import sys
from _emerge.AtomArg import AtomArg
-from _emerge.DependencyArg import DependencyArg
-from _emerge.Package import Package
from _emerge.PackageArg import PackageArg
-from _emerge.SetArg import SetArg
from portage.output import colorize
from portage.sets.base import InternalPackageSet
from portage.util import writemsg
+from portage.versions import cpv_getversion, vercmp
class slot_conflict_handler(object):
"""This class keeps track of all slot conflicts and provides
msg.append(" for %s" % (root,))
- for node in pkgs:
+ for pkg in pkgs:
- msg.append(str(node))
- parent_atoms = self.all_parents.get(node)
+ msg.append(str(pkg))
+ parent_atoms = self.all_parents.get(pkg)
if parent_atoms:
- pruned_list = set()
- for pkg, atom in parent_atoms:
- num_matched_slot_atoms = 0
+ #Create a list of collision reasons and map them to sets
+ #of atoms.
+ #Possible reasons:
+ # ("version", "ge") for operator >=, >
+ # ("version", "eq") for operator =, ~
+ # ("version", "le") for operator <=, <
+ # ("use", "<some use flag>") for unmet use conditionals
+ collision_reasons = {}
+ num_all_specific_atoms = 0
+ for ppkg, atom in parent_atoms:
atom_set = InternalPackageSet(initial_atoms=(atom,))
- for other_node in pkgs:
- if other_node == node:
+ atom_without_use_set = InternalPackageSet(initial_atoms=(atom.without_use,))
+ for other_pkg in pkgs:
+ if other_pkg == pkg:
- if atom_set.findAtomForPackage(other_node):
- num_matched_slot_atoms += 1
- if num_matched_slot_atoms < len(pkgs) - 1:
- pruned_list.add((pkg, atom))
- if len(pruned_list) >= max_parents:
- break
- # If this package was pulled in by conflict atoms then
- # show those alone since those are the most interesting.
- if not pruned_list:
- #If we prunned all atoms, the user most likely forgot
- #to enable --newuse and/or --update
- self.conflict_is_unspecific = True
- # When generating the pruned list, prefer instances
- # of DependencyArg over instances of Package.
- for parent_atom in parent_atoms:
- if len(pruned_list) >= max_parents:
- break
- parent, atom = parent_atom
- if isinstance(parent, DependencyArg):
- pruned_list.add(parent_atom)
- # Prefer Packages instances that themselves have been
- # pulled into collision slots.
- for parent_atom in parent_atoms:
- if len(pruned_list) >= max_parents:
- break
- parent, atom = parent_atom
- if isinstance(parent, Package) and \
- (parent.slot_atom, parent.root) \
- in self.slot_collision_info:
- pruned_list.add(parent_atom)
- for parent_atom in parent_atoms:
- if len(pruned_list) >= max_parents:
- break
- pruned_list.add(parent_atom)
- omitted_parents = len(parent_atoms) - len(pruned_list)
- parent_atoms = pruned_list
+ if not atom_without_use_set.findAtomForPackage(other_pkg):
+ #The version range does not match.
+ sub_type = None
+ if atom.operator in (">=", ">"):
+ sub_type = "ge"
+ elif atom.operator in ("=", "~"):
+ sub_type = "eq"
+ elif atom.operator in ("<=", "<"):
+ sub_type = "le"
+ atoms = collision_reasons.get(("version", sub_type), set())
+ atoms.add((ppkg, atom, other_pkg))
+ num_all_specific_atoms += 1
+ collision_reasons[("version", sub_type)] = atoms
+ elif not atom_set.findAtomForPackage(other_pkg):
+ #Use conditionals not met.
+ violated_atom = atom.violated_conditionals(other_pkg.use.enabled, ppkg.use.enabled)
+ for flag in violated_atom.use.enabled.union(violated_atom.use.disabled):
+ atoms = collision_reasons.get(("use", flag), set())
+ atoms.add((ppkg, atom, other_pkg))
+ collision_reasons[("use", flag)] = atoms
+ num_all_specific_atoms += 1
msg.append(" pulled in by\n")
- for parent_atom in parent_atoms:
+ selected_for_dispaly = set()
+ for (type, sub_type), parents in collision_reasons.items():
+ #From each (type, sub_type) pair select at least one atom.
