"""Takes an unreduced and reduced deplist and removes satisfied dependencies.
Returned deplist contains steps that must be taken to satisfy dependencies."""
writemsg("ZapDeps -- %s\n" % (use_binaries), 2)
- if unreduced==[] or unreduced==['||'] :
+ if not reduced or unreduced == ["||"] or dep_eval(reduced):
return []
- if unreduced[0]=="||":
- if dep_eval(reduced):
- return []
- found_idx = None
- for x in range(1, len(unreduced)):
- if isinstance(unreduced[x], list):
- atom_list = dep_zapdeps(unreduced[x], reduced[x], myroot, use_binaries=use_binaries)
+ if unreduced[0] != "||":
+ unresolved = []
+ for (dep, satisfied) in zip(unreduced, reduced):
+ if isinstance(dep, list):
+ unresolved += dep_zapdeps(dep, satisfied, myroot, use_binaries=use_binaries)
+ elif not satisfied:
+ unresolved.append(dep)
+ return unresolved
+ # We're at a ( || atom ... ) type level
+ deps = unreduced[1:]
+ satisfieds = reduced[1:]
+ target = None
+ for (dep, satisfied) in zip(deps, satisfieds):
+ if isinstance(dep, list):
+ atoms = dep_zapdeps(dep, satisfied, myroot, use_binaries=use_binaries)
+ else:
+ atoms = [dep]
+ missing_atoms = [atom for atom in atoms if not db[myroot]["vartree"].dbapi.match(dep_getkey(atom))]
+ if not missing_atoms:
+ if isinstance(dep, list):
+ return atoms # Sorted out by the recursed dep_zapdeps call
- atom_list = [unreduced[x]]
- all_found = True
- for atom in atom_list:
- if not db[myroot]["vartree"].dbapi.match(atom):
- all_found = False
- break
- if all_found:
- if isinstance(unreduced[x], list):
- return atom_list
- found_idx = x
+ target = dep_getkey(dep) # An installed package that's not yet in the graph
- if not found_idx:
- all_found = True
- for atom in atom_list:
- if not db[myroot]["porttree"].dbapi.xmatch("match-visible", atom):
- all_found = False
- break
- if all_found:
- found_idx = x
- if isinstance(unreduced[found_idx], list):
- return dep_zapdeps(unreduced[found_idx], reduced[found_idx], myroot, use_binaries=use_binaries)
- satisfied_atom = unreduced[found_idx]
- atomkey = dep_getkey(satisfied_atom)
- relevant_atoms = []
- for dep in unreduced[1:]:
- if not isinstance(dep, list) and dep_getkey(dep) == atomkey:
- relevant_atoms.append(dep)
- available_atoms = {}
- for atom in relevant_atoms:
+ if not target:
if use_binaries:
- pkg_list = db["/"]["bintree"].dbapi.match(atom)
+ missing_atoms = [atom for atom in atoms if not db[myroot]["bintree"].dbapi.match(atom)]
- pkg_list = db["/"]["porttree"].dbapi.xmatch("match-visible", atom)
- if not pkg_list:
- continue
- pkg = best(pkg_list)
- if pkg not in available_atoms:
- available_atoms[pkg] = atom
+ missing_atoms = [atom for atom in atoms if not db[myroot]["porttree"].dbapi.xmatch("match-visible", atom)]
+ if not missing_atoms:
+ target = (dep, satisfied)
+ if isinstance(target, tuple): # Nothing matching installed
+ if isinstance(target[0], list): # ... and the first available was a sublist
+ return dep_zapdeps(target[0], target[1], myroot, use_binaries=use_binaries)
+ else: # ... and the first available was a single atom
+ target = dep_getkey(target[0])
+ relevant_atoms = [dep for dep in deps if not isinstance(dep, list) and dep_getkey(dep) == target]
+ available_pkgs = {}
+ for atom in relevant_atoms:
+ if use_binaries:
+ pkg_list = db["/"]["bintree"].dbapi.match(atom)
+ else:
+ pkg_list = db["/"]["porttree"].dbapi.xmatch("match-visible", atom)
+ if not pkg_list:
+ continue
+ pkg = best(pkg_list)
+ available_pkgs[pkg] = atom
+ if not available_pkgs:
+ return [unreduced[0]] # All masked
+ target_pkg = best(available_pkgs.keys())
+ suitable_atom = available_pkgs[target_pkg]
+ return [suitable_atom]
- if not available_atoms:
- return [satisfied_atom]
- best_pkg = best(available_atoms.keys())
- return [available_atoms[best_pkg]]
- else:
- if dep_eval(reduced):
- #deps satisfied, return empty list.
- return []
- else:
- returnme=[]
- x=0
- while x<len(reduced):
- if type(reduced[x])==types.ListType:
- returnme += dep_zapdeps(unreduced[x],reduced[x], myroot, use_binaries=use_binaries)
- else:
- if reduced[x]==False:
- returnme.append(unreduced[x])
- x += 1
- return returnme
def dep_getkey(mydep):
if not len(mydep):