+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import os
-from os.path import walk, splitext, exists, basename, dirname
-import sys
-import output
-from output import *
-import portage
-import xpak
-import string
-from string import strip, find, replace, split
-import commands
-import shutil
-import re
-import time
-#number of ebuilds merged
-# there can only be one action specified; the default action is to merge
-# specified packages, not update.
- "rebuild",
- "search",
- "update",
- "clean",
- "zap",
- "rsync"]
-# emerge (prints help)
-# emerge help (prints help)
-# emerge help config (prints config file management help)
-# emerge rsync
-# the default behavior of emerge is to satisfy dependencies specified by merging packages.
-# emerge system (satisfy deps for "system" package class)
-# emerge world (equivalent to emerge system since "world" doesn't offer any new deps)
-# emerge <depstring> (satisfy dep by merging most recent version of app available that satisfies dep)
-# NOTE: this will cause something to be merged again if the dep happens to be already satisfied
-# "unslotted" is invalid for a package class here because it only applies to already-installed ebuilds.
-# pkgclass support: "system", "world", <depstring>, <pkgname>, <ebuild>, <tbz2>
-# no changes here except we use "update" rather than "--update"
-# emerge update <pkgclass/depstring/pkgname>
-# emerge update (defaults to "world")
-# "emerge update <ebuild/tbz2> doesn't make too much sense.
-# But it should do the same thing are "emerge <ebuild/tbz2>".
-# rebuild is like "update" except that all packages will be rebuilt even if they currently are installed.
-# emerge rebuild (defaults to "world")
-# emerge rebuild <pkgclass/depstring/pkgname/ebuild>
-# "emerge rebuild <ebuild/tbz2> doesn't make too much sense.
-# But it should do the same thing are "emerge <ebuild/tbz2>".
-# emerge search (invalid)
-# emerge search <regex>
-# clean does "cleaning" only; it does not do anything that would generally be considered dangerous
-# emerge clean (defaults to "world"; apply default AUTOCLEAN behavior defined in make.conf)
-# emerge --rev clean (defaults to "world", cleans out old revisions)
-# emerge --slot clean (defaults to "world", cleans out old stuff from slots)
-# emerge [--rev/--slot] clean <pkgclass>
-# AUTOCLEAN var can be set to "slot", "rev", or "none/off/etc".
-# zap flat out removes stuff. No holds barred. Can be dangerous.
-# emerge zap <pkgclass> (only "unslotted" is valid, which is still dangerous. Or a dep "=foo/bar")
-# NOTE: of course, "emerge zap" alone is invalid and will *not* default to a "world" package class
-# These next options are the only long options for Portage 1.8.9 except for "--help" (equiv. to "help")
- "--buildpkg",
- "--debug",
- "--fetchonly",
- "--noreplace",
- "--onlydeps",
- "--pretend",
- "--usepkg",
- "--verbose",
- "--emptytree",
- "--rev",
- "--slot",
- "--help"]
-# Here are the currently supported short mappings.
- "b":"--buildpkg",
- "d":"--debug",
- "f":"--fetchonly",
- "h":"--help",
- "k":"--usepkg",
- "n":"--noreplace",
- "o":"--onlydeps",
- "p":"--pretend",
- "v":"--verbose" }
-# end of spec
-# process short actions and options
-for x in sys.argv[1:]:
- if x[0:1]=="-"and not x[1:2]=="-":
- for y in x[1:]:
- if shortmapping.has_key(y):
- sys.argv.append(shortmapping[y])
- else:
- print y
- print "!!! Error: -"+y+" is an invalid short action or option."
- sys.argv.remove(x)
-# process the command arguments
-for x in sys.argv[1:]:
- if x=="update" or x=="--unmerge" or x=="--world":
- print
- if x=="update":
- print " "+red("* WARNING:"),green("emerge update"),"has been deprecated, use",green("emerge --update"),"instead."
- elif x=="--unmerge":
- print " "+red("* WARNING:"),green("emerge --unmerge"),"has been deprecated, use",green("emerge --zap"),"instead."
- elif x=="--world":
- print " "+red("* WARNING:"),green("emerge --world"),"has been deprecated, use",green("emerge world"),"instead."
- print " "+red("*"),"Read",green("emerge --help"),"to get a complete overview of the interface changes."
- print
- sys.exit(1)
- if len(x)>=2:
- if x[0:1]=="-":
- if x[1:2]=="-":
- if x in actions:
- if myaction:
- print "!!! Error: more than one action specified on command-line."
- print "!!! Available actions:",actions
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- myaction=x
- elif x in options:
- myopts.append(x)
- else:
- print "!!! Error:",x,"is an invalid action or option."
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- for y in x[1:]:
- if shortmapping.has_key(y):
- myopts.append(shortmapping[y])
- else:
- print y
- print "!!! Error: -"+y+" is an invalid short action or option."
- elif x in modes:
- if len(mymode)>=1:
- print "!!! Error: more than one mode specified on command-line."
- print "!!! Available modes:",modes
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- mymode.append(x)
- else:
- # this little conditional helps tab completion
- if x[-1]=="/":
- myfiles.append(x[:-1])
- else:
- myfiles.append(x)
-# check if root user is the current user for the actions where emerge needs this
-if os.getuid()!=0 and "--help"!=myaction and "--search"!=myaction:
- print "!!! to be able to perform the requested action, emerge must be run by root."
