# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-Backwards compatibility support for Python 2.4. Once people give up
-on 2.4 ;), the uuid call should be merged into bugdir.py
+Handle ID creation and parsing.
import libbe
if libbe.TESTING == True:
import unittest
from uuid import uuid4 # Python >= 2.5
def uuid_gen():
raise Exception, strerror
return output.rstrip('\n')
+def _assemble(*args):
+ for i,arg in enumerate(args):
+ if arg == None:
+ args[i] = ''
+ return '/'.join(args)
+def _split(id):
+ args = id.split('/')
+ for i,arg in enumerate(args):
+ if arg == '':
+ args[i] = None
+ return args
+def bugdir_id(bugdir, *args):
+ return _assemble(bugdir.uuid, args)
+def bug_id(bug, *args):
+ if bug.bug == None:
+ bugdir_id = None
+ else:
+ bugdir_id = bugdir_id(bug.bugdir)
+ return _assemble(bugdir_id, bug.uuid, args)
+def comment_id(comment, *args):
+ if comment.bug == None:
+ bug_id = None
+ else:
+ bug_id = bug_id(comment.bug)
+ return _assemble(bug_id, comment.uuid, args)
+def parse_id(id):
+ args = _split(id)
+ ret = {'bugdir':args.pop(0)}
+ type = 'bugdir'
+ for child_name in ['bug', 'comment']:
+ if len(args) > 0 and is_a_uuid(args[0]):
+ ret[child_name] = args.pop(0)
+ type = child_name
+ ret['type'] = type
+ ret['remaining'] = os.path.join(args)
+ return ret
if libbe.TESTING == True:
class UUIDtestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def testUUID_gen(self):