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DIST compiler-config-2.0.0_rc1.tar.gz 117180 RMD160 dbcd8120139c75f40ae2405746ab2a5f26e810b4 SHA1 3a1a1605dd0e8b59ba5d796c4583244f46f97a03 SHA256 a911a7b0a1184c576500df8530e77823f976dce387001c581ba89ac8edfe30c2
-EBUILD eselect-compiler-2.0.0_rc1-r4.ebuild 5031 RMD160 217b012a99ad5c4548ef17686d387061c2546b7c SHA1 05de55f796e1d3702f2730c3a7a34b916e122f34 SHA256 1f2a8784a1dc071073251479e4ea989c81b28ea1a4367020563ce9d3a42ec049
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-RMD160 217b012a99ad5c4548ef17686d387061c2546b7c eselect-compiler-2.0.0_rc1-r4.ebuild 5031
-SHA256 1f2a8784a1dc071073251479e4ea989c81b28ea1a4367020563ce9d3a42ec049 eselect-compiler-2.0.0_rc1-r4.ebuild 5031
EBUILD eselect-compiler-2.0.0_rc1-r5.ebuild 5031 RMD160 25a7b021fb6195b2361f2757847438d4b556eb28 SHA1 5b3c2060576ed97b9d07a13b4ba630710212f604 SHA256 71c1d8edc4043dcb6c478126e3cb7bf53a7861971f5128902fc710b4a1083ec8
MD5 ed0054129b8b5025c8ff833ad7be3552 eselect-compiler-2.0.0_rc1-r5.ebuild 5031
RMD160 25a7b021fb6195b2361f2757847438d4b556eb28 eselect-compiler-2.0.0_rc1-r5.ebuild 5031
SHA256 71c1d8edc4043dcb6c478126e3cb7bf53a7861971f5128902fc710b4a1083ec8 eselect-compiler-2.0.0_rc1-r5.ebuild 5031
-MISC ChangeLog 5664 RMD160 f71c1724795cb0d4d70750437887313c41af3d4e SHA1 e2f6592feef2c0f09785dffa9bc571bdacbb7d87 SHA256 f602d7ebfee0ca8180c2ead2385a83ea7309e0f1055701ec62765c48540854aa
-MD5 e0e62e1c2e16fb0c5aa9a39c73703cde ChangeLog 5664
-RMD160 f71c1724795cb0d4d70750437887313c41af3d4e ChangeLog 5664
-SHA256 f602d7ebfee0ca8180c2ead2385a83ea7309e0f1055701ec62765c48540854aa ChangeLog 5664
+MISC ChangeLog 5747 RMD160 e26e0a6b3cd1a825a87464d624d26e4005404cb5 SHA1 751dc14627cb7d47d0b8989c08b8066e69291a2e SHA256 7aea692df5bd2ebb3210f12620a4265e7e211a9d3d5352b2f7cd311cc82a706f
+MD5 57d502daf03f628828f92684aaa50d4b ChangeLog 5747
+RMD160 e26e0a6b3cd1a825a87464d624d26e4005404cb5 ChangeLog 5747
+SHA256 7aea692df5bd2ebb3210f12620a4265e7e211a9d3d5352b2f7cd311cc82a706f ChangeLog 5747
MISC metadata.xml 162 RMD160 d002486a43522f2116b1d9d59828c484956d66e2 SHA1 d6b4923897f6ae673b4f93646f5b4ba61d5a2c3c SHA256 65a915d44de1f01d4b7f72d313b4192c38374a9835d24988c00c1e73dca5805a
MD5 567094e03359ffc1c95af7356395228d metadata.xml 162
RMD160 d002486a43522f2116b1d9d59828c484956d66e2 metadata.xml 162
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-SHA256 ba21ae92f613fd0a6f34b3fda34d1d82c6b284c045481b9686b66fd9e373c21e files/digest-eselect-compiler-2.0.0_rc1-r4 277
MD5 63440bc21fdf46cc94352893f2fd6e3e files/digest-eselect-compiler-2.0.0_rc1-r5 277
RMD160 3b08c6248c4f7f8d14ac66ff0fb70bb8c8276c53 files/digest-eselect-compiler-2.0.0_rc1-r5 277
SHA256 ba21ae92f613fd0a6f34b3fda34d1d82c6b284c045481b9686b66fd9e373c21e files/digest-eselect-compiler-2.0.0_rc1-r5 277
Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (GNU/Linux)
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/app-admin/eselect-compiler/eselect-compiler-2.0.0_rc1-r4.ebuild,v 1.5 2006/06/07 02:36:16 eradicator Exp $
-inherit eutils multilib toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="Utility to configure the active toolchain compiler"
-SRC_URI=" http://dev.gentoo.org/~eradicator/toolchain/${MY_PN}/${MY_P}.tar.gz"
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ia64 ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-fbsd"
-# We want to verify that compiler profiles exist for our toolchain
-pkg_setup() {
- delete_invalid_profiles
- local abi
- for abi in $(get_all_abis) ; do
- local ctarget=$(get_abi_CHOST ${abi})
- if ! grep -q "^[[:space:]]*ctarget=${ctarget}$" ${ROOT}/etc/eselect/compiler/*.conf ; then
- eerror "We weren't able to find a valid eselect compiler profile for ${abi}."
