--- /dev/null
+;;; jinja.el --- Jinja mode highlighting
+;; Author: Georg Brandl
+;; Last modified: 2008-05-22 23:04 by gbr
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Mostly ripped off django-mode by Lennart Borgman.
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
+;; Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+;;; Code:
+(defconst jinja-font-lock-keywords
+ (list
+; (cons (rx "{% comment %}" (submatch (0+ anything))
+; "{% endcomment %}") (list 1 font-lock-comment-face))
+ '("{# ?\\(.*?\\) ?#}" . (1 font-lock-comment-face))
+ '("{%-?\\|-?%}\\|{{\\|}}" . font-lock-preprocessor-face)
+ '("{#\\|#}" . font-lock-comment-delimiter-face)
+ ;; first word in a block is a command
+ '("{%-?[ \t\n]*\\([a-zA-Z_]+\\)" . (1 font-lock-keyword-face))
+ ;; variables
+ '("\\({{ ?\\)\\([^|]*?\\)\\(|.*?\\)? ?}}" . (1 font-lock-variable-name-face))
+ ;; keywords and builtins
+ (cons (rx word-start
+ (or "in" "as" "reversed" "recursive" "not" "and" "or"
+ "if" "else" "import" "with" "without" "context")
+ word-end)
+ font-lock-keyword-face)
+ (cons (rx word-start
+ (or "true" "false" "null" "loop" "block" "super" "forloop")
+ word-end)
+ font-lock-builtin-face)
+ ;; tests
+ '("\\(is\\)[ \t]*\\(not\\)[ \t]*\\([a-zA-Z_]+\\)"
+ (1 font-lock-keyword-face) (2 font-lock-keyword-face)
+ (3 font-lock-function-name-face))
+ ;; builtin filters
+ (cons (rx
+ "|" (* space)
+ (submatch
+ (or "abs" "batch" "capitalize" "capture" "center" "count" "default"
+ "dformat" "dictsort" "e" "escape" "filesizeformat" "first"
+ "float" "format" "getattribute" "getitem" "groupby" "indent"
+ "int" "join" "jsonencode" "last" "length" "lower" "markdown"
+ "pprint" "random" "replace" "reverse" "round" "rst" "slice"
+ "sort" "string" "striptags" "sum" "textile" "title" "trim"
+ "truncate" "upper" "urlencode" "urlize" "wordcount" "wordwrap"
+ "xmlattr")))
+ (list 1 font-lock-builtin-face))
+ )
+ "Minimal highlighting expressions for Jinja mode")
+(define-derived-mode jinja-mode nil "Jinja"
+ "Simple Jinja mode for use with `mumamo-mode'.
+This mode only provides syntax highlighting."
+ ;;(set (make-local-variable 'comment-start) "{#")
+ ;;(set (make-local-variable 'comment-end) "#}")
+ (setq font-lock-defaults '(jinja-font-lock-keywords)))
+;; mumamo stuff
+(when (require 'mumamo nil t)
+ (defun mumamo-chunk-jinja3(pos min max)
+ "Find {# ... #}. Return range and `jinja-mode'.
+See `mumamo-find-possible-chunk' for POS, MIN and MAX."
+ (mumamo-find-possible-chunk pos min max
+ 'mumamo-search-bw-exc-start-jinja3
+ 'mumamo-search-bw-exc-end-jinja3
+ 'mumamo-search-fw-exc-start-jinja3
+ 'mumamo-search-fw-exc-end-jinja3))
+ (defun mumamo-chunk-jinja2(pos min max)
+ "Find {{ ... }}. Return range and `jinja-mode'.
+See `mumamo-find-possible-chunk' for POS, MIN and MAX."
+ (mumamo-find-possible-chunk pos min max
+ 'mumamo-search-bw-exc-start-jinja2
+ 'mumamo-search-bw-exc-end-jinja2
+ 'mumamo-search-fw-exc-start-jinja2
+ 'mumamo-search-fw-exc-end-jinja2))
+ (defun mumamo-chunk-jinja (pos min max)
+ "Find {% ... %}. Return range and `jinja-mode'.
+See `mumamo-find-possible-chunk' for POS, MIN and MAX."
+ (mumamo-find-possible-chunk pos min max
+ 'mumamo-search-bw-exc-start-jinja
+ 'mumamo-search-bw-exc-end-jinja
+ 'mumamo-search-fw-exc-start-jinja
+ 'mumamo-search-fw-exc-end-jinja))
+ (defun mumamo-search-bw-exc-start-jinja (pos min)
+ "Helper for `mumamo-chunk-jinja'.
