@string{DBensimon = "Bensimon, David"}
@string{DRBentley = "Bentley, D. R."}
@string{HJCBerendsen = "Berendsen, Herman J. C."}
-@string{KBergSorensen = "Berg-S\orensen, K"}
+@string{KBergSorensen = "Berg-S{\o}rensen, Kirstine"}
@string{EBergantino = "Bergantino, Elisabetta"}
@string{DBerk = "Berk, D."}
@string{FBerkemeier = "Berkemeier, Felix"}
@string{HErickson = "Erickson, Harold P."}
@string{MEsaki = "Esaki, Masatoshi"}
@string{SEsparham = "Esparham, S."}
-@string{EBJ = "European biophysics journal: EBJ"}
+@string{EBJ = "European Biophysics Journal"}
@string{EJP = "European Journal of Physics"}
@string{EPL = "Europhysics Letters"}
@string{CEvangelista = "Evangelista, C."}
@string{BFlannery = "Flannery, B."}
@string{LFlorea = "Florea, L."}
@string{ELFlorin = "Florin, Ernst-Ludwig"}
+@string{HFlyvbjerg = "Flyvbjerg, Henrik"}
@string{FoldDes = "Fold Des"}
@string{NRForde = "Forde, Nancy R."}
@string{CFosler = "Fosler, C."}
@string{DGilbert = "Gilbert, D."}
@string{HGire = "Gire, H."}
@string{MGiuntini = "Giuntini, M."}
+@string{FGittes = "Gittes, Frederick"}
@string{SGlanowski = "Glanowski, S."}
@string{JGlaser = "Glaser, Jens"}
@string{KGlasser = "Glasser, K."}
@string{BSchlegelberger = "Schlegelberger, B."}
@string{MSchleicher = "Schleicher, Michael"}
@string{MSchlierf = "Schlierf, Michael"}
+@string{CFSchmidt = "Schmidt, Christoph F."}
@string{JSchmidt = "Schmidt, Jacob J."}
@string{LSchmitt = "Schmitt, Lutz"}
@string{JSchmutz = "Schmutz, J."}
@string{GSpier = "Spier, G."}
@string{ASprague = "Sprague, A."}
@string{SPRINGER = "Springer Science + Business Media, LLC"}
+@string{SPRINGER:V = "Springer-Verlag"}
@string{DBStaple = "Staple, Douglas B."}
@string{RStark = "Stark, R. W."}
@string{PSStayton = "Stayton, P. S."}
project = "Cantilever Calibration"
+@article{ berg-sorensen04,
+ author = KBergSorensen #" and "# HFlyvbjerg,
+ title = {Power spectrum analysis for optical tweezers},
+ journal = RSI,
+ year = 2004,
+ volume = 75,
+ number = 3,
+ pages = {594--612},
+ publisher = AIP,
+ url = {http://rsi.aip.org/resource/1/rsinak/v75/i3/p594_s1},
+ doi = {10.1063/1.1645654},
+ issn = {0034-6748},
+ keywords = {radiation pressure, Brownian motion, spectral analysis,
+ dielectric bodies, measurement by laser beam, flow measurement},
+ abstract = {The force exerted by an optical trap on a dielectric
+ bead in a fluid is often found by fitting a Lorentzian to the
+ power spectrum of Brownian motion of the bead in the trap. We
+ present explicit functions of the experimental power spectrum that
+ give the values of the parameters fitted, including error bars and
+ correlations, for the best such $\chi^2$ fit in a given frequency
+ range. We use these functions to determine the information
+ content of various parts of the power spectrum, and find, at odds
+ with lore, much information at relatively high frequencies.
+ Applying the method to real data, we obtain perfect fits and
+ calibrate tweezers with less than 1\% error when the trapping
+ force is not too strong. Relatively strong traps have power
+ spectra that cannot be fitted properly with any Lorentzian, we
+ find. This underscores the need for better understanding of the
+ power spectrum than the Lorentzian provides. This is achieved
+ using old and new theory for Brownian motion in an incompressible
+ fluid, and new results for a popular photodetection system. The
+ trap and photodetection system are then calibrated simultaneously
+ in a manner that makes optical tweezers a tool of precision for
+ force spectroscopy, local viscometry, and probably other
+ applications.},
@article{ berg-sorensen05,
author = KBergSorensen #" and "# HFlyvbjerg,
title = {The colour of thermal noise in classical Brownian motion: a
project = "Cantilever Calibration"
+@article{ gittes98,
+ author = FGittes #" and "# CFSchmidt,
+ title = {Thermal noise limitations on micromechanical experiments},
+ year = 1998,
+ month = jan,
+ journal = EBJ,
+ volume = 27,
+ number = 1,
+ pages = {75--81},
+ doi = {10.1007/s002490050113},
+ url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s002490050113},
+ issn = {0175-7571},
+ publisher = SPRINGER:V,
+ keywords = {Key words Thermal noise; Optical tweezers; Atomic force
+ microscopy; Single molecules; Micromechanics},
+ language = {English},
@article { ryckaert77,
author = JPRyckaert #" and "# GCiccotti #" and "# HJCBerendsen,
title = "Numerical integration of the cartesian equations of motion of a