--- /dev/null
+#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
+ Gentoo-keys - actions.py
+ Primary api interface module
+ @copyright: 2012 by Brian Dolbec <dol-sen@gentoo.org>
+ @license: GNU GPL2, see COPYING for details.
+from gkeys.config import GKEY
+from gkeys.lib import GkeysGPG
+from gkeys.seed import Seeds
+class Actions(object):
+ '''Primary api actions'''
+ def __init__(self, config, output, logger=None):
+ self.config = config
+ self.output = output
+ self.logger = logger
+ self.seeds = None
+ @staticmethod
+ def build_gkeydict(args):
+ keyinfo = {}
+ for x in GKEY._fields:
+ try:
+ value = getattr(args, x)
+ if value:
+ keyinfo[x] = value
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ return keyinfo
+ @staticmethod
+ def build_gkeylist(args):
+ keyinfo = []
+ for x in GKEY._fields:
+ try:
+ keyinfo.append(getattr(args, x))
+ except AttributeError:
+ keyinfo.append(None)
+ return keyinfo
+ def load_seeds(self, filename):
+ if not filename:
+ self.logger.debug("ACTIONS: load_seeds; no filename to load: "
+ "%s" % filename)
+ return None
+ filepath = self.config.get_key(filename + "-seedfile")
+ self.logger.debug("ACTIONS: load_seeds; seeds filepath to load: "
+ "%s" % filepath)
+ seeds = Seeds()
+ seeds.load(filepath)
+ return seeds
+ def listseed(self, args):
+ '''Action listseed method'''
+ kwargs = self.build_gkeydict(args)
+ self.logger.debug("ACTIONS: listseed; kwargs: %s" % str(kwargs))
+ if not self.seeds:
+ self.seeds = self.load_seeds(args.seeds)
+ if self.seeds:
+ results = self.seeds.list(**kwargs)
+ return results
+ return None
+ def addseed(self, args):
+ '''Action addseed method'''
+ parts = self.build_gkeylist(args)
+ gkey = GKEY._make(parts)
+ self.logger.debug("ACTIONS: addseed; new gkey: %s" % str(gkey))
+ gkeys = self.listseed(args)
+ if len(gkeys) == 0:
+ self.logger.debug("ACTIONS: addkey; now adding gkey: %s" % str(gkey))
+ success = self.seeds.add(gkey)
+ if success:
+ success = self.seeds.save()
+ return ["Successfully Added new seed: %s" % str(success), gkey]
+ else:
+ messages = ["Matching seeds found in seeds file",
+ "Aborting... \nMatching seeds:"]
+ messages.extend(gkeys)
+ return messages
+ def removeseed(self, args):
+ '''Action removeseed method'''
+ parts = self.build_gkeylist(args)
+ searchkey = GKEY._make(parts)
+ self.logger.debug("ACTIONS: removeseed; gkey: %s" % str(searchkey))
+ gkeys = self.listseed(args)
+ if len(gkeys) == 1:
+ self.logger.debug("ACTIONS: removeseed; now deleting gkey: %s" % str(gkeys[0]))
+ success = self.seeds.delete(gkeys[0])
+ if success:
+ success = self.seeds.save()
+ return ["Successfully Removed seed: %s" % str(success),
+ gkeys[0]]
+ elif len(gkeys):
+ messages = ["Too many seeds found to remove"]
+ messages.extend(gkeys)
+ return messages
+ return ["Failed to Remove seed:", searchkey,
+ "No matching seed found"]
+ def moveseed(self, args):
+ '''Action moveseed method'''
+ parts = self.build_gkeylist(args)
+ searchkey = GKEY._make(parts)
+ self.logger.debug("ACTIONS: moveseed; gkey: %s" % str(searchkey))
+ if not self.seeds:
+ self.seeds = self.load_seeds(args.seeds)
+ kwargs = self.build_gkeydict(args)
+ sourcekeys = self.seeds.list(**kwargs)
+ dest = self.load_seeds(args.destination)
+ destkeys = dest.list(**kwargs)
+ messages = []
+ if len(sourcekeys) == 1 and destkeys == []:
+ self.logger.debug("ACTIONS: moveseed; now adding destination gkey: %s"
+ % str(sourcekeys[0]))
+ success = dest.add(sourcekeys[0])
+ self.logger.debug("ACTIONS: moveseed; success: %s" %str(success))
+ self.logger.debug("ACTIONS: moveseed; now deleting sourcekey: %s" % str(sourcekeys[0]))
+ success = self.seeds.delete(sourcekeys[0])
+ if success:
+ success = dest.save()
+ self.logger.debug("ACTIONS: moveseed; destination saved... %s" %str(success))
+ success = self.seeds.save()
+ messages.extend(["Successfully Moved %s seed: %s"
+ % (args.seeds, str(success)), sourcekeys[0]])
+ return messages
+ elif len(sourcekeys):
+ messages = ["Too many seeds found to move"]
+ messages.extend(sourcekeys)
+ return messages
+ messages.append("Failed to Move seed:")
+ messages.append(searchkey)
+ messages.append('\n')
+ messages.append("Source seeds found...")
