| `~` | refers to your home directory. _Note:_ this command does NOT work on Windows machines (Mac and Linux are okay) |
| `cd ./dirname` | changes the current directory to the directory `dirname` |
| `ls -F` | tells you what files and directories are in the current directory |
+| `pwd` | tells you what directory you are in (`pwd` stands for *p*rint *w*orking *d*irectory) |
+| `history` | lists previous commands you have entered. `history | less` lets you page through the list. |
+| `man` *cmd* | displays the *man*ual page for a command. |
| `-lt` | less than |
| `-le` | less than or equal to |
+Use `man bash` or `man test` to learn about other operators you can use.
+++ /dev/null
-# Is Software Carpentry Right for you?
-## Shell Outline
-The Software Carpentry lessons on the shell will cover:
-* How to create, delete and move files and directories using the command line
-* How to use pipes and filters to redirect the input/output of commands to get commands to work together
-* How to assign values to shell variables and reference them in your own code
-* How to create loops to simplify repetitive tasks
-* How to put all of the above into a script/function save and run later