\nomenclature{$U_b(F)$}{The barrier energy as a function of force
-\nomenclature{$l_b$}{The charicteristic length of the bound state $l_b
+\nomenclature{$l_b$}{The characteristic length of the bound state $l_b
\equiv 1/\rho_b$ (\cref{eq:kramers-saddle}).}
\nomenclature{$\rho_b$}{The density of states in the bound state
-\nomenclature{$l_{ts}$}{The charicteristic length of the transition
+\nomenclature{$l_{ts}$}{The characteristic length of the transition
state (\cref{eq:kramers-saddle}).}
\citet{evans97} solved this unfolding rate for both inverse power law potentials and cusp potentials.