- sys.exit(1)
-# search functionality
-class search:
- #
- # class constants
- #
- #
- # public interface
- #
- def __init__(self,searchkey=""):
- """Searches the available and installed packages for the supplied search key.
- The list of available and installed packages is created at object instantiation.
- This makes successive searches faster."""
- self.searchkey = searchkey
- self.treecache = portage.portagetree()
- self.treecache.populate()
- self.installcache = portage.vartree()
- self.installcache.populate()
- self.re_portagedir = re.compile('/usr/portage/')
- self.re_description = re.compile('DESCRIPTION="')
- self.initResults()
- def setKey(self,searchkey):
- """changes the search key"""
- self.searchkey = searchkey
- self.initResults()
- def execute(self):
- """Performs the saerch for the supplied search key"""
- if self.searchkey:
- self.initResults()
- for package in self.treecache.getallnodes():
- package_parts=package.split("/")
- if package_parts:
- if self.searchkey != "*":
- if re.search(self.searchkey.lower(), package_parts[1].lower()):
- self.packagematches.append(package)
- else:
- self.packagematches.append(package)
- def output(self):
- """Outputs the results of the search."""
- print "[ Results for search key : "+white(self.searchkey)+" ]"
- print "[ Applications found : "+white(str(len(self.packagematches)))+" ]"
- print " "
- for match in self.packagematches:
- full_package = strip(self.treecache.dep_bestmatch(match))
- if len(full_package) > 1:
- print green("*")+" "+white(match)
- print " ", "Latest version Available:",self.getVersion(full_package, search.VERSION_RELEASE)
- print " ", self.getInstallationStatus(match)
- print " ", "Description:",self.getDescription(self.getFullPath(match, full_package),self.getVersion(full_package, search.VERSION_SHORT))
- print " "
- else:
- print green("*")+" "+white(match)+" "+red("[ Masked ]")
- print " "
- #
- # private interface
- #
- def initResults(self):
- self.packagematches = []
- def getInstallationStatus(self,package):
- installed_package = self.installcache.dep_bestmatch(package)
- result = ""
- version = self.getVersion(installed_package,search.VERSION_RELEASE)
- if len(version) > 1:
- result = "Latest version Installed: "+version
- else:
- result = "Latest version Installed: [ Not Installed ]"
- return result
- def getDescription(self,ebuildPath,packageVersion): ## Gets description from latest ebuild ##
- file = open(ebuildPath)
- result = "";
- indescription=0
- while 1:
- data = file.readline()
- if data:
- if self.re_description.match(data.upper()):
- indescription=1
- p = self.re_description.split(data)
- p = p[1].split('"')
- result = p[0].strip()
- if len(p)>1:
- break
- elif indescription==1:
- if '"' in data:
- p = data.split('"')
- result = result+" "+p[0].strip()
- indescription = 0
- else:
- result = result+" "+data.strip()
- else:
- break;
- result = replace(result, "${PV}", packageVersion)
- result = replace(result, "${pv}", packageVersion)
- result = replace(result, "${description}", "KDE " + packageVersion + " ")
- result = replace(result, "\n", "")
- file.close()
- # format and wrap the description text nicely
- wraplength=60
- formatted_result=""
- while len(result)>wraplength:
- lineposition=0
- position=wraplength
- while result[lineposition+position]!=' ' and position != 0:
- position = position-1
- if position==0:
- position=wraplength
- if len(formatted_result)==0:
- formatted_result=result[:position]
- else:
- formatted_result=formatted_result+"\n "+result[:position]
- result=result[position+1:]
- if wraplength==60:
- wraplength=73
- formatted_result=formatted_result+"\n "+result
- return formatted_result
- def getFullPath(self,packageShortName,packageFullName): ## Returns the full path of the ebuild ##
- absolute_path = '/usr/portage/' + strip(packageShortName)
- package_parts = packageFullName.split("/")
- result = absolute_path + "/" + package_parts[1] + ".ebuild"
- return result
- def getVersion(self,full_package,detail):
- if len(full_package) > 1:
- package_parts = portage.catpkgsplit(full_package)
- if detail == search.VERSION_RELEASE and package_parts[3] != 'r0':
- result = package_parts[2]+ "-" + package_parts[3]
- else:
- result = package_parts[2]
- else:
- result = ""
- return result
-#build our package digraph
-def getsyslist():
- if os.path.exists(portage.profiledir+"/packages"):
- pfile=portage.profiledir+"/packages"
- else:
- print "!!! Couldn't find",portage.profiledir+"/packages;"
- print "\"system\" mode unavailable."
- sys.exit(1)
- myfile=open(pfile,"r")
- mylines=myfile.readlines()
- myfile.close()
- mynewlines=[]
- for x in mylines:
- myline=string.join(string.split(x))
- if not len(myline):
- continue
- elif myline[0]=="#":
- continue
- elif myline[0]!="*":
- continue
- myline=myline[1:]
- mynewlines.append(myline.strip())
- return mynewlines
-class depgraph:
- def __init__(self,mymode,myaction,myopts):
- self.mymode=mymode
- self.myaction=myaction
- self.myopts=myopts
- virts=portage.getvirtuals("/")
- self.db={}
- self.db["/"]={"virtuals":virts,"vartree":portage.vartree("/",virts),"porttree":portage.portagetree("/",virts),"bintree":portage.binarytree("/",virts)}
- if portage.root!="/":
- pr=portage.root
- virts=portage.getvirtuals(pr)
- self.db[pr]={"virtuals":virts,"vartree":portage.vartree(pr,virts),"porttree":portage.portagetree(pr,virts),"bintree":portage.binarytree(pr,virts)}
- self.digraph=portage.digraph()
- self.orderedkeys=[]
- #the following is so we have an empty vartree (used in emerge update calculations)
- self.emptytree=portage.vartree("/",virts,self.db["/"]["vartree"])
- self.emptytree.tree={}
- if "--emptytree" in myopts:
- print "Running in empty tree mode"
- self.db["/"]["vartree"].tree=self.emptytree.tree
- self.db["/"]["vartree"].populated=1
- self.db["/"]["vartree"].inject("virtual/glibc-1.0")
- self.outdatedpackages=[]
- def create(self,mybigkey,myparent=None,addme=1):
- """creates the actual digraph of packages to merge. return 1 on success, 0 on failure
- mybigkey = specification of package to merge; myparent = parent package (one depending on me);
- addme = should I be added to the tree? (for the --onlydeps mode)"""
- if mybigkey==None:
- return
- sys.stdout.write(".")
