--- /dev/null
+"""Define :class:`Graph`, a directed, acyclic graph structure.
+import bisect
+class CyclicGraphError (ValueError):
+ pass
+class Node (list):
+ """A node/element in a graph.
+ Contains a list of the node's parents, and stores the node's
+ `data`.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> a = Node(data='a')
+ >>> b = Node(parents=[a], data='b')
+ >>> c = Node(parents=[a], data='c')
+ >>> d = Node(parents=[b, c], data='d')
+ >>> str(d)
+ 'd'
+ We can list all of a node's ancestors.
+ >>> print [node for node in d.ancestors()]
+ [b, c, a]
+ >>> print [node for node in d.ancestors(depth_first=True)]
+ [b, a, c]
+ Ancestors works with cycles.
+ >>> a.append(d)
+ >>> print [node for node in d.ancestors()]
+ [b, c, a, d]
+ We can find the cycle path.
+ >>> print d.path(d)
+ [b, a, d]
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parents=[], data=None):
+ list.__init__(self, parents)
+ self.data = data
+ def __cmp__(self, other):
+ return -cmp(self.data, other.data)
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return self.__cmp__(other) == 0
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ return self.__cmp__(other) != 0
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ return self.__cmp__(other) < 0
+ def __gt__(self, other):
+ return self.__cmp__(other) > 0
+ def __le__(self, other):
+ return self.__cmp__(other) <= 0
+ def __ge__(self, other):
+ return self.__cmp__(other) >= 0
+ def __str__(self):
+ return str(self.data)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return self.__str__()
+ def ancestors(self, depth_first=False):
+ """Generate all ancestors.
+ Will only yield each ancestor once, even in the case of
+ diamond inheritance, etc.
+ Breadth first by default.
+ """
+ stack = list(self)
+ popped = []
+ while len(stack) > 0:
+ node = stack.pop(0)
+ if node in popped:
+ continue
+ popped.append(node)
+ yield node
+ if depth_first == True:
+ for parent in reversed(node):
+ stack.insert(0, parent)
+ else:
+ stack.extend(node)
+ def path(self, node):
+ """Return the shortest list of parents connecting `self` to
+ `node`.
+ """
+ if node in self:
+ return [node]
+ stack = list(self)
+ paths = dict((id(n), [n]) for n in stack)
+ while len(stack) > 0:
+ n = stack.pop(0)
+ n_path = paths[id(n)]
+ for parent in n:
+ if id(parent) in paths:
+ continue
+ p_path = list(n_path)
+ p_path.append(parent)
+ if id(parent) == id(node):
+ return p_path
+ stack.append(parent)
+ paths[id(parent)] = p_path
+class _GraphRowEntry (list):
+ """A node in the graph with outstanding children.
+ `columns` is a list of the indexes of outstanding columns which
+ will eventually attach to those children.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, node, columns=[]):
+ list.__init__(self, columns)
+ self.node = node
+class GraphRow (list):
+ """A graph row generator.
+ Contains a list of :class:`_GraphRowEntry`\s (added with
+ :meth:`insert`), and generates the current line with
+ :meth:`__str__`. You should generate a graph with repeated
+ calls::
+ g = GraphRow()
+ for node in nodes:
+ g.insert(node)
+ print str(g)
+ The string rendering can be cusomized by changing `g.chars`.
+ Control over the branch columns:
+ ================= ===========================================
+ `node: ...` the active (most recently inserted) node
+ `split/join: ...` branching/merging runs from the active node
+ `run: connected` connect a branch to its eventual node
+ `run: blank` place-holder for extinct runs
+ ================= ===========================================
+ Branch columns are seperated by separator columns:
+ ================= =======================================================
+ `sep: split/join` separate split/join branch columns from the active node
+ `sep: default` separate all remaining branch columns
+ ================= =======================================================
+ For the split/join branch columns, "born" and "died" are defined
+ from the point of view of `GraphRow`. Because trees are printed
+ tip-to-root (:meth:`Graph.topological_sort`), "born" runs are
+ determined by the active node's parents (which have not yet been
+ printed), and "dead" runs by its children (which have been
+ printed).
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ list.__init__(self)
+ self._width = 0
+ self._last_width = 0
+ self._old_dead = []
+ self._next_old_dead = []
+ self.chars = {
+ 'node: both tip and root': 'b',
+ 'node: root': 'r',
+ 'node: tip': 't',
+ 'node: regular': '*',
+ 'split/join: born and died left of active': '>',
+ 'split/join: born and died right of active': '<',
+ 'split/join: born left of active': '/',
+ 'split/join: born right of active': '\\',
+ 'split/join: died left of active': '\\',
+ 'split/join: died right of active': '/',
+ 'run: blank': ' ',
+ 'run: connected': '|',
+ 'sep: split/join': '-',
+ 'sep: default': ' ',
+ }
+ def insert(self, node):
+ """Add a new node to the graph.
+ Nodes should be inserted in tip-to-root topological order
+ (i.e. node must be inserted before any of its parents).
+ """
+ self._node = node
+ self._last_width = self._width
+ self._old_dead = self._next_old_dead
+ self._born = []
+ self._dead = []
+ if len(self) > 0 and len(self[-1].node) == 0:
+ # remove last entry's active column if it has no parents
+ self[-1].pop(0) # (it' already in _old_dead via _next_old_dead)
+ self._children = [(i,e) for i,e in enumerate(self) if node in e.node]
+ for i,e in self._children:
+ self._dead.append(e.pop(0)) # TODO: sharing branches vs. current 1 per child
+ exhausted = [] # _GraphRowEntry\s with no futher parents
+ for e in self:
+ if len(e) == 0:
+ exhausted.append(e)
+ for e in exhausted:
+ self.remove(e)
+ self._dead.sort()
+ remaining = max(len(node), 1)
+ slots = sorted(self._old_dead + self._dead)
+ self._born.extend(slots[:remaining])
+ remaining -= len(slots)
+ self._born.extend(range(self._last_width, self._last_width+remaining))
+ self._active = self._born[0]
+ self.append(_GraphRowEntry(node, columns=self._born))
+ self._width = max([e[-1] for e in self])+1
+ self._next_old_dead = [i for i in slots[len(self._born):] if i < self._width]
+ if len(node) == 0:
+ self._next_old_dead.insert(0, self._active)
+ def __str__(self):
+ """Render the current line of the graph as a string.
+ """
+ left_connects = [self._born[0]]
+ right_connects = [self._born[-1]]
+ if len(self._dead) > 0:
+ left_connects.append(self._dead[0])
+ right_connects.append(self._dead[-1])
+ left_connect = min(left_connects)
+ right_connect = max(right_connects)
+ string = []
+ for i in range(max(self._width, self._last_width)):
+ if i == self._active:
+ if len(self._node) == 0:
+ if len(self._children) == 0:
+ char = self.chars['node: both tip and root']
+ else:
+ char = self.chars['node: root']
+ elif len(self._children) == 0:
+ char = self.chars['node: tip']
+ else:
+ char = self.chars['node: regular']
+ elif i in self._born:
+ if i in self._dead:
+ if i < self._active:
+ char = self.chars[
+ 'split/join: born and died left of active']
+ else:
+ char = self.chars[
+ 'split/join: born and died right of active']
+ else:
+ if i < self._active:
+ char = self.chars['split/join: born left of active']
+ else:
+ char = self.chars['split/join: born right of active']
+ elif i in self._dead:
+ if i < self._active:
+ char = self.chars['split/join: died left of active']
+ else:
+ char = self.chars['split/join: died right of active']
+ elif i in self._old_dead:
+ char = self.chars['run: blank']
+ else:
+ char = self.chars['run: connected']
+ if i < left_connect or i >= right_connect:
+ sep = self.chars['sep: default']
+ else:
+ sep = self.chars['sep: split/join']
+ if char == self.chars['run: blank']:
+ char = self.chars['sep: split/join']
+ string.extend([char, sep])
+ return ''.join(string)[:-1] # [-1] strips final sep
+class Graph (list):
+ """A directed, acyclic graph structure.
+ Contains methods for sorting and printing graphs.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> class Nodes (object): pass
+ >>> n = Nodes()
+ >>> for char in ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i']:
+ ... setattr(n, char, Node(data=char))
+ >>> n.b.append(n.a)
+ >>> n.c.append(n.a)
+ >>> n.d.append(n.a)
+ >>> n.e.extend([n.b, n.c, n.d])
+ >>> n.f.append(n.e)
+ >>> n.g.append(n.e)
+ >>> n.h.append(n.e)
+ >>> n.i.extend([n.f, n.g, n.h])
+ >>> g = Graph([n.a,n.b,n.c,n.d,n.e,n.f,n.g,n.h,n.i])
+ >>> g.topological_sort()
+ >>> print [node for node in g]
+ [i, h, g, f, e, d, c, b, a]
+ >>> print g.ascii_graph()
+ t-\-\ i
+ * | | h
+ | * | g
+ | | * f
+ *-<-< e
+ * | | d
+ | * | c
+ | | * b
+ r-/-/ a
+ >>> for char in ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h']:
+ ... setattr(n, char, Node(data=char))
+ >>> n.b.append(n.a)
+ >>> n.c.append(n.b)
+ >>> n.d.append(n.a)
+ >>> n.e.append(n.d)
+ >>> n.f.extend([n.b, n.d])
+ >>> n.g.extend([n.e, n.f])
+ >>> n.h.extend([n.c, n.g])
+ >>> g = Graph([n.a,n.b,n.c,n.d,n.e,n.f,n.g,n.h])
+ >>> print g.ascii_graph()
+ t-\ h
+ *-|-\ g
+ *-|-|-\ f
+ | | * | e
+ *-|-/ | d
+ | * | c
+ | *---/ b
+ r-/ a
+ >>> for char in ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i']:
+ ... setattr(n, char, Node(data=char))
+ >>> for char in ['a', 'b','c','d','e','f','g','h']:
+ ... nx = getattr(n, char)
+ ... n.i.append(nx)
+ >>> g = Graph([n.a,n.b,n.c,n.d,n.e,n.f,n.g,n.h,n.i])
+ >>> print g.ascii_graph()
+ t-\-\-\-\-\-\-\ i
+ r | | | | | | | h
+ r-/ | | | | | | g
+ r---/ | | | | | f
+ r-----/ | | | | e
+ r-------/ | | | d
+ r---------/ | | c
+ r-----------/ | b
+ r-------------/ a
+ >>> for char in ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i']:
+ ... setattr(n, char, Node(data=char))
+ >>> for char in ['b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i']:
+ ... nx = getattr(n, char)
+ ... nx.append(n.a)
+ >>> g = Graph([n.a,n.b,n.c,n.d,n.e,n.f,n.g,n.h,n.i])
+ >>> print g.ascii_graph()
+ t i
+ | t h
+ | | t g
+ | | | t f
+ | | | | t e
+ | | | | | t d
+ | | | | | | t c
+ | | | | | | | t b
+ r-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ a
+ >>> for char in ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i']:
+ ... setattr(n, char, Node(data=char))
+ >>> n.d.append(n.a)
+ >>> n.e.extend([n.a, n.c])
+ >>> n.f.extend([n.c, n.d, n.e])
+ >>> n.g.extend([n.b, n.e, n.f])
+ >>> n.h.extend([n.a, n.c, n.d, n.g])
+ >>> n.i.extend([n.a, n.b, n.c, n.g])
+ >>> g = Graph([n.a,n.b,n.c,n.d,n.e,n.f,n.g,n.h,n.i])
+ >>> print g.ascii_graph()
+ t-\-\-\ i
+ | | | | t-\-\-\ h
+ *-|-|-|-<-|-|-|-\ g
+ *-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-\-\ f
+ *-|-|-|-< | | | | | | e
+ | | | | | *-|-|-|-/ | d
+ r-/-|-|-|-|-/-|-|---/ c
+ r---/-|-|-|---|-/ b
+ r-----/-/-/---/ a
+ Ok, enough pretty graphs ;). Here's an example of cycle
+ detection.
+ >>> for char in ['a','b','c','d']:
+ ... setattr(n, char, Node(data=char))
+ >>> n.b.append(n.a)
+ >>> n.c.append(n.a)
+ >>> n.d.extend([n.b, n.c])
+ >>> n.a.append(n.d)
+ >>> g = Graph([n.a,n.b,n.c,n.d])
+ >>> g.check_for_cycles()
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ CyclicGraphError: cycle detected:
+ a
+ d
+ b
+ a
+ """
+ def topological_sort(self):
+ """Algorithm from git's commit.c `sort_in_topological_order`_.
+ Ordering is tip-to-root.
+ In situations where topological sorting is ambiguous, the
+ nodes are sorted using the inverse (since we use tip-to-root
+ ordering) of their comparison functions (__cmp__, __lt__,
+ ...).
+ .. _sort_in_topological_order:
+ http://git.kernel.org/?p=git/git.git;a=blob;f=commit.c;h=731191e63bd39a89a8ea4ed0390c49d5605cdbed;hb=HEAD#l425
+ """
+ for node in self:
+ node._outcount = 0
+ for node in self:
+ for parent in node:
+ parent._outcount += 1
+ tips = sorted([node for node in self if node._outcount == 0])
+ orig_len = len(self)
+ del self[:]
+ while len(tips) > 0:
+ node = tips.pop(0)
+ for parent in node:
+ parent._outcount -= 1
+ if parent._outcount == 0:
+ bisect.insort(tips, parent)
+ node._outcount = -1
+ self.append(node)
+ final_len = len(self)
+ if final_len != orig_len:
+ raise CyclicGraphError(
+ '%d of %d elements not reachable from tips'
+ % (orig_len - final_len, orig_len))
+ def check_for_cycles(self):
+ """Check for cyclic references.
+ """
+ for node in self:
+ if node in node.ancestors():
+ path = node.path(node)
+ raise CyclicGraphError(
+ 'cycle detected:\n %s'
+ % '\n '.join([repr(node)]+[repr(node) for node in path]))
+ def graph_rows(self, graph_row=None):
+ """Generate a sequence of (`graph_row`, `node`) tuples.
+ Preforms :meth:`topological_sort` internally.
+ If `graph_row` is `None`, a new instance of :class:`GraphRow`
+ is used.
+ """
+ if graph_row == None:
+ graph_row = GraphRow()
+ self.topological_sort()
+ for node in self:
+ graph_row.insert(node)
+ yield (graph_row, node)
+ def ascii_graph(self, string_fn=str):
+ """Print an ascii graph on the left with `string_fn(node)` on
+ the right.
+ See the class docstring for example output.
+ """
+ graph = []
+ for row,node in self.graph_rows():
+ graph.append('%s %s' % (str(row), string_fn(node)))
+ return '\n'.join(graph)