+POS is where to start search and MIN is where to stop."
+ (let ((exc-start (mumamo-chunk-start-bw-str-inc pos min "{%")))
+ (and exc-start
+ (<= exc-start pos)
+ (cons exc-start 'jinja-mode))))
+ (defun mumamo-search-bw-exc-start-jinja2(pos min)
+ "Helper for `mumamo-chunk-jinja2'.
+POS is where to start search and MIN is where to stop."
+ (let ((exc-start (mumamo-chunk-start-bw-str-inc pos min "{{")))
+ (and exc-start
+ (<= exc-start pos)
+ (cons exc-start 'jinja-mode))))
+ (defun mumamo-search-bw-exc-start-jinja3(pos min)
+ "Helper for `mumamo-chunk-jinja3'.
+POS is where to start search and MIN is where to stop."
+ (let ((exc-start (mumamo-chunk-start-bw-str-inc pos min "{#")))
+ (and exc-start
+ (<= exc-start pos)
+ (cons exc-start 'jinja-mode))))
+ (defun mumamo-search-bw-exc-end-jinja (pos min)
+ "Helper for `mumamo-chunk-jinja'.
+POS is where to start search and MIN is where to stop."
+ (mumamo-chunk-end-bw-str-inc pos min "%}"))
+ (defun mumamo-search-bw-exc-end-jinja2(pos min)
+ "Helper for `mumamo-chunk-jinja2'.
+POS is where to start search and MIN is where to stop."
+ (mumamo-chunk-end-bw-str-inc pos min "}}"))
+ (defun mumamo-search-bw-exc-end-jinja3(pos min)
+ "Helper for `mumamo-chunk-jinja3'.
+POS is where to start search and MIN is where to stop."
+ (mumamo-chunk-end-bw-str-inc pos min "#}"))
+ (defun mumamo-search-fw-exc-start-jinja (pos max)
+ "Helper for `mumamo-chunk-jinja'.
+POS is where to start search and MAX is where to stop."
+ (mumamo-chunk-start-fw-str-inc pos max "{%"))
+ (defun mumamo-search-fw-exc-start-jinja2(pos max)
+ "Helper for `mumamo-chunk-jinja2'.
+POS is where to start search and MAX is where to stop."
+ (mumamo-chunk-start-fw-str-inc pos max "{{"))
+ (defun mumamo-search-fw-exc-start-jinja3(pos max)
+ "Helper for `mumamo-chunk-jinja3'.
+POS is where to start search and MAX is where to stop."
+ (mumamo-chunk-start-fw-str-inc pos max "{#"))
+ (defun mumamo-search-fw-exc-end-jinja (pos max)
+ "Helper for `mumamo-chunk-jinja'.
+POS is where to start search and MAX is where to stop."
+ (mumamo-chunk-end-fw-str-inc pos max "%}"))
+ (defun mumamo-search-fw-exc-end-jinja2(pos max)
+ "Helper for `mumamo-chunk-jinja2'.
+POS is where to start search and MAX is where to stop."
+ (mumamo-chunk-end-fw-str-inc pos max "}}"))
+ (defun mumamo-search-fw-exc-end-jinja3(pos max)
+ "Helper for `mumamo-chunk-jinja3'.
+POS is where to start search and MAX is where to stop."
+ (mumamo-chunk-end-fw-str-inc pos max "#}"))
+ (define-mumamo-multi-major-mode jinja-html-mumamo
+ "Turn on multiple major modes for Jinja with main mode `html-mode'.
+This also covers inlined style and javascript."
+ ("Jinja HTML Family" html-mode
+ (mumamo-chunk-jinja
+ mumamo-chunk-jinja2
+ mumamo-chunk-jinja3
+ mumamo-chunk-inlined-style
+ mumamo-chunk-inlined-script
+ mumamo-chunk-style=
+ mumamo-chunk-onjs=
+ )))
+ (define-mumamo-multi-major-mode jinja-nxhtml-mumamo
+ "Turn on multiple major modes for Jinja with main mode `nxhtml-mode'.
+This also covers inlined style and javascript."
+ ("Jinja nXhtml Family" nxhtml-mode
+ (mumamo-chunk-jinja
+ mumamo-chunk-jinja2
+ mumamo-chunk-jinja3
+ mumamo-chunk-inlined-style
+ mumamo-chunk-inlined-script
+ mumamo-chunk-style=
+ mumamo-chunk-onjs=
+ )))
+ )
+(provide 'jinja)
+;;; jinja.el ends here