--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 2007 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+import os
+import sys
+import urllib
+import time
+import codecs
+import re
+import xml.dom.minidom
+from portage.versions import pkgsplit, catpkgsplit, pkgcmp, best
+from portage.util import grabfile
+from portage.const import CACHE_PATH
+# Note: the space for rgt and rlt is important !!
+# FIXME: use slot deps instead, requires GLSA format versioning
+opMapping = {"le": "<=", "lt": "<", "eq": "=", "gt": ">", "ge": ">=",
+ "rge": ">=~", "rle": "<=~", "rgt": " >~", "rlt": " <~"}
+NEWLINE_ESCAPE = "!;\\n" # some random string to mark newlines that should be preserved
+SPACE_ESCAPE = "!;_" # some random string to mark spaces that should be preserved
+# TODO: use the textwrap module instead
+def wrap(text, width, caption=""):
+ """
+ Wraps the given text at column I{width}, optionally indenting
+ it so that no text is under I{caption}. It's possible to encode
+ hard linebreaks in I{text} with L{NEWLINE_ESCAPE}.
+ @type text: String
+ @param text: the text to be wrapped
+ @type width: Integer
+ @param width: the column at which the text should be wrapped
+ @type caption: String
+ @param caption: this string is inserted at the beginning of the
+ return value and the paragraph is indented up to
+ C{len(caption)}.
+ @rtype: String
+ @return: the wrapped and indented paragraph
+ """
+ rValue = ""
+ line = caption
+ words = text.split()
+ indentLevel = len(caption)+1
+ for w in words:
+ if line != "" and line[-1] == "\n":
+ rValue += line
+ line = " "*indentLevel
+ if len(line)+len(w.replace(NEWLINE_ESCAPE, ""))+1 > width:
+ rValue += line+"\n"
+ line = " "*indentLevel+w.replace(NEWLINE_ESCAPE, "\n")
+ elif w.find(NEWLINE_ESCAPE) >= 0:
+ if len(line.strip()) > 0:
+ rValue += line+" "+w.replace(NEWLINE_ESCAPE, "\n")
+ else:
+ rValue += line+w.replace(NEWLINE_ESCAPE, "\n")
+ line = " "*indentLevel
+ else:
+ if len(line.strip()) > 0:
+ line += " "+w
+ else:
+ line += w
+ if len(line) > 0:
+ rValue += line.replace(NEWLINE_ESCAPE, "\n")
+ rValue = rValue.replace(SPACE_ESCAPE, " ")
+ return rValue
+def get_glsa_list(myconfig):
+ """
+ Returns a list of all available GLSAs in the given repository
+ by comparing the filelist there with the pattern described in
+ the config.
+ @type myconfig: portage.config
+ @param myconfig: Portage settings instance
+ @rtype: List of Strings
+ @return: a list of GLSA IDs in this repository
+ """
+ rValue = []
+ if myconfig.has_key("GLSA_DIR"):
+ repository = myconfig["GLSA_DIR"]
+ else:
+ repository = os.path.join(myconfig["PORTDIR"], "metadata", "glsa")
+ if not os.access(repository, os.R_OK):
+ return []
+ dirlist = os.listdir(repository)
+ prefix = "glsa-"
+ suffix = ".xml"
+ for f in dirlist:
+ try:
+ if f[:len(prefix)] == prefix:
+ rValue.append(f[len(prefix):-1*len(suffix)])
+ except IndexError:
+ pass
+ return rValue
+def getListElements(listnode):
+ """
+ Get all <li> elements for a given <ol> or <ul> node.