- sys.stdout.flush()
- if self.digraph.hasnode(mybigkey):
- #if we've already hit this node before, we're already recursing on the dependencies.
- #no need to recurse again.
- if addme:
- if myparent:
- self.digraph.addnode(mybigkey,myparent)
- return 1
- mytype,myroot,mykey=string.split(mybigkey)
- if "--noreplace" in self.myopts:
- if self.db[myroot]["vartree"].exists_specific(mykey):
- print "\n>>>",mykey,"already merged in",myroot+", skipping...\n"
- return 1
- if mytype=="binary":
- if not self.db[portage.root]["bintree"].exists_specific(mykey):
- print "\n\n!!!",mytype,mykey,"not found (possibly blocked by package.mask)\n"
- sys.exit(1)
- mypkgparts=portage.catpkgsplit(mykey)
- mytbz2=xpak.tbz2(self.db[portage.root]["bintree"].getname(mykey))
- edepend=["",string.join(mytbz2.getelements("RDEPEND")," "),mytbz2.getfile("SLOT",mypkgparts[2])]
- elif mytype=="ebuild":
- if not self.db[myroot]["porttree"].exists_specific(mykey):
- print "\n\n!!!",mytype,mykey,"not found (possibly blocked by package.mask)\n"
- sys.exit(1)
- mydep={}
- myebuild=self.db[myroot]["porttree"].getname(mykey)
- edepend=portage.doebuild(myebuild,"depend",myroot,1,edebug)
- if edepend==1:
- print "!!! emerge aborting."
- sys.exit(1)
- elif mytype=="blocks":
- edepend=None
- parenttype,parentroot,parentkey=string.split(myparent)
- mykeyparts=portage.catpkgsplit(mykey)
- parentkeyparts=portage.catpkgsplit(parentkey)
- # only add blocking deps that aren't from the same package that is installing
- if mykeyparts[0]!=parentkeyparts[0] or mykeyparts[1]!=parentkeyparts[1]:
- self.digraph.addnode(mybigkey,myparent)
- if edepend:
- mydep={}
- if myroot=="/":
- mydep["/"]=edepend[0]+" "+edepend[1]
- else:
- mydep["/"],mydep[myroot]=edepend
- if addme:
- self.digraph.addnode(mybigkey,myparent)
- for dep in mydep.keys():
- if "--update"==self.myaction:
- mycheck=self.emptytree.depcheck(mydep[dep])
- else:
- mycheck=self.db[dep]["vartree"].depcheck(mydep[dep])
- if mycheck[0]==0:
- print "!!! depgraph.create() error: string format:",mydep
- return 0
- for x in mycheck[1]:
- mynew=self.match(x,dep,mykey)
- if not self.digraph.hasnode(mynew):
- if addme:
- if not self.create(mynew,mybigkey):
- return 0
- else:
- if not self.create(mynew,None):
- return 0
- else:
- self.digraph.addnode(mynew,mybigkey)
- return 1
- def altlist(self):
- mygraph=self.digraph.copy()
- dolist=["/"]
- retlist=[]
- for x in self.db.keys():
- self.db[x]["merge"]=[]
- if x not in dolist:
- dolist.append(x)
- while (not mygraph.empty()):
- mycurkey=mygraph.firstzero()
- if not mycurkey:
- print "!!! Error: circular dependencies"
- sys.exit(1)
- splitski=string.split(mycurkey)
- if "--update"==self.myaction:
- if not self.db["/"]["vartree"].exists_specific(splitski[2]):
- self.db["/"]["merge"].append(splitski)
- else:
- self.db[splitski[1]]["merge"].append(splitski)
- mygraph.delnode(mycurkey)
- for x in dolist:
- for y in self.db[x]["merge"]:
- retlist.append(y)
- return retlist
- def syscreate(self,mylines=[]):
- for myline in mylines:
- if "--update"==self.myaction or "--rebuild"==self.myaction:
- self.create(self.match(myline,mykey="update (likely old /var/db/pkg entry)"))
- else:
- mycheck=self.db[portage.root]["vartree"].depcheck(myline)
- if mycheck[0]==0:
- print "\n!!! Warning:",myline,"has an invalid depstring\n"
- continue
- if mycheck[1]==None:
- continue
- for x in mycheck[1]:
- self.create(self.match(myline,mykey="syscreate1"))
- def match(self,mydep,myroot=portage.root,mykey=None):
- # support mutual exclusive deps
- mydep2=mydep
- if mydep2[0]=="!":
- mydep2=mydep[1:]
- if self.myaction=="--rebuild":
- myeb=self.db[portage.root]["vartree"].dep_bestmatch(mydep2)
- if not self.db[portage.root]["porttree"].exists_specific(myeb):
- self.outdatedpackages.append(myeb)
- return None
- else:
- myeb=self.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dep_bestmatch(mydep2)
- if not myeb:
- if not mykey:
- print "\n!!! Warning: couldn't find match for",mydep