+ #Try to select as few atoms as possible
+ if type == "version":
+ #Find the atom with version that is as far away as possible.
+ best_matches = {}
+ for ppkg, atom, other_pkg in parents:
+ if atom.cp in best_matches:
+ cmp = portage.versions.vercmp( \
+ portage.versions.cpv_getversion(atom.cpv), \
+ portage.versions.cpv_getversion(best_matches[atom.cp][1].cpv))
+ if (sub_type == "ge" and cmp > 0) \
+ or (sub_type == "le" and cmp < 0) \
+ or (sub_type == "eq" and cmp > 0):
+ best_matches[atom.cp] = (ppkg, atom)
+ else:
+ best_matches[atom.cp] = (ppkg, atom)
+ selected_for_dispaly.update(best_matches.values())
+ elif type == "use":
+ #Prefer atoms with unconditional use deps over, because it's
+ #not possible to change them on the parent, which means there
+ #are fewer possible solutions.
+ use = sub_type
+ hard_matches = set()
+ conditional_matches = set()
+ for ppkg, atom, other_pkg in parents:
+ violated_atom = atom.unevaluated_atom.violated_conditionals( \
+ other_pkg.use.enabled, ppkg.use.enabled)
+ if use in violated_atom.use.enabled.union(violated_atom.use.disabled):
+ hard_matches.add((ppkg, atom))
+ else:
+ conditional_matches.add((ppkg, atom))
+ if hard_matches:
+ matches = hard_matches
+ else:
+ matches = conditional_matches
+ if not selected_for_dispaly.intersection(matches):
+ selected_for_dispaly.add(matches.pop())
+ def highlight_violations(atom, version, use=[]):
+ """Colorize parts of an atom"""
+ atom_str = str(atom)
+ if version:
+ op = atom.operator
+ ver = cpv_getversion(atom.cpv)
+ slot = atom.slot
+ atom_str = atom_str.replace(op, colorize("BAD", op), 1)
+ start = atom_str.rfind(ver)
+ end = start + len(ver)
+ atom_str = atom_str[:start] + \
+ colorize("BAD", ver) + \
+ atom_str[end+1:]
+ if slot:
+ atom_str = atom_str.replace(":" + slot, colorize("BAD", ":" + slot))
+ if use and atom.use.tokens:
+ use_part_start = atom_str.find("[")
+ use_part_end = atom_str.find("]")
+ new_tokens = []
+ for token in atom.use.tokens:
+ if token.lstrip("-!").rstrip("=?") in use:
+ new_tokens.append(colorize("BAD", token))
+ else:
+ new_tokens.append(token)
+ atom_str = atom_str[:use_part_start] \
+ + "[%s]" % (",".join(new_tokens),) + \
+ atom_str[use_part_end+1:]
+ return atom_str
+ for parent_atom in selected_for_dispaly:
parent, atom = parent_atom
if isinstance(parent,
# Display the specific atom from SetArg or
# Package types.
- msg.append("%s required by %s" % (atom.unevaluated_atom, parent))
+ version_violated = False
+ use = []
+ for type, sub_type in collision_reasons:
+ if type == "version":
+ for x in collision_reasons[(type, sub_type)]:
+ if ppkg == x[0] and atom == x[1]:
+ version_violated = True
+ elif type == "use":
+ use.append(sub_type)
+ atom_str = highlight_violations(atom.unevaluated_atom, version_violated, use)
+ msg.append("%s required by %s" % (atom_str, parent))
+ if not selected_for_dispaly:
+ msg.append(2*indent)
+ msg.append("(no parents that aren't satisfied by other packages in this slot)\n")
+ self.conflict_is_unspecific = True
+ omitted_parents = num_all_specific_atoms - len(selected_for_dispaly)
if omitted_parents:
- msg.append("(and %d more)\n" % omitted_parents)
+ if len(selected_for_dispaly) > 1:
+ msg.append("(and %d more with the same problems)\n" % omitted_parents)
+ else:
+ msg.append("(and %d more with the same problem)\n" % omitted_parents)
msg.append(" (no parents)\n")
new_pkg = pkg
for ppkg, atom in all_conflict_atoms_by_slotatom[id]:
- if isinstance(ppkg, SetArg):
+ if not hasattr(ppkg, "use"):
+ #It's a SetArg or something like that.
new_use = set(ppkg.use.enabled)
if ppkg in required_changes: