echo " (-5 to auto-merge AND not use 'mv -i')"
echo " (-7 to discard all updates)"
echo -n " (-9 to discard all updates AND not use 'rm -i'): "
- read input
+ input=$(read_int)
dialog --title "${title}" --menu "${my_title}" \
0 0 0 $(echo -e "-1 Exit\n$(<${TMP}/menuitems)") \
return 1
+function read_int() {
+ # Read an integer from stdin. Continously loops until a valid integer is
+ # read. This is a workaround for odd behavior of bash when an attempt is
+ # made to store a value such as "1y" into an integer-only variable.
+ local my_input
+ while true; do
+ read my_input
+ # failed integer conversions will break a loop unless they're enclosed
+ # in a subshell.
+ echo "${my_input}" | ( declare -i x; read x) && break
+ done
+ echo ${my_input}
function do_file() {
local -i my_input
if [[ ${mode} == 0 ]] ; then
cat ${TMP}/menuitems
echo -n "Please select a file to process (-1 to exit this file): "
- read my_input
+ my_input=$(read_int)
dialog --title "${title}" --menu "${my_title}" \
0 0 0 $(echo -e "$(<${TMP}/menuitems)\n${fcount} Exit") \
3) Interactively merge original with update
4) Show differences again
Please select from the menu above (-1 to ignore this update): "
- read my_input
+ my_input=$(read_int)
case ${my_input} in
4) Edit merged file
5) Return to the previous menu
Please select from the menu above (-1 to exit, losing this merge): "
- read my_input
+ my_input=$(read_int)
case ${my_input} in
1) echo "Replacing ${ofile} with ${mfile}"
chmod --reference=${ofile} ${mfile}