- else:
- print "\n!!! Warning: couldn't find match for",mydep,"in",mykey
- return None
- # handle filtering of virtual deps for the rebuild action
- if self.myaction=="--rebuild" and myeb[0:len("virtual")]=="virtual":
- return None
- # handle filtering of non slot packages
- if "noslot" in mymode and self.db[portage.root]["vartree"].slotted(myeb)==1:
- return None
- if mydep[0]=="!":
- myk="blocks "+myroot+" "+myeb
- else:
- if "--usepkg" in self.myopts:
- mypk=self.db[portage.root]["bintree"].dep_bestmatch(mydep)
- if myeb==mypk:
- myk="binary "+portage.root+" "+mypk
- else:
- myk="ebuild "+myroot+" "+myeb
- else:
- myk="ebuild "+myroot+" "+myeb
- return myk
- def display(self,mylist):
- for x in mylist:
- if x[0]=="blocks":
- addl=""+red("B")+" "
- print "["+x[0]+" "+addl+"]",red(x[2])
- else:
- if self.db[x[1]]["vartree"].exists_specific(x[2]):
- addl=" "+yellow("R")+" "
- elif self.db[x[1]]["vartree"].exists_specific_cat(x[2]):
- addl=" "+turquoise("U")+" "
- else:
- addl=" "+green("N")+" "
- print "["+x[0]+" "+addl+"]",x[2],"to",x[1]
- def outdated(self):
- return self.outdatedpackages
- def merge(self,mylist):
- returnme=0
- #check for blocking dependencies
- for x in mylist:
- if x[0]=="blocks":
- print "\n!!! Error: the "+x[2]+" package conflicts with this package and both can't be installed on the same system together."
- sys.exit(1)
- #above line used by --fetchonly
- for x in mylist:
- myroot=x[1]
- print ">>> emerge",x[2],"to",x[1]
- #the last argument in the portage.doebuild() tells doebuild to *not* do dep checking
- #(emerge is already handling that)
- y=self.db[myroot]["porttree"].getname(x[2])
- if x[0]=="ebuild":
- if "--fetchonly" in self.myopts:
- retval=portage.doebuild(y,"fetch",myroot,0,edebug)
- if retval:
- print
- print "!!! Fetch for",y,"failed, continuing..."
- print
- returnme=1
- elif "--buildpkg" in self.myopts:
- #create pkg, then merge pkg
- retval=portage.doebuild(y,"clean",myroot,0,edebug)
- if retval:
- print "!!! emerge aborting on ",y,"."
- sys.exit(1)
- retval=portage.doebuild(y,"package",myroot,0,edebug)
- if retval:
- print "!!! emerge aborting on ",y,"."
- sys.exit(1)
- #dynamically update our database
- self.db[portage.root]["bintree"].inject(x[2])
- mytbz2=self.db[portage.root]["bintree"].getname(x[2])
- retval=portage.pkgmerge(mytbz2,myroot)
- if retval==None:
- print "!!! emerge aborting on ",y,"."
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- retval=portage.doebuild(y,"clean",myroot,0,edebug)
- if retval:
- print "!!! emerge aborting on ",y,"."
- sys.exit(1)
- retval=portage.doebuild(y,"merge",myroot,0,edebug)
- if retval:
- print "!!! emerge aborting on ",y,"."
- sys.exit(1)
- #dynamically update our database
- elif x[0]=="binary":
- #merge the tbz2
- mytbz2=self.db[portage.root]["bintree"].getname(x[2])
- retval=portage.pkgmerge(mytbz2,x[1])
- if retval==None:
- print "!!! emerge aborting on ",y,"."
- sys.exit(1)
- #need to check for errors
- self.db[x[1]]["vartree"].inject(x[2])
- if "--autoclean" in self.myopts:
- retval=portage.doebuild(y,"clean",myroot,0,edebug)
- if retval:
- print "!!! emerge aborting on ",y,"."
- sys.exit(1)
- #my doing an exit this way, --fetchonly can continue to try to
- #fetch everything even if a particular download fails.
- if "--fetchonly" in self.myopts:
- if returnme:
- print "\n\n!!! Some fetch errors were encountered. Please see above for details.\n\n"
- sys.exit(returnme)
- else:
- sys.exit(0)
-def post_emerge(retval=0):
- auxpat=re.compile('^([^-]*)(-\d+)?\.info(-\d+)?(\.gz)?')
- global myopts
- print
- if "--pretend" in myopts:
- sys.exit(retval)
- root=portage.root
- if not os.path.isdir(root+"usr/share/info"):
- print " "+root+"usr/share/info doesn't exist, skipping info regeneration."
- elif not os.path.exists("/usr/bin/install-info"):
- print " /usr/bin/install-info doesn't exist; skipping info regeneration."
- else:
- print " "+green("*")+" Regenerating GNU info directory index..."
