Along the way, I ran across two other interesting posts by Diego
Pettenò about not [bundling][] [libraries][].
+Setting `RPATH` and `RUNPATH`
+Most of the time, you'll want to avoid setting `RPATH` and `RUNPATH`
+and just use libraries in your usual linking path. However, sometimes
+they are useful. For example, [[SimulAVR]] depends on the
+AVR-specific `libbfd`, which is hopefully not in your usual path. On
+Gentoo, [[crossdev|AVR]] installs under `/usr/lib/binutils/`:
+ $ binutils-config -c avr
+ avr-git
+ $ grep PATH /etc/env.d/binutils/avr-git
+ LIBPATH="/usr/lib/binutils/avr/git"
+When you link against this library, you'll want to set `RUNPATH` so
+you don't have to remember to use `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` every time you run
+`simulavr`. Of course, if you switch to a different binutils version
+(e.g. not `git`), you'll need to fix the `RUNPATH` to point to the new
+target (or just rebuild `simulavr` against the new version).
+Since you're probably not calling the linker directly when you build
+`simulavr`, you'll want to set some linker flags at configure time:
+ $ LDFLAGS=-Wl,-rpath=/usr/lib/binutils/avr/git,--enable-new-dtags ./configure …
+The relevant linker flags are `-rpath` and `--enable-new-dtags`.
+Without `--enable-new-dtags`, you'll just set the `RPATH` flag, which
+is probably not what you want. With `--enable-new-dtags`, you'll set
+both `RPAH` and `RUNPATH` to the same value. From `ld(1)`:
+> The `DT_RPATH` entries are ignored if `DT_RUNPATH` entries exist.
+so setting both is the same as just setting `RUNPATH` (except for
+tools like `chrpath` which are only designed to handle a single tag).
+You can use [readelf][] to see if the tags were set:
+ $ readelf --dynamic /usr/bin/simulavr | grep PATH
+ 0x000000000000000f (RPATH) Library rpath: [/usr/lib/binutils/avr/git]
+ 0x000000000000001d (RUNPATH) Library runpath: [/usr/lib/binutils/avr/git]
+On Gentoo, `--enable-new-dtags` has been [the default since
+2005][default], but explicitly including the flag can't hurt ;).
[[!tag tags/linux]]