+ @type listnode: xml.dom.Node
+ @param listnode: <ul> or <ol> list to get the elements for
+ @rtype: List of Strings
+ @return: a list that contains the value of the <li> elements
+ """
+ rValue = []
+ if not listnode.nodeName in ["ul", "ol"]:
+ raise GlsaFormatException("Invalid function call: listnode is not <ul> or <ol>")
+ for li in listnode.childNodes:
+ if li.nodeType != xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
+ continue
+ rValue.append(getText(li, format="strip"))
+ return rValue
+def getText(node, format):
+ """
+ This is the main parser function. It takes a node and traverses
+ recursive over the subnodes, getting the text of each (and the
+ I{link} attribute for <uri> and <mail>). Depending on the I{format}
+ parameter the text might be formatted by adding/removing newlines,
+ tabs and spaces. This function is only useful for the GLSA DTD,
+ it's not applicable for other DTDs.
+ @type node: xml.dom.Node
+ @param node: the root node to start with the parsing
+ @type format: String
+ @param format: this should be either I{strip}, I{keep} or I{xml}
+ I{keep} just gets the text and does no formatting.
+ I{strip} replaces newlines and tabs with spaces and
+ replaces multiple spaces with one space.
+ I{xml} does some more formatting, depending on the
+ type of the encountered nodes.
+ @rtype: String
+ @return: the (formatted) content of the node and its subnodes
+ """
+ rValue = ""
+ if format in ["strip", "keep"]:
+ if node.nodeName in ["uri", "mail"]:
+ rValue += node.childNodes[0].data+": "+node.getAttribute("link")
+ else:
+ for subnode in node.childNodes:
+ if subnode.nodeName == "#text":
+ rValue += subnode.data
+ else:
+ rValue += getText(subnode, format)
+ else:
+ for subnode in node.childNodes:
+ if subnode.nodeName == "p":
+ for p_subnode in subnode.childNodes:
+ if p_subnode.nodeName == "#text":
+ rValue += p_subnode.data.strip()
+ elif p_subnode.nodeName in ["uri", "mail"]:
+ rValue += p_subnode.childNodes[0].data
+ rValue += " ( "+p_subnode.getAttribute("link")+" )"
+ elif subnode.nodeName == "ul":
+ for li in getListElements(subnode):
+ rValue += "-"+SPACE_ESCAPE+li+NEWLINE_ESCAPE+" "
+ elif subnode.nodeName == "ol":
+ i = 0
+ for li in getListElements(subnode):
+ i = i+1
+ rValue += str(i)+"."+SPACE_ESCAPE+li+NEWLINE_ESCAPE+" "
+ elif subnode.nodeName == "code":
+ rValue += getText(subnode, format="keep").replace("\n", NEWLINE_ESCAPE)
+ if rValue[-1*len(NEWLINE_ESCAPE):] != NEWLINE_ESCAPE:
+ elif subnode.nodeName == "#text":
+ rValue += subnode.data
+ else:
+ raise GlsaFormatException("Invalid Tag found: ", subnode.nodeName)
+ if format == "strip":
+ rValue = rValue.strip(" \n\t")
+ rValue = re.sub("[\s]{2,}", " ", rValue)
+ return str(rValue)
+def getMultiTagsText(rootnode, tagname, format):
+ """
+ Returns a list with the text of all subnodes of type I{tagname}
+ under I{rootnode} (which itself is not parsed) using the given I{format}.
+ @type rootnode: xml.dom.Node
+ @param rootnode: the node to search for I{tagname}
+ @type tagname: String
+ @param tagname: the name of the tags to search for
+ @type format: String
+ @param format: see L{getText}
+ @rtype: List of Strings
+ @return: a list containing the text of all I{tagname} childnodes
+ """
+ rValue = []
+ for e in rootnode.getElementsByTagName(tagname):
+ rValue.append(getText(e, format))
+ return rValue
+def makeAtom(pkgname, versionNode):
+ """
+ creates from the given package name and information in the
+ I{versionNode} a (syntactical) valid portage atom.
+ @type pkgname: String
+ @param pkgname: the name of the package for this atom
+ @type versionNode: xml.dom.Node
+ @param versionNode: a <vulnerable> or <unaffected> Node that
+ contains the version information for this atom
+ @rtype: String
+ @return: the portage atom
+ """
+ rValue = opMapping[versionNode.getAttribute("range")] \
+ + pkgname \
+ + "-" + getText(versionNode, format="strip")
+ return str(rValue)
+def makeVersion(versionNode):
+ """
+ creates from the information in the I{versionNode} a
+ version string (format <op><version>).
+ @type versionNode: xml.dom.Node
+ @param versionNode: a <vulnerable> or <unaffected> Node that
+ contains the version information for this atom
+ @rtype: String
+ @return: the version string
+ """
+ return opMapping[versionNode.getAttribute("range")] \
+ + getText(versionNode, format="strip")
+def match(atom, dbapi, match_type="default"):
+ """
+ wrapper that calls revisionMatch() or portage.dbapi.match() depending on
+ the given atom.
+ @type atom: string
+ @param atom: a <~ or >~ atom or a normal portage atom that contains the atom to match against
+ @type dbapi: portage.dbapi
+ @param dbapi: one of the portage databases to use as information source
+ @type match_type: string
+ @param match_type: if != "default" passed as first argument to dbapi.xmatch
+ to apply the wanted visibility filters
+ @rtype: list of strings
+ @return: a list with the matching versions
+ """
+ if atom[2] == "~":
+ return revisionMatch(atom, dbapi, match_type=match_type)
+ elif match_type == "default" or not hasattr(dbapi, "xmatch"):
+ return dbapi.match(atom)
+ else:
+ return dbapi.xmatch(match_type, atom)
+def revisionMatch(revisionAtom, dbapi, match_type="default"):
+ """
+ handler for the special >~, >=~, <=~ and <~ atoms that are supposed to behave
+ as > and < except that they are limited to the same version, the range only
+ applies to the revision part.
+ @type revisionAtom: string
+ @param revisionAtom: a <~ or >~ atom that contains the atom to match against
+ @type dbapi: portage.dbapi
+ @param dbapi: one of the portage databases to use as information source
+ @type match_type: string
+ @param match_type: if != "default" passed as first argument to portdb.xmatch
+ to apply the wanted visibility filters
+ @rtype: list of strings
+ @return: a list with the matching versions
+ """
+ if match_type == "default" or not hasattr(dbapi, "xmatch"):
+ mylist = dbapi.match(re.sub("-r[0-9]+$", "", revisionAtom[2:]))
+ else:
+ mylist = dbapi.xmatch(match_type, re.sub("-r[0-9]+$", "", revisionAtom[2:]))
+ rValue = []
+ for v in mylist:
+ r1 = pkgsplit(v)[-1][1:]
+ r2 = pkgsplit(revisionAtom[3:])[-1][1:]
+ if eval(r1+" "+revisionAtom[0:2]+" "+r2):
+ rValue.append(v)
+ return rValue
+def getMinUpgrade(vulnerableList, unaffectedList, portdbapi, vardbapi, minimize=True):
+ """
+ Checks if the systemstate is matching an atom in
+ I{vulnerableList} and returns string describing
+ the lowest version for the package that matches an atom in
+ I{unaffectedList} and is greater than the currently installed
+ version or None if the system is not affected. Both
+ I{vulnerableList} and I{unaffectedList} should have the
+ same base package.
+ @type vulnerableList: List of Strings
+ @param vulnerableList: atoms matching vulnerable package versions
+ @type unaffectedList: List of Strings
+ @param unaffectedList: atoms matching unaffected package versions
+ @type portdbapi: portage.dbapi.porttree.portdbapi
+ @param portdbapi: Ebuild repository
+ @type vardbapi: portage.dbapi.vartree.vardbapi
+ @param vardbapi: Installed package repository
+ @type minimize: Boolean
+ @param minimize: True for a least-change upgrade, False for emerge-like algorithm
+ @rtype: String | None
+ @return: the lowest unaffected version that is greater than
+ the installed version.
+ """
+ rValue = None
+ v_installed = []
+ u_installed = []
+ for v in vulnerableList:
+ v_installed += match(v, vardbapi)
+ for u in unaffectedList:
+ u_installed += match(u, vardbapi)
+ install_unaffected = True
+ for i in v_installed:
+ if i not in u_installed:
+ install_unaffected = False
+ if install_unaffected:
+ return rValue
+ for u in unaffectedList:
+ mylist = match(u, portdbapi, match_type="match-all")
+ for c in mylist:
+ c_pv = catpkgsplit(c)
+ i_pv = catpkgsplit(best(v_installed))
+ if pkgcmp(c_pv[1:], i_pv[1:]) > 0 \
+ and (rValue == None \
+ or not match("="+rValue, portdbapi) \
+ or (minimize ^ (pkgcmp(c_pv[1:], catpkgsplit(rValue)[1:]) > 0)) \
+ and match("="+c, portdbapi)) \
+ and portdbapi.aux_get(c, ["SLOT"]) == vardbapi.aux_get(best(v_installed), ["SLOT"]):
+ rValue = c_pv[0]+"/"+c_pv[1]+"-"+c_pv[2]
+ if c_pv[3] != "r0": # we don't like -r0 for display
+ rValue += "-"+c_pv[3]
+ return rValue
+# simple Exception classes to catch specific errors
+class GlsaTypeException(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, doctype):
+ Exception.__init__(self, "wrong DOCTYPE: %s" % doctype)
+class GlsaFormatException(Exception):
+ pass
+class GlsaArgumentException(Exception):
+ pass
+# GLSA xml data wrapper class
+class Glsa:
+ """
+ This class is a wrapper for the XML data and provides methods to access
+ and display the contained data.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, myid, myconfig, vardbapi, portdbapi):
+ """
+ Simple constructor to set the ID, store the config and gets the
+ XML data by calling C{self.read()}.
+ @type myid: String
+ @param myid: String describing the id for the GLSA object (standard
+ GLSAs have an ID of the form YYYYMM-nn) or an existing
+ filename containing a GLSA.
+ @type myconfig: portage.config
+ @param myconfig: the config that should be used for this object.
+ @type vardbapi: portage.dbapi.vartree.vardbapi
+ @param vardbapi: installed package repository
+ @type portdbapi: portage.dbapi.porttree.portdbapi
+ @param portdbapi: ebuild repository
+ """
+ if re.match(r'\d{6}-\d{2}', myid):
+ self.type = "id"
+ elif os.path.exists(myid):
+ self.type = "file"
+ else:
+ raise GlsaArgumentException("Given ID "+myid+" isn't a valid GLSA ID or filename.")
+ self.nr = myid
+ self.config = myconfig
+ self.vardbapi = vardbapi
+ self.portdbapi = portdbapi
+ self.read()
+ def read(self):
+ """
+ Here we build the filename from the config and the ID and pass
+ it to urllib to fetch it from the filesystem or a remote server.
+ @rtype: None
+ @return: None
+ """
+ if self.config.has_key("GLSA_DIR"):
+ repository = "file://" + self.config["GLSA_DIR"]+"/"
+ else:
+ repository = "file://" + self.config["PORTDIR"] + "/metadata/glsa/"
+ if self.type == "file":
+ myurl = "file://"+self.nr
+ else:
+ myurl = repository + "glsa-%s.xml" % str(self.nr)
+ self.parse(urllib.urlopen(myurl))
+ return None
+ def parse(self, myfile):
+ """
+ This method parses the XML file and sets up the internal data
+ structures by calling the different helper functions in this
+ module.
+ @type myfile: String
+ @param myfile: Filename to grab the XML data from
+ @rtype: None
+ @returns: None
+ """
+ self.DOM = xml.dom.minidom.parse(myfile)
+ if not self.DOM.doctype:
+ raise GlsaTypeException(None)
+ elif self.DOM.doctype.systemId != "http://www.gentoo.org/dtd/glsa.dtd":
+ raise GlsaTypeException(self.DOM.doctype.systemId)
+ myroot = self.DOM.getElementsByTagName("glsa")[0]
+ if self.type == "id" and myroot.getAttribute("id") != self.nr:
+ raise GlsaFormatException("filename and internal id don't match:" + myroot.getAttribute("id") + " != " + self.nr)
+ # the simple (single, required, top-level, #PCDATA) tags first
+ self.title = getText(myroot.getElementsByTagName("title")[0], format="strip")
+ self.synopsis = getText(myroot.getElementsByTagName("synopsis")[0], format="strip")
+ self.announced = getText(myroot.getElementsByTagName("announced")[0], format="strip")
+ self.revised = getText(myroot.getElementsByTagName("revised")[0], format="strip")
+ # now the optional and 0-n toplevel, #PCDATA tags and references
+ try:
+ self.access = getText(myroot.getElementsByTagName("access")[0], format="strip")
+ except IndexError:
+ self.access = ""
+ self.bugs = getMultiTagsText(myroot, "bug", format="strip")
+ self.references = getMultiTagsText(myroot.getElementsByTagName("references")[0], "uri", format="keep")
+ # and now the formatted text elements
+ self.description = getText(myroot.getElementsByTagName("description")[0], format="xml")
+ self.workaround = getText(myroot.getElementsByTagName("workaround")[0], format="xml")
+ self.resolution = getText(myroot.getElementsByTagName("resolution")[0], format="xml")
+ self.impact_text = getText(myroot.getElementsByTagName("impact")[0], format="xml")
+ self.impact_type = myroot.getElementsByTagName("impact")[0].getAttribute("type")
+ try:
+ self.background = getText(myroot.getElementsByTagName("background")[0], format="xml")
+ except IndexError:
+ self.background = ""
+ # finally the interesting tags (product, affected, package)
+ self.glsatype = myroot.getElementsByTagName("product")[0].getAttribute("type")
+ self.product = getText(myroot.getElementsByTagName("product")[0], format="strip")
+ self.affected = myroot.getElementsByTagName("affected")[0]
+ self.packages = {}
+ for p in self.affected.getElementsByTagName("package"):
+ name = p.getAttribute("name")
+ if not self.packages.has_key(name):
+ self.packages[name] = []
+ tmp = {}
+ tmp["arch"] = p.getAttribute("arch")
+ tmp["auto"] = (p.getAttribute("auto") == "yes")
+ tmp["vul_vers"] = [makeVersion(v) for v in p.getElementsByTagName("vulnerable")]
+ tmp["unaff_vers"] = [makeVersion(v) for v in p.getElementsByTagName("unaffected")]
+ tmp["vul_atoms"] = [makeAtom(name, v) for v in p.getElementsByTagName("vulnerable")]
+ tmp["unaff_atoms"] = [makeAtom(name, v) for v in p.getElementsByTagName("unaffected")]
+ self.packages[name].append(tmp)
+ # TODO: services aren't really used yet
+ self.services = self.affected.getElementsByTagName("service")
+ return None
+ def dump(self, outstream=sys.stdout):
+ """
+ Dumps a plaintext representation of this GLSA to I{outfile} or
+ B{stdout} if it is ommitted. You can specify an alternate
+ I{encoding} if needed (default is latin1).
+ @type outstream: File
+ @param outfile: Stream that should be used for writing
+ (defaults to sys.stdout)
+ """
+ width = 76
+ outstream.write(("GLSA %s: \n%s" % (self.nr, self.title)).center(width)+"\n")
+ outstream.write((width*"=")+"\n")
+ outstream.write(wrap(self.synopsis, width, caption="Synopsis: ")+"\n")
+ outstream.write("Announced on: %s\n" % self.announced)
+ outstream.write("Last revised on: %s\n\n" % self.revised)
+ if self.glsatype == "ebuild":
+ for k in self.packages.keys():
+ pkg = self.packages[k]
+ for path in pkg:
+ vul_vers = "".join(path["vul_vers"])
+ unaff_vers = "".join(path["unaff_vers"])
+ outstream.write("Affected package: %s\n" % k)
+ outstream.write("Affected archs: ")
+ if path["arch"] == "*":
+ outstream.write("All\n")
+ else:
+ outstream.write("%s\n" % path["arch"])
+ outstream.write("Vulnerable: %s\n" % vul_vers)
+ outstream.write("Unaffected: %s\n\n" % unaff_vers)
+ elif self.glsatype == "infrastructure":
+ pass
+ if len(self.bugs) > 0:
+ outstream.write("\nRelated bugs: ")
+ for i in range(0, len(self.bugs)):
+ outstream.write(self.bugs[i])
+ if i < len(self.bugs)-1:
+ outstream.write(", ")
+ else:
+ outstream.write("\n")
+ if self.background:
+ outstream.write("\n"+wrap(self.background, width, caption="Background: "))
+ outstream.write("\n"+wrap(self.description, width, caption="Description: "))
+ outstream.write("\n"+wrap(self.impact_text, width, caption="Impact: "))
+ outstream.write("\n"+wrap(self.workaround, width, caption="Workaround: "))
+ outstream.write("\n"+wrap(self.resolution, width, caption="Resolution: "))
+ myreferences = ""
+ for r in self.references:
+ myreferences += (r.replace(" ", SPACE_ESCAPE)+NEWLINE_ESCAPE+" ")
+ outstream.write("\n"+wrap(myreferences, width, caption="References: "))
+ outstream.write("\n")
+ def isVulnerable(self):
+ """
+ Tests if the system is affected by this GLSA by checking if any
+ vulnerable package versions are installed. Also checks for affected
+ architectures.
+ @rtype: Boolean
+ @returns: True if the system is affected, False if not
+ """
+ vList = []
+ rValue = False
+ for k in self.packages.keys():
+ pkg = self.packages[k]
+ for path in pkg:
+ if path["arch"] == "*" or self.config["ARCH"] in path["arch"].split():
+ for v in path["vul_atoms"]:
+ rValue = rValue \
+ or (len(match(v, self.vardbapi)) > 0 \
+ and getMinUpgrade(path["vul_atoms"], path["unaff_atoms"], \
+ self.portdbapi, self.vardbapi))
+ return rValue
+ def isApplied(self):
+ """
+ Looks if the GLSA IDis in the GLSA checkfile to check if this
+ GLSA was already applied.
+ @rtype: Boolean
+ @returns: True if the GLSA was applied, False if not
+ """
+ aList = grabfile(os.path.join(os.sep, self.config["ROOT"], CACHE_PATH.lstrip(os.sep)))
+ return (self.nr in aList)
+ def inject(self):
+ """
+ Puts the ID of this GLSA into the GLSA checkfile, so it won't
+ show up on future checks. Should be called after a GLSA is
+ applied or on explicit user request.
+ @rtype: None
+ @returns: None
+ """
+ if not self.isApplied():
+ checkfile = open(os.path.join(os.sep, self.config["ROOT"], CACHE_PATH.lstrip(os.sep)), "a+")
+ checkfile.write(self.nr+"\n")
+ checkfile.close()
+ return None
+ def getMergeList(self, least_change=True):
+ """
+ Returns the list of package-versions that have to be merged to
+ apply this GLSA properly. The versions are as low as possible
+ while avoiding downgrades (see L{getMinUpgrade}).
+ @type least_change: Boolean
+ @param least_change: True if the smallest possible upgrade should be selected,
+ False for an emerge-like algorithm
+ @rtype: List of Strings
+ @return: list of package-versions that have to be merged
+ """
+ rValue = []
+ for pkg in self.packages.keys():
+ for path in self.packages[pkg]:
+ update = getMinUpgrade(path["vul_atoms"], path["unaff_atoms"], \
+ self.portdbapi, self.vardbapi, minimize=least_change)
+ if update:
+ rValue.append(update)
+ return ["="+x for x in rValue]