- if os.path.exists(root+"usr/share/info/dir"):
- os.rename(root+"usr/share/info/dir",root+"usr/share/info/dir.old")
- icount=0
- badcount=0
- for x in os.listdir(root+"usr/share/info"):
- aux=auxpat.search(x)
- if not aux:
- continue
- auxgroups=aux.groups()
- if not (auxgroups[1] or auxgroups[2]):
- myso=commands.getstatusoutput("/usr/bin/install-info --dir-file="+root+"usr/share/info/dir "+root+"usr/share/info/"+x)[1]
- if myso!="":
- print auxgroups
- badcount=badcount+1
- if "--verbose" in myopts:
- print myso
- icount=icount+1
- if badcount:
- if "--verbose" not in myopts:
- print " "+yellow("*")+" Processed",icount,"info files:",badcount,"errors; type "+green("emerge --verbose")+" to view errors."
- else:
- print " "+yellow("*")+" Processed",icount,"info files;",badcount,"errors."
- else:
- print " "+green("*")+" Processed",icount,"info files."
- if portage.settings["CONFIG_PROTECT"]:
- #number of directories with some protect files in them
- procount=0
- for x in string.split(portage.settings["CONFIG_PROTECT"]):
- if os.path.isdir(x):
- a=commands.getstatusoutput("cd "+x+"; find -iname '._cfg????_*'")
- if a[0]!=0:
- print " "+red("*")+" error scanning",x
- else:
- files=string.split(a[1])
- if files:
- procount=procount+1
- print " "+yellow("* IMPORTANT:")+"",len(files),"config files in",x,"need updating."
- if procount:
- print " "+yellow("*")+" Type "+green("emerge --help config")+" to learn how to update config files."
- print
- sys.exit(retval)
-# general options that should be taken into account before any action
-if not portage.settings.has_key("MAINTAINER_noclean"):
- if not "--autoclean" in myopts:
- myopts.append("--autoclean")
-if "--debug" in myopts:
- edebug=1
-# process modes that aren't in the universal emerge interface format first
-# this format is 'emerge --action --option --option [packageset]'
-if "rsync" in mymode and not myaction:
- if not os.path.exists("/usr/bin/rsync"):
- print "!!! /usr/bin/rsync does not exist, so rsync support is disabled."
- sys.exit(1)
- rclean=0
- myportdir=portage.settings["PORTDIR"]
- if myportdir[-1]=="/":
- myportdir=myportdir[:-1]
- if not os.path.exists(myportdir):
- print ">>>",myportdir,"not found, creating it."
- os.makedirs(myportdir,0755)
- if "--clean" in myopts:
- #we'll --delete files when we rsync
- rclean=1
- mycommand="/usr/bin/rsync -rlptDv --stats --progress "
- if rclean:
- mycommand=mycommand+"--delete --exclude='distfiles/*' --exclude='packages/*' "
- mycommand=mycommand+"rsync://cvs.gentoo.org/gentoo-x86-portage/* "+myportdir
- print ">>> starting rsync with cvs.gentoo.org..."
- #protect users that did not set a default umask
- os.umask(022)
- sys.exit(os.system(mycommand))
-# HELP action
-elif "--help"==myaction:
- if len(mymode)==0:
- print
- print bold("Usage: ")+turquoise("emerge")+" [ "+green("action")+" ] [ "+green("options")+" ] [ "+turquoise("ebuildfile")+" | "+turquoise("tbz2file")+" | "+turquoise("dependency")+" ] ..."
- print " "+turquoise("emerge")+" [ "+green("action")+" ] [ "+green("options")+" ] [ "+turquoise("system")+" | "+turquoise("world")+" | "+turquoise("noslot")+" ]"
- print " "+turquoise("emerge")+" [ "+green("--clean")+" "+green("-c")+" ] "+turquoise("rsync")
- print " "+turquoise("emerge")+" "+green("--help")+" "" "+green("-h")+" [ "+turquoise("rsync")+" | "+turquoise("system")+" | "+turquoise("world")+" | "+turquoise("noslot")+" | "+turquoise("config")+" ] "
- print
- print turquoise("Actions:")
- print " "+green("--help")+" "+green("-h")
- print " displays this help, an additional mode specifier provides"
- print " detailed help about that mode instead"
- print
- print " "+green("--update")+" "+green("-u")
- print " updates installed packages, this is typically used with",bold("world")
- print " and",bold("system")
- print
- print " "+green("--zap")+" "+green("-z")
- print " removes an installed package. the arguments can be in two"
- print " different formats : /var/db/pkg/category/package-version"
- print " or category/package."
- print
- print " "+green("--rebuild")+" "+green("-r")
- print " forcably rebuild installed packages, this is typically used with"
- print " "+bold("world"),"and",bold("system")
- print
- print " "+green("--search")+" "+green("-s")
- print " searches for matches of the supplied string in the current local"
- print " portage tree. The search string is a regular expression."
- print " A few examples: "
- print " "+bold("emerge --search \"^kde\"")
- print " list all packages starting with kde"
- print " "+bold("emerge --search \"gcc$\"")
- print " list all packages ending with gcc"
- print " "+bold("emerge --search \"\"")+" or"
- print " "+bold("emerge --search \"*\"")
- print " list all available packages "
- print
- print turquoise("Options:")
- print " "+green("--autoclean")+" "+green("-a")
- print " emerge normally cleans out the package-specific temporary"
- print " build directory before it starts the building a package. With"
- print " --autoclean, it will also clean the directory *after* the"
- print " build completes. This option is automatically enabled for"
- print " normal users, but maintainers can use this option to enable"
- print " autocleaning."
