done }
+ [ -n "${QA_SONAME_NO_SYMLINK}" ] && \
+ echo "${QA_SONAME_NO_SYMLINK}" > \
if [[ ${insecure_rpath} -eq 1 ]] ; then
die "Aborting due to serious QA concerns with RUNPATH/RPATH"
elif [[ -n ${die_msg} ]] && has stricter ${FEATURES} ; then
shared libraries that lack SONAMEs. The paths may contain regular expressions
with escape\-quoted special characters.
+This should contain a list of file paths, relative to the image directory, of
+shared libraries that have SONAMEs but should not have a corresponding SONAME
+symlink in the same directory. The paths may contain regular expressions
+with escape\-quoted special characters.
This should contain a list of file paths, relative to the image directory, of
shared libraries that lack NEEDED entries. The paths may contain regular
if f is not None:
+ qa_no_symlink = ""
+ f = None
+ try:
+ f =
+ mysettings["PORTAGE_BUILDDIR"],
+ "build-info", "QA_SONAME_NO_SYMLINK"),
+ encoding=_encodings['fs'], errors='strict'),
+ mode='r', encoding=_encodings['repo.content'],
+ errors='replace')
+ qa_no_symlink =
+ except IOError as e:
+ if e.errno not in (errno.ENOENT, errno.ESTALE):
+ raise
+ finally:
+ if f is not None:
+ f.close()
+ qa_no_symlink = qa_no_symlink.split()
+ if qa_no_symlink:
+ if len(qa_no_symlink) > 1:
+ qa_no_symlink = "|".join("(%s)" % x for x in qa_no_symlink)
+ qa_no_symlink = "^(%s)$" % qa_no_symlink
+ else:
+ qa_no_symlink = "^%s$" % qa_no_symlink[0]
+ qa_no_symlink = re.compile(qa_no_symlink)
libpaths = set(portage.util.getlibpaths(
mysettings["ROOT"], env=mysettings))
libpath_inodes = set()
if not is_libdir(os.path.dirname(obj)):
+ if qa_no_symlink and qa_no_symlink.match(obj.strip(os.sep)) is None:
+ continue
obj_file_path = os.path.join(image_dir, obj.lstrip(os.sep))
sym_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(obj_file_path), soname)