+++ /dev/null
-From: Ole Streicher <olebole@debian.org>
-Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2019 08:56:53 +0100
-Subject: Change install-tree location of wxPLViewer
-The wxPLViewer application is only used internally by the wxwidgets
-This is based on commit 4e9679b22 in upstream git,
-author Alan W. Irwin <airwin@users.sourceforge.net>
-Closes: #944579
- drivers/wxwidgets_dev.cpp | 32 ++++++--------------------------
- include/plplotP.h | 2 --
- src/plcore.c | 5 +----
- utils/CMakeLists.txt | 6 +++++-
- 4 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/drivers/wxwidgets_dev.cpp b/drivers/wxwidgets_dev.cpp
-index 6351c68..43e70be 100644
---- a/drivers/wxwidgets_dev.cpp
-+++ b/drivers/wxwidgets_dev.cpp
-@@ -1753,32 +1753,12 @@ void wxPLDevice::SetupMemoryMap()
- header->completeFlag = 0;
- #endif // #ifdef PL_WXWIDGETS_IPC3
-- //try to find the wxPLViewer executable, in the first instance just assume it
-- //is in the path.
-- //wxString exeName = wxT( "/nfs/see-fs-02_users/earpros/usr/src/plplot-plplot/build/utils/" NAME_wxPLViewer );
-- wxString exeName = wxT( NAME_wxPLViewer );
-- if ( plInBuildTree() )
-- {
-- //if we are in the build tree check for the needed exe in there
-- wxArrayString files;
-- wxString utilsDir = wxString( wxT( BUILD_DIR ) ) + wxString( wxT( "/utils" ) );
-- wxDir::GetAllFiles( utilsDir, &files, exeName, wxDIR_FILES | wxDIR_DIRS );
-- if ( files.size() == 0 )
-- wxDir::GetAllFiles( utilsDir, &files, exeName + wxT( ".exe" ), wxDIR_FILES | wxDIR_DIRS );
-- if ( files.size() > 0 )
-- exeName = files[0];
-- }
-- else
-- {
-- //check the plplot bin install directory
-- wxArrayString files;
-- wxDir::GetAllFiles( wxT( BIN_DIR ), &files, exeName, wxDIR_FILES | wxDIR_DIRS );
-- if ( files.size() == 0 )
-- wxDir::GetAllFiles( wxT( BIN_DIR ), &files, exeName + wxT( ".exe" ), wxDIR_FILES | wxDIR_DIRS );
-- if ( files.size() > 0 )
-- exeName = files[0];
-- }
-- //Run the wxPlViewer with command line parameters telling it the location and size of the buffer
-+ // The wxPLViewer executable has been built (build-tree case)
-+ // or installed (install-tree case) in the drivers directory.
-+ // So use the appropriate build-tree or install-tree location
-+ // when referring to it.
-+ wxString exeName = wxString( _( plGetDrvDir() ) ) + _( "/" ) + _( NAME_wxPLViewer );
-+ //Run wxPlViewer with command line parameters telling it the location and size of the buffer
- wxString command;
- command << wxT( "\"" ) << exeName << wxT( "\" " ) << wxString( mapName, wxConvUTF8 ) << wxT( " " ) <<
- mapSize << wxT( " " ) << m_width << wxT( " " ) << m_height;
-diff --git a/include/plplotP.h b/include/plplotP.h
-index 8d44e49..22a2036 100644
---- a/include/plplotP.h
-+++ b/include/plplotP.h
-@@ -1275,10 +1275,8 @@ plwytik( PLFLT x, PLFLT y, PLBOOL minor, PLBOOL invert );
- // get drivers directory
- PLDLLIMPEXP const char*
- plGetDrvDir( void );
-diff --git a/src/plcore.c b/src/plcore.c
-index 84b8063..f57e756 100644
---- a/src/plcore.c
-+++ b/src/plcore.c
-@@ -2966,7 +2966,7 @@ int plInBuildTree()
- return inBuildTree;
- }
-+// Need this for both the ENABLE_DYNDRIVERS case and the wxPLViewer case.
- plGetDrvDir()
-@@ -2998,9 +2998,6 @@ plGetDrvDir()
- return drvdir;
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // void plInitDispatchTable()
- //
-diff --git a/utils/CMakeLists.txt b/utils/CMakeLists.txt
-index 5772910..f2a8411 100644
---- a/utils/CMakeLists.txt
-+++ b/utils/CMakeLists.txt
-@@ -52,7 +52,11 @@ if(ENABLE_wxwidgets AND NOT OLD_WXWIDGETS)
- )
- set(wxPLViewer_link_libraries PLPLOT::plplotwxwidgets PLPLOT::plplotcxx ${wxwidgets_LINK_FLAGS} ${MATH_LIB} ${RT_LIB})
-- configure_executable_build(wxPLViewer "${wxPLViewer_SRCS}" "${wxPLViewer_link_libraries}" "${LIB_INSTALL_RPATH}" ${BIN_DIR})
-+ # wxPLViewer depends on the plplotwxwidgets and plplotcxx libraries and is installed
-+ # in the drivers directory.
-+ configure_executable_build(wxPLViewer "${wxPLViewer_SRCS}" "${wxPLViewer_link_libraries}" "${LIB_INSTALL_RPATH}" ${DRV_DIR})
- # Set this property rather than using the WIN32 signature of add_executable
- # inside the configure_executable_build function.