- print
- print " "+green("--buildpkg")+" "+green("-b")
- print " tell emerge to build binary packages for all ebuilds processed"
- print " (in addition to actually merging the packages. Useful for"
- print " maintainers or if you administrate multiple Gentoo Linux"
- print " systems (build once, emerge tbz2s everywhere)."
- print
- print " "+green("--debug")+" "+green("-d")
- print " Tell emerge to run the ebuild command in --debug mode. In this"
- print " mode, the bash build environment will run with the -x option,"
- print " causing it to output verbose debug information print to stdout."
- print " --debug is great for finding bash syntax errors."
- print
- print " "+green("--fetchonly")+" "+green("-f")
- print " Instead of doing any package building, just perform fetches for"
- print " all packages (main package as well as all dependencies.)"
- print
- print " "+green("--onlydeps")+" "+green("-o")
- print " Only merge (or pretend to merge) the dependencies of the"
- print " specified packages, not the packages themselves."
- print
- print " "+green("--pretend")+" "+green("-p")
- print " instead of actually performing the merge, simply display what"
- print " ebuilds and tbz2s *would* have been installed if --pretend"
- print " weren't used. Using --pretend is strongly recommended before"
- print " installing an unfamiliar package. In the printout, N = new,"
- print " U = upgrading, R = replacing"
- print
- print " "+green("--noreplace")+" "+green("-n")
- print " Skip the packages specified on the command-line that have"
- print " already been installed. Without this option, any packages,"
- print " ebuilds, or deps you specify on on the command-line *will* cause"
- print " Portage to remerge the package, even if it is already installed."
- print " Note that Portage will never remerge dependencies automatically."
- print
- print " "+green("--usepkg")+" "+green("-k")
- print " tell emerge to use binary packages (from $PKGDIR) if they are"
- print " available, thus possibly avoiding some time-consuming compiles."
- print " This option is useful for CD installs; you can export"
- print " PKGDIR=/mnt/cdrom/packages and then use this option to have"
- print " emerge \"pull\" binary packages from the CD in order to satisfy"
- print " dependencies."
- print
- print " "+green("--verbose")+" "+green("-v")
- print " Tell emerge to run in verbose mode. Currently, this causes"
- print " emerge to print out GNU info errors, if any."
- print
- elif "rsync" in mymode:
- print
- print bold("Usage: ")+turquoise("emerge")+" [ "+green("--clean")+" "+green("-c")+" ] "+turquoise("rsync")
- print
- print " \"emerge rsync\" initiates an rsync update with cvs.gentoo.org,"
- print " updating your Portage tree (typically in /usr/portage). This option"
- print " will erase any changes that you have made to existing Portage files"
- print " so be careful. \"emerge --clean rsync\" does the same thing as \"emerge"
- print " rsync\", but files that no longer exist on our server are removed."
- print
- elif "system" in mymode:
- print
- print bold("Usage: ")+turquoise("emerge")+" [ "+green("action")+" ] "+" [ "+green("options")+" ] "+turquoise("system")
- print
- print " \"emerge system\" is the Portage system update command. When run, it"
- print " will scan the etc/make.profile/packages file and determine what"
- print " packages need to be installed so that your system meets the minimum"
- print " requirements of your current system profile. Note that this doesn't"
- print " necessarily bring your system up-to-date at all; instead, it just"
- print " ensures that you have no missing parts. For example, if your system"
- print " profile specifies that you should have sys-apps/iptables installed"
- print " and you don't, then \"emerge system\" will install it (the most"
- print " recent version that matches the profile spec) for you. It's always a"
- print " good idea to do an \"emerge --pretend system\" before an \"emerge"
- print " system\", just so you know what emerge is planning to do."
- print
- elif "world" in mymode:
- print
- print bold("Usage: ")+turquoise("emerge")+" [ "+green("action")+" ] "+" [ "+green("options")+" ] "+turquoise("world")
- print
- elif "noslot" in mymode:
- print
- print bold("Usage: ")+turquoise("emerge")+" [ "+green("action")+" ] "+" [ "+green("options")+" ] "+turquoise("noslot")
- print
- elif "config" in mymode:
- outstuff=green("Config file management support (preliminary)")+"""
-Portage has a special feature called "config file protection". The purpose of
-this feature is to prevent new package installs from clobbering existig
-configuration files. By default, config file protection is turned on for /etc
-and the KDE configuration dirs; more may be added in the future.
-When Portage installs a file into a protected directory tree like /etc, any
-existing files will not be overwritten. If a file of the same name already
-exists, Portage will change the name of the to-be- installed file from 'foo' to
-'._cfg0000_foo'. If '._cfg0000_foo' already exists, this name becomes
-'._cfg0001_foo', etc. In this way, existing files are not overwritten,
-allowing the administrator to manually merge the new config files and avoid any
-unexpected changes.
-In addition to protecting overwritten files, Portage will not delete any files
-from a protected directory when a package is unmerged. While this may be a
-little bit untidy, it does prevent potentially valuable config files from being
-deleted, which is of paramount importance.
-Protected directories are set using the CONFIG_PROTECT variable, normally
-defined in /etc/make.globals. Directory exceptions to the CONFIG_PROTECTed
-directories can be specified using the CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK variable. To find
-files that need to be updated in /etc, type:
-# find /etc -iname '._cfg????_*'
-You can disable this feature by setting CONFIG_PROTECT="" in /etc/make.conf.
