see unitary_power_spectrum()
power *= 2.0 / (freq*_numpy.float(chunk_size)) * 8/3
- # * 8/3 to remove power from windowing
+ # * 8/3 to remove power from windowing
# <[x(t)*w(t)]**2> = <x(t)**2 * w(t)**2> ~= <x(t)**2> * <w(t)**2>
# where the ~= is because the frequency of x(t) >> the frequency of w(t).
# So our calulated power has and extra <w(t)**2> in it.
- # For the Hann window, <w(t)**2> = <0.5(1 + 2cos + cos**2)> = 1/4 + 0 + 1/8 = 3/8
- # For low frequency components, where the frequency of x(t) is ~= the frequency of w(t),
- # The normalization is not perfect. ??
+ # For the Hann window,
+ # <w(t)**2> = <0.5(1 + 2cos + cos**2)> = 1/4 + 0 + 1/8 = 3/8
+ # For low frequency components,
+ # where the frequency of x(t) is ~= the frequency of w(t),
+ # the normalization is not perfect. ??
# The normalization approaches perfection as chunk_size -> infinity.
return (freq_axis, power)
_test_unitary_avg_power_spectrum_sin(sin_freq=5, samp_freq=1024, samples=2048)
# test long wavelenth sin, so be closer to window frequency
_test_unitary_avg_power_spectrum_sin(sin_freq=1, samp_freq=1024, samples=2048)
- # finally, with some irrational numbers, to check that I'm not getting lucky
+ # finally, with some irrational numbers, to check that I'm not
+ # getting lucky
sin_freq=_numpy.pi, samp_freq=100*_numpy.exp(1), samples=1024)