interfere with normal emerge operation and therefore it should not be left
enabled for more than a short period of time.
+.B lmirror
+When \fImirror\fR is enabled in \fBFEATURES\fR, fetch files even
+when \fImirror\fR is also in the \fBebuild\fR(5) \fBRESTRICT\fR variable.
.B metadata\-transfer
Automatically perform a metadata transfer when `emerge \-\-sync` is run.
.B mirror
-This will cause \fBFETCHCOMMAND\fR to always be run even if
-the file already exists in \fBDISTDIR\fR.
+Fetch everything in \fBSRC_URI\fR regardless of \fBUSE\fR settings,
+except do not fetch anything when \fImirror\fR is in \fBRESTRICT\fR.
.B noauto
When utilizing \fBebuild\fR(1), only run the function requested.