-Then, Portage will mercilessly auto-update your config files. Alternatively,
-you can leave Config File Protection on but tell Portage that it can overwrite
-files in certain specific /etc subdirectories. For example, if you wanted
-Portage to automatically update your rc scripts and your wget configuration,
-but didn't want any other changes made without your explicit approval, you'd
-add this to /etc/make.conf:
-CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK="/etc/wget /etc/rc.d"
- print outstuff
-# SEARCH action
-elif "--search"==myaction:
- if not myfiles:
- print
- print "No search terms provided."
- print
- else:
- searchinstance = search()
- for mysearch in myfiles:
- searchinstance.setKey(mysearch)
- searchinstance.execute()
- searchinstance.output()
-# ZAP action
-elif "--zap"==myaction:
- if not myfiles and not "noslot" in mymode:
- print
- print "No packages to unmerge have been provided."
- print
- else:
- full_paths={}
- full_ebuild_paths={}
- full_package_paths={}
- non_slot_packages=[]
- var_path=portage.root+"var/db/pkg"
- if "noslot" in mymode:
- localtree=portage.vartree(portage.root)
- for x in localtree.getallnodes():
- if localtree.slotted(x)==0:
- mymatches=localtree.dep_match(x)
- for package in mymatches:
- myfullpaths=localtree.getebuildpaths(package)
- for full_path in myfullpaths :
- if not os.path.exists(full_path):
- print "The ebuild '"+full_path+"' couldn't be found."
- print "Your portage installation tree seems to be corrupted."
- else:
- full_package_paths[full_path]=package
- else:
- # process all arguments, verify if they can be resolved to an installed
- # ebuild file and add the absolute paths of these ebuild to a list
- for x in myfiles:
- # an absolute path has been given
- if (x[0]=='/'):
- path_parts=split(x, '/')
- if len(path_parts) != 6:
- print "When providing an absolute path it should be"
- print "in the following format : "+var_path+"/category/package"
- print "The path '"+x+"' doesn't respect this."
- sys.exit(1)
- elif not os.path.exists(x):
- print "The path '"+x+"' doesn't exist."
- sys.exit(1)
- elif -1 == find(x, var_path):
- print "The path '"+x+"' didn't commence with '"+var_path+"'."
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- # check if the SLOT file is present, and get the package version
- # from the PF file in that case
- package_slot_path=strip(x)+"/SLOT"
- package_pf_path=strip(x)+"/PF"
- if os.path.exists(package_pf_path):
- package_pf_file=open(package_pf_path)
- package_pf=package_pf_file.readline().strip()
- package_pf_file.close()
- else:
- package_pf=path_parts[5]
- full_path=strip(x)+"/"+package_pf+".ebuild"
- if not os.path.exists(full_path):
- print "The ebuild '"+full_path+"' couldn't be found."
- print "Your portage installation tree seems to be corrupted."
- else:
- path_parts=split(full_path, "/")
- full_ebuild_paths[full_path]=path_parts[4]+"/"+package_pf
- # a category and package name have been given
- else:
- localtree=portage.vartree(portage.root)
- mymatches=localtree.dep_match(x)
- # if no matches were found, try again by adding a '=' dep symbol if no
- # dep symbols are already present
- if not mymatches and x[0] not in ('<','>','=','~'):
- mymatches=localtree.dep_match("="+x)
- # only loops over the matches if they were found
- if mymatches:
- for package in mymatches:
- myfullpaths=localtree.getebuildpaths(package)
- for full_path in myfullpaths :
- if not os.path.exists(full_path):
- print "The ebuild '"+full_path+"' couldn't be found."
- print "Your portage installation tree seems to be corrupted."
- else:
- full_package_paths[full_path]=package
- # determine what the non slot packages are
- if len(full_package_paths) > 0:
- # determine the latest installed packages of each cat/pkg key
- full_paths_keys=full_package_paths.keys()
- # sort the ebuild paths
- full_paths_keys.sort()
- previous_package_set=None
- for full_path in full_paths_keys:
- # construct the key that will be used to determine when a new package set
- # is being processed, the package slot is taken into account for this
- package_parts=portage.pkgsplit(full_package_paths[full_path])
- slot_path=dirname(full_path)+"/SLOT"
- if not os.path.exists(slot_path):
- package_slot=package_parts[1]
- non_slot_packages.append(package_parts[0]+"-"+package_parts[1])
- full_paths=full_ebuild_paths.keys()
- full_paths.extend(full_package_paths.keys())
- if len(full_paths)==0:
- print "Couldn't find any matching installed packages."
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- if "--pretend" in myopts:
- print
- print "The are the packages that I would unmerge :"
- print
- else:
- print
- print "The following packages are going to be unmerged :"
- print
- # this makes revisions come before slot versions
- # and therefor unmerges the older packages first
- full_paths.sort()
- for full_path in full_paths:
- path_parts=split(full_path, "/")
- print " "+path_parts[4]+"/"+path_parts[5]
- if len(non_slot_packages)>0:
- print
- if "--verbose" not in myopts:
- print " "+yellow("* IMPORTANT:"),len(non_slot_packages),"non slot packages; use "+green("--verbose")+" to view details."
- else:
- print " "+yellow("* IMPORTANT:"),len(non_slot_packages),"non slot packages"
- print " "+yellow("*")+" These packages have been merged with an old version of portage that didn't"
- print " "+yellow("*")+" support binary compatibility slots. This means that each package with a"
- print " "+yellow("*")+" different version number will be considered different and only older versions"
- print " "+yellow("*")+" of different releases will be unmerged automatically."
