MD5 f816ff62dcd7cadf0fae9384ab9618e5 files/dummy-templates.php 269
RMD160 7f1362f12b8c73ac8a371e5b00b7d31e7bc36438 files/dummy-templates.php 269
SHA256 3f7a088aa968469652690f47a2d598bd35e8f87e741f322fcb2d5063c8c88e48 files/dummy-templates.php 269
-DIST wordpress-2.0.7.tar.gz 519033 RMD160 33eef00c3bd7ccc486402ae1678acbf9531a8b26 SHA1 0543362177ad39d89954fbedfe8a9b88d1b43cec SHA256 ae5521a3597f76e01c084a28bdbb70cd8fc7c7a40e91983f70887bff58aead0a
DIST wordpress-2.0.9.tar.gz 519769 RMD160 ce25f97b74554318c2670737cbbac648946e1b55 SHA1 9e112fafd8c66d1a9cc7899729566406c15818cd SHA256 72c10b57cd2c1879e06a87a08b89ba0eded2f201d1d0df47e8c6355a8a98c33c
DIST wordpress-2.1.1.tar.gz 694873 RMD160 777ac6fbd4f7d90f64abf8b3cad813b634c21781 SHA1 c0742f0435a5e33ab6206cb899016867431e860d SHA256 b0198008a217aad9cf568668ad984f526d416f7120ec0a8067dfb5e611c6f0aa
-EBUILD wordpress-2.0.7.ebuild 2960 RMD160 8ea417e8aa14f3d4e77c1478b4a3a5a999c0df81 SHA1 0a3003af9677f1a54c1f220fcb9b59909d0d64c3 SHA256 72d4b48e09454a8ddf4775691d2e7fd0f99b93f8940680c4116aee0e4f11bd22
-MD5 dcf865a09729befbe14e7a76ac629533 wordpress-2.0.7.ebuild 2960
-RMD160 8ea417e8aa14f3d4e77c1478b4a3a5a999c0df81 wordpress-2.0.7.ebuild 2960
-SHA256 72d4b48e09454a8ddf4775691d2e7fd0f99b93f8940680c4116aee0e4f11bd22 wordpress-2.0.7.ebuild 2960
EBUILD wordpress-2.0.9.ebuild 2786 RMD160 7574a99346f170352a1e22ab111ea5ec17249fa6 SHA1 324e8d0525c4404cf8f78cfbdc187d485648b46f SHA256 c61f83e81370480176a3f9c96a1670335a81489191b79e3cfe2154847ad704bc
MD5 332f396ec32c78d940b0f3d01f7d5555 wordpress-2.0.9.ebuild 2786
RMD160 7574a99346f170352a1e22ab111ea5ec17249fa6 wordpress-2.0.9.ebuild 2786
MD5 d2dae098f39db5649196fc948cb7e8fd metadata.xml 250
RMD160 a949fd7db409016df176aa9ad2c3a70e8a30fb74 metadata.xml 250
SHA256 c13737189b14763e281f6f246666eaaa576c6b9c0ff85938f052d75bad6ba4a6 metadata.xml 250
-MD5 9328e0d70896e4067686c235e0aae435 files/digest-wordpress-2.0.7 247
-RMD160 68edd3e83697e60fc095f19698e4205573dab54a files/digest-wordpress-2.0.7 247
-SHA256 42918fa491225384b442d943bdd1c4e7a28fc3bc3409ece39fac6bf9c38e7570 files/digest-wordpress-2.0.7 247
MD5 5742794002c8282056e6161ed0f24974 files/digest-wordpress-2.0.9 247
RMD160 017b3f8d54c366390479bb8ebeb3ad77cf976afe files/digest-wordpress-2.0.9 247
SHA256 52be27e6fbb61dbcd541f3e64fbd302e30a727c921699dfdcefc73c2496292aa files/digest-wordpress-2.0.9 247
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apps/wordpress/wordpress-2.0.7.ebuild,v 1.1 2007/01/17 03:53:28 beandog Exp $
-inherit webapp eutils
-#Wordpress releases have a release name tagged on the end of the version on the tar.gz files
-DESCRIPTION="Wordpress php and mysql based CMS system."
-#Latest version is only available in the format!
-#Download is renamed by HTTP Header as wordpress-<version number>.tar.gz
-KEYWORDS="amd64 hppa ppc sparc x86"
- virtual/mysql"
-src_install() {
- local docs="license.txt readme.html"
- webapp_src_preinst
- einfo "Installing main files"
- cp wp-config-sample.php wp-config.php
- cp -r * ${D}${MY_HTDOCSDIR}
- einfo "Done"
- ewarn
- ewarn Please make sure you have register_globals = off set in your /etc/apache2/php.ini file
- ewarn If this is not an option for your web server and you NEED it set to on, then insert the following in your WordPress .htaccess file:
- ewarn php_flag register_globals off
- ewarn
- ewarn
- ewarn You will need to create a table for your WordPress database. This
- ewarn assumes you have some knowledge of MySQL, and already have it
- ewarn installed and configured. If not, please refer to
- ewarn the Gentoo MySQL guide at the following URL:
- ewarn
- ewarn Log in to MySQL, and create a new database called
- ewarn "wordpress". From this point, you will need to edit
- ewarn your wp-config.php file in $DocumentRoot/wordpress/
- ewarn and point to your database. Once this is done, you can log in to
- ewarn WordPress at http://localhost/wordpress
- ewarn
- ewarn
- ewarn If you are upgrading from a previous version BACK UP your
- ewarn database. Once you are done with that, browse to
- ewarn http://localhost/wordpress/wp-admin/upgrade.php and follow
- ewarn the instructions on the screen.
- ewarn
- # handle documentation files
- #
- # NOTE that doc files go into /usr/share/doc as normal; they do NOT
- # get installed per vhost!
- dodoc ${docs}
- for doc in ${docs} INSTALL; do
- rm -f ${doc}
- done
- # Identify the configuration files that this app uses
- # User can want to make changes to these!
- webapp_serverowned ${MY_HTDOCSDIR}/index.php
- #webapp_serverowned ${MY_HTDOCSDIR}/wp-layout.css
- webapp_serverowned ${MY_HTDOCSDIR}/wp-admin/menu.php
- webapp_serverowned ${MY_HTDOCSDIR}
- webapp_configfile ${MY_HTDOCSDIR}/wp-config.php
- # Identify any script files that need #! headers adding to run under
- # a CGI script (such as PHP/CGI)
- #
- # for wordpress, we *assume* that all .php files need to have CGI/BIN
- # support added
- # post-install instructions
- #webapp_postinst_txt en ${FILESDIR}/1.2/postinstall-en.txt
- # now strut stuff
- webapp_src_install