-DIST NessusAgent-7.4.2-es7.x86_64.rpm 15989044 BLAKE2B 7fdc998acc4a5ee38519a3cf4d41d1de29cb8ddacb05bd6f734a458c63d7ce22c547b4d080320631d489dc381c4553d99a81786dcb48231833a77561ffa6928f SHA512 4aacc51d360c41963ad46c0976322cd29012d52e054337d4e0a303257796923bd35059324a041827ce0c54ef5c5dd6738311fcc4f0bcba19b6d4ea1e3730a146
-DIST NessusAgent-7.5.0-es7.x86_64.rpm 16793328 BLAKE2B 2a7409477f0d08d2be6d3c5e482f33e73861bc01c3c26e1edd689d71861621f5699ce0e2bb67e994dcd54e9e1314dee056b46aea79fe990bf1629e229ada8e64 SHA512 ed82b37d67a27a3fc9d317a9009afd42332b2935f869f72344f60946a28446ee606821b927f74a4899bb3c5d485b1a607935714ab604e206108db3abe99dcc38
DIST NessusAgent-7.5.1-es7.x86_64.rpm 16793324 BLAKE2B 4fdb1d02cd407049d10c8cd9ab7949d44dc8b61e377a4b6a1b34f12e425834706eb2536f6d05c9b84415321652676e048eb002fc81463b12cccff865f22560b2 SHA512 6b3cbacdaa32da404f285a53d990dfc5f520e05c4a00690d7b46cfbf8b7f89a0089f2d36288ef695a0dae033b70e9dd3cf85c682833910e9314a78414aa2bd07
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit rpm pax-utils systemd
-DESCRIPTION="A remote security scanner for Linux - agent component"
-RESTRICT="mirror fetch strip"
- opt/nessus_agent/bin/nessus-mkrand
- opt/nessus_agent/lib/nessus/libjemalloc.so.${PV}
- opt/nessus_agent/lib/nessus/libnessus-glibc-fix.so
- opt/nessus_agent/lib/nessus/plugins/ovaldi64-rhel7.inc
- opt/nessus_agent/sbin/nessus-check-signature
- opt/nessus_agent/sbin/nessus-service
- opt/nessus_agent/sbin/nessuscli
- opt/nessus_agent/sbin/nessusd"
-pkg_nofetch() {
- einfo "Please download ${A} from ${HOMEPAGE}downloads/nessus-agents"
- einfo "The archive should then be placed into your DISTDIR directory."
-src_install() {
- # Using doins -r would strip executable bits from all binaries
- cp -pPR "${S}"/opt "${D}"/ || die "Failed to copy files"
- pax-mark m "${D}"/opt/nessus_agent/sbin/nessusd
- # Make sure these originally empty directories do not vanish,
- # Nessus will not run properly without them
- keepdir /opt/nessus_agent/com/nessus/CA
- keepdir /opt/nessus_agent/etc/nessus
- keepdir /opt/nessus_agent/var/nessus/logs
- keepdir /opt/nessus_agent/var/nessus/tmp
- keepdir /opt/nessus_agent/var/nessus/users
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/nessusagent.initd nessusagent
- systemd_dounit usr/lib/systemd/system/nessusagent.service
-pkg_postinst() {
- if [[ -z "${REPLACING_VERSIONS}" ]]; then
- elog "In order to link the agent to Tenable.io or an instance of Nessus Manager,"
- elog "obtain an appropriate linking key and run"
- elog ""
- elog " /opt/nessus_agent/sbin/nessuscli agent link --key=<key> --host=<host> --port=<port> [optional parameters]"
- elog ""
- elog "This can be done before the agent is started."
- fi
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit rpm pax-utils systemd
-DESCRIPTION="A remote security scanner for Linux - agent component"
-RESTRICT="mirror fetch strip"
- opt/nessus_agent/bin/nessus-mkrand
- opt/nessus_agent/lib/nessus/libjemalloc.so.${PV}
- opt/nessus_agent/lib/nessus/libnessus-glibc-fix.so
- opt/nessus_agent/lib/nessus/plugins/ovaldi64-rhel7.inc
- opt/nessus_agent/sbin/nessus-check-signature
- opt/nessus_agent/sbin/nessus-service
- opt/nessus_agent/sbin/nessuscli
- opt/nessus_agent/sbin/nessusd"
-pkg_nofetch() {
- einfo "Please download ${A} from ${HOMEPAGE}downloads/nessus-agents"
- einfo "The archive should then be placed into your DISTDIR directory."
-src_install() {
- # Using doins -r would strip executable bits from all binaries
- cp -pPR "${S}"/opt "${D}"/ || die "Failed to copy files"
- pax-mark m "${D}"/opt/nessus_agent/sbin/nessusd
- # Make sure these originally empty directories do not vanish,
- # Nessus will not run properly without them
- keepdir /opt/nessus_agent/com/nessus/CA
- keepdir /opt/nessus_agent/etc/nessus
- keepdir /opt/nessus_agent/var/nessus/logs
- keepdir /opt/nessus_agent/var/nessus/tmp
- keepdir /opt/nessus_agent/var/nessus/users
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/nessusagent.initd nessusagent
- systemd_dounit usr/lib/systemd/system/nessusagent.service
-pkg_postinst() {
- if [[ -z "${REPLACING_VERSIONS}" ]]; then
- elog "In order to link the agent to Tenable.io or an instance of Nessus Manager,"
- elog "obtain an appropriate linking key and run"
- elog ""
- elog " /opt/nessus_agent/sbin/nessuscli agent link --key=<key> --host=<host> --port=<port> [optional parameters]"
- elog ""
- elog "This can be done before the agent is started."
- fi