This variable contains the command used for fetching package sources from
the internet. It must contain the full path to the executable as well as the
-place\-holders \\${DISTDIR} and \\${URI}.
+place\-holders \\${DISTDIR}, \\${FILE} and \\${URI}. The command should be
+written to place the fetched file at \\${DISTDIR}/\\${FILE}.
Insert your space\-seperated list of local mirrors here. These
This variable contains the command used for resuming package sources that
have been partially downloaded. It should be defined using the same format
+as \fBFETCHCOMMAND\fR, and must include any additional option(s) that may
+be necessary in order to continue a partially downloaded file located at
\fBROOT\fR = \fI[path]\fR
Use \fBROOT\fR to specify the target root filesystem to be used for merging