+ messages.extend(sourcekeys or ["None\n"])
+ messages.append("Destination seeds found...")
+ messages.extend(destkeys or ["None\n"])
+ return messages
+ def listkey(self, args):
+ '''Action listskey method'''
+ self.seeds = self.load_seeds(args.seeds)
+ if self.seeds:
+ kwargs = self.build_gkeydict(args)
+ # get the desired seed
+ keyresults = self.seeds.list(**kwargs)
+ if keyresults and not args.nick == '*':
+ self.output(keyresults, "\n Found GKEY seeds:")
+ elif keyresults:
+ self.output(['all'], "\n Installed seeds:")
+ else:
+ self.logger.info("ACTIONS: listkey; "
+ "Matching seed entry not found")
+ if args.nick:
+ return {"Search failed for: %s" % args.nick: False}
+ elif args.name:
+ return {"Search failed for: %s" % args.name: False}
+ else:
+ return {"Search failed for search term": False}
+ # get confirmation
+ # fill in code here
+ keydir = self.config.get_key(args.seeds + "-keydir")
+ self.logger.debug("ACTIONS: addkey; keysdir = %s" % keydir)
+ self.gpg = GkeysGPG(self.config, keydir)
+ results = {}
+ #failed = []
+ for key in keyresults:
+ if not key.keyring and not args.nick == '*':
+ self.logger.debug("ACTIONS: listkey; NO keyring... Ignoring")
+ return {"Failed: No keyid's found for %s" % key.name : ''}
+ self.logger.debug("ACTIONS: listkey; listing keyring:")
+ self.logger.debug("ACTIONS: " + str(key.keyring))
+ results[key.name] = self.gpg.list_keys(key.keyring)
+ for result in results[key.name]:
+ self.logger.debug("ACTIONS: listkey; result.failed = " +
+ str(result.failed))
+ if self.config.options['print_results']:
+ for result in results[key.name]:
+ print("key desired:", key.name, ", keyring listed:",
+ result.username, ", keyid:", result.keyid,
+ ", fingerprint:", result.fingerprint)
+ self.logger.debug("stderr_out: " + str(result.stderr_out))
+ return {"No keyrings to list": False}
+ def addkey(self, args):
+ '''Action addkey method'''
+ kwargs = self.build_gkeydict(args)
+ self.logger.debug("ACTIONS: listseed; kwargs: %s" % str(kwargs))
+ self.seeds = self.load_seeds(args.seeds)
+ if self.seeds:
+ # get the desired seed
+ keyresults = self.seeds.list(**kwargs)
+ if keyresults and not args.nick == '*':
+ self.output(keyresults, "\n Found GKEY seeds:")
+ elif keyresults:
+ self.output(['all'], "\n Installing seeds:")
+ else:
+ self.logger.info("ACTIONS: addkey; "
+ "Matching seed entry not found")
+ if args.nick:
+ return {"Search failed for: %s" % args.nick: False}
+ elif args.name:
+ return {"Search failed for: %s" % args.name: False}
+ else:
+ return {"Search failed for search term": False}
+ # get confirmation
+ # fill in code here
+ keydir = self.config.get_key(args.seeds + "-keydir")
+ self.logger.debug("ACTIONS: addkey; keysdir = %s" % keydir)
+ self.gpg = GkeysGPG(self.config, keydir)
+ results = {}
+ failed = []
+ for key in keyresults:
+ if not key.keyid and not key.longkeyid and not args.nick == '*':
+ self.logger.debug("ACTIONS: addkey; NO key id's to add... Ignoring")
+ return {"Failed: No keyid's found for %s" % key.name : ''}
+ elif not key.keyid and not key.longkeyid:
+ print("No keyid's found for:", key.nick, key.name, "Skipping...")
