test_expect_equal ()
exec 1>&6 2>&7 # Restore stdout and stderr
+ if [ -z "$inside_subtest" ]; then
+ error "bug in the test script: test_expect_equal without test_begin_subtest"
+ fi
test "$#" = 3 && { prereq=$1; shift; } || prereq=
test "$#" = 2 ||
test_expect_equal_file ()
exec 1>&6 2>&7 # Restore stdout and stderr
+ if [ -z "$inside_subtest" ]; then
+ error "bug in the test script: test_expect_equal_file without test_begin_subtest"
+ fi
test "$#" = 3 && { prereq=$1; shift; } || prereq=
test "$#" = 2 ||
test "$#" = 2 && { prereq=$1; shift; } || prereq=
test "$#" = 1 ||
error "bug in the test script: not 1 or 2 parameters to test_emacs_expect_t"
+ if [ -z "$inside_subtest" ]; then
+ error "bug in the test script: test_emacs_expect_t without test_begin_subtest"
+ fi
# Run the test.
if ! test_skip "$test_subtest_name"