--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Alberto Gomez-Casado (c) 2010 University of Twente
+from libhooke import WX_GOOD
+import wxversion
+from wx import PostEvent
+import numpy as np
+import shutil
+import libinput as linp
+import copy
+import os.path
+import warnings
+class reviewCommands:
+ def do_review(self,args):
+ '''
+ (review.py)
+ Presents curves (in current playlist) in groups of ten. User can indicate which curves will be selected to be saved in a separate directory for further analysis.
+ By default curves are presented separated -30 nm in x and -100 pN in y.
+ Curve number one of each set is the one showing the approach.
+ ------------
+ Syntax:
+ review [x spacing (nm)] [y spacing (pN]
+ '''
+ args=args.split()
+ if len(args)==2:
+ try:
+ xgap=int(args[0])*1e-9 #scale to SI units
+ ygap=int(args[1])*1e-12
+ except:
+ print 'Spacings must be numeric! Using defaults'
+ xgap=-30*1e-9
+ ygap=-100*1e-12
+ else:
+ xgap=-30*1e-9
+ ygap=-100*1e-12
+ print 'Processing playlist...'
+ print '(Please wait)'
+ keep_list=[]
+ c=0
+ print 'You can stop the review at any moment by entering \'q\' you can go back ten curves entering \'b\''
+ print 'What curve no. you would like to start? (Enter for starting from the first)'
+ skip=raw_input()
+ if skip.isdigit()==False:
+ skip=0
+ else:
+ skip=int(skip)
+ print 'Skipping '+str(skip)+ ' curves'
+ c=skip
+ while c < len(self.current_list):
+ #take a group of ten curves and plot them with some spacing
+ curveset=self.current_list[c:c+10]
+ base=self.current_list[c]
+ self.do_plot(0)
+ multiplot=copy.deepcopy(self._get_displayed_plot(0))
+ for i in range(1,10):
+ if i >= len(curveset):
+ print 'End of the list'
+ print 'WARNING: maybe you want to finish!'
+ break
+ nextitem=curveset[i]
+ nextitem.identify(self.drivers)
+ nextplot=self.plotmanip_correct(nextitem.curve.default_plots()[0],nextitem)
+ nextvect=nextplot.vectors
+ nextitem.curve.close_all()
+ nextx=nextvect[0][0]
+ nexty=nextvect[0][1]
+ #center y around 0
+ ymedian=np.median(nexty)
+ pos=0
+ for j in range(0,len(nextx)):
+ nextx[j]=nextx[j]+i*xgap
+ nexty[j]=nexty[j]+i*ygap-ymedian
+ multiplot.add_set(nextx,nexty)
+ multiplot.styles.append('lines')
+ multiplot.colors.append(None)
+ self._send_plot([multiplot])
+ print 'Which ones you want to keep?'
+ keep=raw_input()
+ if keep.isalpha():
+ if keep=='b':
+ print 'Going back ten curves'
+ c-=10
+ if c<0:
+ print 'We are already at the start'
+ c=0
+ continue
+ if keep=='q':
+ break
+ else:
+ for i in keep.split():
+ if i.isdigit() and int(i)>0 and int(i)<11: #if it is not digit the int() call is never made, so no exception should be happening
+ keep_item=curveset[int(i)-1].path
+ if keep_item in keep_list:
+ print 'This curve ('+keep_item+') was already selected, skipping'
+ else:
+ keep_list.append(keep_item)
+ else:
+ print 'You entered an invalid value: '+i
+ c+=10
+ print 'Kept '+str(len(keep_list))+' curves from '+str(min(c+i+1,len(self.current_list)))
+ allok=0 #flag to keep from losing all the work in a slight mistake
+ while allok==0:
+ save=linp.safeinput('Do you want to save the selected curves?',['y','n'])
+ if save=='y':
+ savedir=linp.safeinput('Destination directory?')
+ savedir=os.path.abspath(savedir)
+ if not os.path.isdir(savedir):
+ print 'Destination is not a directory. Try again'
+ continue
+ if save=='n':
+ break
+ for item in keep_list:
+ try:
+ shutil.copy(item, savedir)
+ allok=1
+ except (OSError, IOError):
+ print 'Cannot copy file. '+item+' Perhaps you gave me a wrong directory?'
+ allok=0
+ break
+ return True