function! s:NM_cmd_folders(words)
if len(a:words)
- echoe 'Not exapecting any arguments for folders command.'
+ throw 'Not exapecting any arguments for folders command.'
let cmd = ['count']
let disp = []
if len(b:nm_raw_lines) <= mnum
return ''
- echo 'len=' . string(len(b:nm_raw_lines)) . ' mnum=' . string(mnum)
let info = b:nm_raw_lines[mnum]
let what = split(info, '\s\+')[0]
return what
let msg_top = <SID>NM_show_get_message_for_line(vis_top)
if !has_key(msg_top,'id')
- echo "No top visible message."
+ throw "No top visible message."
" if the top message is the last message, just expunge the entire thread and move on
let msg_bot = <SID>NM_show_get_message_for_line(vis_bot)
if !has_key(msg_bot,'id')
- echo "No bottom visible message."
+ throw "No bottom visible message."
" if entire message fits on the screen, read/archive it, move to the next one
function! s:NM_compose_next_entry_area()
let lnum = line('.')
let hdr_end = <SID>NM_compose_find_line_match(1,'^$',1)
- echo 'header end = ' . string(hdr_end)
if lnum < hdr_end
let lnum = lnum + 1
let line = getline(lnum)
function! s:NM_add_remove_tags(filter, prefix, tags)
let filter = len(a:filter) ? a:filter : [<SID>NM_search_thread_id()]
if !len(filter)
- echoe 'Eeek! I couldn''t find the thead id!'
+ throw 'Eeek! I couldn''t find the thead id!'
call map(a:tags, 'a:prefix . v:val')
let args = ['tag']