- print " "+yellow("*")+" To get rid of all non slot packages, you can rebuild your system with"
- print " "+yellow("*")+" "+green("emerge --noslot rebuild")+"."
- print
- for non_slot_package in non_slot_packages:
- print " "+non_slot_package
- if "--pretend" in myopts:
- print
- else:
- secs=string.atoi(portage.settings["UNMERGE_DELAY"])
- if secs > 0:
- print
- print "Waiting",secs,"seconds to make sure that you want these"
- print "packages to be removed ..."
- while secs > 0:
- sys.stdout.write(str(secs)+" ")
- sys.stdout.flush()
- time.sleep(1)
- secs = secs-1
- print secs
- for full_path in full_paths:
- print "Unmerging "+os.path.basename(full_path)+" ..."
- retval=portage.doebuild(full_path,"unmerge",portage.root,0,edebug)
- post_emerge()
-# REBUILD action
-elif "--rebuild"==myaction:
- if not "system" in mymode and not "world" in mymode and not "noslot" in mymode:
- print
- print " "+red("* WARNING:"),green("emerge --rebuild"),"shouldn't be used for regular packages"
- print " "+red("*"),"it's only intended to be used with",green("system")+", "+green("world")+", and",green("noroot")
- print
- else:
- if "--pretend" in myopts:
- print
- print "These are the packages that I would rebuild, in order."
- print
- if "system" in mymode:
- mydepgraph=depgraph(mymode,myaction,myopts)
- print "Calculating system dependencies",
- mydepgraph.syscreate(getsyslist())
- print " done!"
- elif "world" in mymode or "noslot" in mymode:
- mydepgraph=depgraph(mymode,myaction,myopts)
- print "Calculating world dependencies",
- mydepgraph.syscreate(mydepgraph.db["/"]["vartree"].getallnodes())
- print " done!"
- if "--pretend" in myopts:
- mydepgraph.display(mydepgraph.altlist())
- myoutdated=mydepgraph.outdated()
- if len(myoutdated):
- if "--verbose" not in myopts:
- print
- print " "+yellow("* IMPORTANT:"),len(myoutdated),"packages aren't available anymore; use "+green("--verbose")+" for details."
- else:
- print
- print " "+yellow("* IMPORTANT:"),len(myoutdated),"packages aren't available anymore"
- print " "+yellow("*")+" Your portage tree doesn't contain the ebuilds anymore that correspond to the"
- print " "+yellow("*")+" following packages. This means that portage is unable to rebuild them."
- print " "+yellow("*")+" Instead you should upgrade to the latest versions or install possible"
- print " "+yellow("*")+" alternative packages that provide the same functionalities."
- myoutdated.sort()
- for mypackage in myoutdated:
- print " "+mypackage
- else:
- mydepgraph.merge(mydepgraph.altlist())
- post_emerge()
-# INSTALL and UPDATE action
-elif "--update"==myaction or not myaction:
- if not myaction and "world" in mymode:
- print
- print " "+red("* WARNING:"),green("emerge world"),"can't be used without an action"
- print " "+red("*"),green("world"),"is only intended to be used with",green("emerge --update")
- print
- else:
- if "--pretend" in myopts:
- print
- print "These are the packages that I would merge, in order."
- print
- if "system" in mymode:
- mydepgraph=depgraph(mymode,myaction,myopts)
- print "Calculating system dependencies",
- mydepgraph.syscreate(getsyslist())
- print " done!"
- elif "world" in mymode:
- mydepgraph=depgraph(mymode,myaction,myopts)
- print "Calculating world dependencies",
- mydepgraph.syscreate(mydepgraph.db["/"]["vartree"].getallnodes())
- print " done!"
- elif "noslot" in mymode:
- mydepgraph=depgraph(mymode,myaction,myopts)
- print "Calculating noslot dependencies",
- mydepgraph.syscreate(mydepgraph.db["/"]["vartree"].getallnodes())
- print " done!"
- else:
- mydepgraph=depgraph(mymode,myaction,myopts)
- if not myfiles:
- post_emerge()
- #we don't have any files to process; skip this step and exit
- print "Calculating dependencies",
- for mypkg in myfiles:
- if mypkg[-5:]==".tbz2":
- mytype="binary"
- mytbz2=xpak.tbz2(mypkg)
- mykey=mytbz2.getelements("CATEGORY")[0]+"/"+os.path.basename(mypkg)[:-5]
- elif mypkg[-7:]==".ebuild":
- mytype="ebuild"
- mykey=os.path.basename(os.path.abspath(mypkg+"/../.."))+"/"+os.path.basename(mypkg)[:-7]
- else:
- mykey=""
- if "--usepkg" in myopts:
- mykey=mydepgraph.db[portage.root]["bintree"].dep_bestmatch(mypkg)
- mytype="binary"
- if not mykey:
- mykey=mydepgraph.db[portage.root]["porttree"].dep_bestmatch(mypkg)
- mytype="ebuild"
- if not mykey:
- print "!!! Couldn't find match for",mypkg+"; aborting."
- sys.exit(1)
- # else:
- # print "!!! Error:",x,"is neither an ebuild nor a .tbz2 package."
- # sys.exit(1)
- mydepgraph.create(mytype+" "+portage.root+" "+mykey,None,"--onlydeps" not in myopts)
- print " done!"
- if "--pretend" in myopts:
- mydepgraph.display(mydepgraph.altlist())
- else:
- mydepgraph.merge(mydepgraph.altlist())
- post_emerge()