+ failed.append(key)
+ continue
+ self.logger.debug("ACTIONS: addkey; adding key:")
+ self.logger.debug("ACTIONS: " + str(key))
+ results[key.name] = self.gpg.add_key(key)
+ for result in results[key.name]:
+ self.logger.debug("ACTIONS: addkey; result.failed = " +
+ str(result.failed))
+ if self.config.options['print_results']:
+ for result in results[key.name]:
+ print("key desired:", key.name, ", key added:",
+ result.username, ", succeeded:",
+ not result.failed, ", keyid:", result.keyid,
+ ", fingerprint:", result.fingerprint)
+ self.logger.debug("stderr_out: " + str(result.stderr_out))
+ if result.failed:
+ failed.append(key)
+ if failed:
+ self.output(failed, "\n Failed to install:")
+ return {'Completed'}
+ return {"No seeds to search or install": False}
+ def removekey(self, args):
+ '''Action removekey method'''
+ pass
+ def movekey(self, args):
+ '''Action movekey method'''
+ pass
+ def user_confirm(self, message):
+ '''Get input from the user to confirm to proceed
+ with the desired action
+ @param message: string, user promt message to display
+ @return boolean: confirmation to proceed or abort
+ '''
+ pass
from gkeys import seed
from gkeys import lib
-from gkeys.config import GKeysConfig, GKEY
-from gkeys.seed import Seeds
-from gkeys.lib import GkeysGPG
+from gkeys.config import GKeysConfig
+from gkeys.actions import Actions
self.root = root or "/"
self.config = config or GKeysConfig(root=root)
- self.print_results = print_results
+ self.config.options['print_results'] = print_results
self.args = None
self.seeds = None
+ self.actions = None
def __call__(self, args=None):
logger.debug("Main: run; Found alternate config request: %s"
% args.config)
+ # establish our actions instance
+ self.actions = Actions(self.config, self.output_results, logger)
# run the action
- func = getattr(self, '_action_%s' % args.action)
+ func = getattr(self.actions, '%s' % args.action)
logger.debug('Main: run; Found action: %s' % args.action)
results = func(args)
if not results:
print("No results found. Check your configuration and that the",
"seed file exists.")
- if self.print_results and 'done' not in list(results):
+ if self.config.options['print_results'] and 'done' not in list(results):
self.output_results(results, '\n Gkey task results:')
print("\n".join([str(x) for x in results]))
- @staticmethod
- def build_gkeydict(args):
- keyinfo = {}
- for x in GKEY._fields:
- try:
- value = getattr(args, x)
- if value:
- keyinfo[x] = value
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- return keyinfo
- @staticmethod
- def build_gkeylist(args):
- keyinfo = []
- for x in GKEY._fields:
- try:
- keyinfo.append(getattr(args, x))
- except AttributeError:
- keyinfo.append(None)
- return keyinfo
- def _load_seeds(self, filename):
- if not filename:
- return None
- filepath = self.config.get_key(filename + "-seedfile")
- logger.debug("MAIN: _load_seeds; seeds filepath to load: "
- "%s" % filepath)
- seeds = Seeds()
- seeds.load(filepath)
- return seeds
- def _action_listseed(self, args):
- '''Action listseed method'''
- kwargs = self.build_gkeydict(args)
- logger.debug("MAIN: _action_listseed; kwargs: %s" % str(kwargs))
- if not self.seeds:
- self.seeds = self._load_seeds(args.seeds)
- if self.seeds:
- results = self.seeds.list(**kwargs)
- return results
- return None
- def _action_addseed(self, args):
- '''Action addseed method'''
- parts = self.build_gkeylist(args)
- gkey = GKEY._make(parts)
- logger.debug("MAIN: _action_addseed; new gkey: %s" % str(gkey))
- gkeys = self._action_listseed(args)
- if len(gkeys) == 0:
- logger.debug("MAIN: _action_addkey; now adding gkey: %s" % str(gkey))
- success = self.seeds.add(gkey)
- if success:
- success = self.seeds.save()
- return ["Successfully Added new seed: %s" % str(success), gkey]
- else:
- messages = ["Matching seeds found in seeds file",
- "Aborting... \nMatching seeds:"]
- messages.extend(gkeys)
- return messages
- def _action_removeseed(self, args):
- '''Action removeseed method'''
- parts = self.build_gkeylist(args)
- searchkey = GKEY._make(parts)
- logger.debug("MAIN: _action_removeseed; gkey: %s" % str(searchkey))
- gkeys = self._action_listseed(args)
- if len(gkeys) == 1:
- logger.debug("MAIN: _action_removeseed; now deleting gkey: %s" % str(gkeys[0]))
- success = self.seeds.delete(gkeys[0])
- if success:
- success = self.seeds.save()
- return ["Successfully Removed seed: %s" % str(success),
- gkeys[0]]
- elif len(gkeys):
- messages = ["Too many seeds found to remove"]
- messages.extend(gkeys)
- return messages
- return ["Failed to Remove seed:", searchkey,
- "No matching seed found"]
- def _action_moveseed(self, args):
- '''Action moveseed method'''
- parts = self.build_gkeylist(args)
- searchkey = GKEY._make(parts)
- logger.debug("MAIN: _action_moveseed; gkey: %s" % str(searchkey))
- if not self.seeds:
- self.seeds = self._load_seeds(args.seeds)
- kwargs = self.build_gkeydict(args)
- sourcekeys = self.seeds.list(**kwargs)
- dest = self._load_seeds(args.destination)
- destkeys = dest.list(**kwargs)
- messages = []
- if len(sourcekeys) == 1 and destkeys == []:
- logger.debug("MAIN: _action_moveseed; now adding destination gkey: %s"
- % str(sourcekeys[0]))
- success = dest.add(sourcekeys[0])
- logger.debug("MAIN: _action_moveseed; success: %s" %str(success))
- logger.debug("MAIN: _action_moveseed; now deleting sourcekey: %s" % str(sourcekeys[0]))
- success = self.seeds.delete(sourcekeys[0])
- if success:
- success = dest.save()
- logger.debug("MAIN: _action_moveseed; destination saved... %s" %str(success))
- success = self.seeds.save()
- messages.extend(["Successfully Moved %s seed: %s"
- % (args.seeds, str(success)), sourcekeys[0]])
- return messages
- elif len(sourcekeys):
- messages = ["Too many seeds found to move"]
- messages.extend(sourcekeys)
- return messages
- messages.append("Failed to Move seed:")
- messages.append(searchkey)
- messages.append('\n')
- messages.append("Source seeds found...")
- messages.extend(sourcekeys or ["None\n"])
- messages.append("Destination seeds found...")
- messages.extend(destkeys or ["None\n"])
- return messages
- def _action_listkey(self, args):
- '''Action listskey method'''
- pass
- def _action_addkey(self, args):
- '''Action addkey method'''
- kwargs = self.build_gkeydict(args)
- logger.debug("MAIN: _action_listseed; kwargs: %s" % str(kwargs))
- self.seeds = self._load_seeds(args.seeds)
- if self.seeds:
- # get the desired seed
- keyresults = self.seeds.list(**kwargs)
- if keyresults and not args.nick == '*':
- self.output_results(keyresults, "\n Found GKEY seeds:")
- elif keyresults:
- self.output_results(['all'], "\n Installing seeds:")
- else:
- logger.info("MAIN: _action_addkey; "
- "Matching seed entry not found")
- if args.nick:
- return {"Search failed for: %s" % args.nick: False}
- elif args.name:
- return {"Search failed for: %s" % args.name: False}
- else:
- return {"Search failed for search term": False}
- # get confirmation
- # fill in code here
- keydir = self.config.get_key(args.seeds + "-keydir")
- logger.debug("MAIN: _action_addkey; keysdir = %s" % keydir)
- self.gpg = GkeysGPG(self.config, keydir)
- results = {}
- failed = []
- for key in keyresults:
- if not key.keyid and not key.longkeyid and not args.nick == '*':
- logger.debug("MAIN: _action_addkey; NO key id's to add... Ignoring")
- return {"Failed: No keyid's found for %s" % key.name : ''}
- elif not key.keyid and not key.longkeyid:
- print("No keyid's found for:", key.nick, key.name, "Skipping...")
- failed.append(key)
- continue
- logger.debug("MAIN: _action_addkey; adding key:")
- logger.debug("MAIN: " + str(key))
- results[key.name] = self.gpg.add_key(key)
- for result in results[key.name]:
- logger.debug("MAIN: _action_addkey; result.failed = " +
- str(result.failed))
- if self.print_results:
- for result in results[key.name]:
- print("key desired:", key.name, ", key added:",
- result.username, ", succeeded:",
- not result.failed, ", keyid:", result.keyid,
- ", fingerprint:", result.fingerprint)
- logger.debug("stderr_out: " + str(result.stderr_out))
- if result.failed:
- failed.append(key)
- if failed:
- self.output_results(failed, "\n Failed to install:")
- return {'Completed'}
- return {"No seeds to search or install": False}
- def _action_removekey(self, args):
- '''Action removekey method'''
- pass
- def _action_movekey(self, args):
- '''Action movekey method'''
- pass
- def user_confirm(self, message):
- '''Get input from the user to confirm to proceed
- with the desired action
- @param message: string, user promt message to display
- @return boolean: confirmation to proceed or abort
- '''
- pass
def output_failed(self, failed):