- eerror "Please do the following to re-emerge gcc, then retry emerging"
- eerror "eselect-compiler:"
- eerror "# emerge -v --oneshot sys-devel/gcc"
- die "Missing eselect-compiler profile for ${abi}"
- fi
- done
-pkg_postinst() {
- # Activate the profiles
- if [[ ! -f "${ROOT}/etc/eselect/compiler/selection.conf" ]] ; then
- ewarn "This looks like the first time you are installing eselect-compiler. We are"
- ewarn "activating toolchain profiles for the CTARGETs needed by your portage"
- ewarn "profile. You should have profiles installed from compilers that you emerged"
- ewarn "after October, 2005. If a compiler you have installed is missing an"
- ewarn "eselect-compiler profile, you can either re-emerge the compiler, create the"
- ewarn "profile yourself, or you can migrate profiles from gcc-config-1.x by doing:"
- ewarn "# eselect compiler migrate"
- ewarn
- ewarn "Note that if you use the migration tool, your current profiles will be"
- ewarn "replaced, so you should backup the data in /etc/eselect/compiler first."
- echo
- einfo "The following profiles have been activated. If an incorrect profile is"
- einfo "chosen or an error is reported, please use 'eselect compiler set' to"
- einfo "manually choose it"
- local abi
- for abi in $(get_all_abis) ; do
- local ctarget=$(get_abi_CHOST ${abi})
- local extra_options=""
- if [[ ${abi} == ${DEFAULT_ABI} ]] ; then
- extra_options="-n"
- fi
- local spec
- if use hardened ; then
- spec="hardened"
- else
- spec="vanilla"
- fi
- local isset=0
- local tuple
- for tuple in "${CHOST}" "${CTARGET}" "${ctarget}" ; do
- local version
- for version in "$(gcc-fullversion)" ; do
- local profile
- for profile in "${abi}-${spec}" "${spec}" "${abi}-default" "default" "${abi}-vanilla" "vanilla" ; do
- if eselect compiler set ${tuple}-${version}/${profile} ${extra_options} &> /dev/null ; then
- einfo "${abi}: ${tuple}-${version}/${profile}"
- isset=1
- break
- fi
- done
- [[ ${isset} == 1 ]] && break
- done
- [[ ${isset} == 1 ]] && break
- done
- if [[ ${isset} == 0 ]] ; then
- eerror "${abi}: Unable to determine an appropriate profile. Please set manually."
- fi
- done
- else
- eselect compiler update
- fi
- local file
- local resource_profile=0
- for file in ${ROOT}/etc/env.d/05gcc* ; do
- if [[ -f ${file} ]] ; then
- ewarn "Removing env.d entry which was used by gcc-config:"
- ewarn " ${file}"
- rm -f ${file}
- resource_profile=1
- fi
- done
- if [[ ${resource_profile} == 1 ]] ; then
- echo
- ewarn "You should source /etc/profile in your open shells."
- fi
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
- cd ${S}
- epatch ${FILESDIR}/${P}-inherit.patch
-src_install() {
- dodoc README
- make DESTDIR="${D}" install || die
- # For bug #135749
- exeinto /lib
- newexe ${D}/usr/libexec/eselect/compiler/compiler-wrapper cpp
- doenvd ${FILESDIR}/25eselect-compiler
- # This is installed by sys-devel/gcc-config
- rm ${D}/usr/bin/gcc-config
-# The profiles are protected by CONFIG_PROJECT until eselect-compiler is installed, so we need to clean out
-# the invalid profiles when eselect-compiler is first installed
-delete_invalid_profiles() {
- # Some toolchain.eclass installed confs had some bugs in them. We
- # could just use sed to update them, but then portage won't remove
- # them automatically on unmerge.
- local file
- for file in $(grep "^[[:space:]]*chost=" ${ROOT}/etc/eselect/compiler/*.conf | cut -f1 -d:) ; do
- rm ${file}
- done
- for file in $(grep "^[[:space:]]*spec=" ${ROOT}/etc/eselect/compiler/*.conf | cut -f1 -d:) ; do
- rm ${file}
- done
- # First we need to clean out /etc/eselect/compiler as there may
- # be some profiles in there which were not unmerged with gcc.
- local item
- for item in $(grep "^[[:space:]]*binpath=" ${ROOT}/etc/eselect/compiler/*.conf | sed 's/:.*binpath=/:/') ; do
- local file=${item%:*}
- local binpath=${item#*:}
- [[ -d ${binpath} ]] || rm ${file}
- done