-DIST python-mode-0.6.10.tar.gz 474266 SHA256 ed97b9c260cafa38e01d1bc988e611df8a4681922e3ba4022e5ccac692b8f583 SHA512 562d91a377e783b2cf2583910f4c6b0e8530be9533b513198f5ac97e7581672f95f69e752d391d2a6ad9ac0621c967bc46c02f79fdc38d25172f14267fe27f7e WHIRLPOOL 404458e298ab3c093c031ac00cf43e66652a8054fecfb4d2c481d73a2efbb6949409545f5269bcb43f519b19a27dd8b68fb75a166dce1e78d49e1899bfe17901
DIST python-mode-0.6.18.tar.gz 386846 SHA256 d46ff14b7ee639b698d1b0ae0e7ca0dcfa95a315ffb25e523ae720461f399c1d SHA512 0e3159a055304443c8b15590c424ac0f4a4303e343882ff91f01f5b959274931dea83969ab1dcd19ce95894c7da5be60699d51b852dc73165a99a271feec4e64 WHIRLPOOL 1a6114999c1b832335268dd7dd3e9ebfd48ce9e35cdc7058e4a1011d3ac0aeb36df85ab52599460e449c0ee645303aca17a8ecb44533a5d137a9b904c426b1da
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-inherit vim-plugin vcs-snapshot
-DESCRIPTION="Provide python code looking for bugs, refactoring and other useful things"
-HOMEPAGE="http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3770 https://github.com/klen/python-mode"
-SRC_URI="https://github.com/klen/${PN}/tarball/${PV} -> ${P}.tar.gz"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
- dev-python/astng
- dev-python/autopep8
- dev-python/pyflakes
- dev-python/pylint
- dev-python/rope
- dev-python/ropemode
- "
-src_prepare() {
- rm -rf pylibs/{logilab,*pep8.py,pyflakes,pylint,rope,ropemode} .gitignore
- mv pylint.ini "${T}" || die
- sed -e "s|expand(\"<sfile>:p:h:h\")|\"${EPREFIX}/usr/share/${PN}\"|" \
- -i plugin/pymode.vim || die # use custom path
- sed -e "s/pylibs.autopep8/autopep8/g" -i pylibs/pymode/auto.py || die
- sed -e "s/pylibs.ropemode/ropemode/g" -i pylibs/ropevim.py || die
-src_install() {
- vim-plugin_src_install
- insinto usr/share/${PN}
- doins "${T}"/pylint.ini
-pkg_postinst() {
- vim-plugin_pkg_postinst
- einfo "If you use custom pylintrc make sure you append the contents of"
- einfo " ${EPREFIX}/usr/share/${PN}/pylint.ini"
- einfo "to it. Otherwise PyLint command will not work properly."
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-inherit vim-plugin
-DESCRIPTION="Provide python code looking for bugs, refactoring and other useful things"
-HOMEPAGE="http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3770 https://github.com/klen/python-mode"
-SRC_URI="https://github.com/klen/${PN}/archive/${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
- dev-python/astng
- dev-python/autopep8
- dev-python/pyflakes
- dev-python/pylint
- dev-python/rope
- dev-python/ropemode
- "
-src_prepare() {
- # debundling fun
- rm -rf pylibs/pylama/{pep8.py,pyflakes} pylibs/{autopep8.py}
- #rm -rf pylibs/{rope,ropemode} #475686
- sed -e 's/from .pep8/from pep8/g' \
- -e 's/from .pyflakes/from pyflakes/g' \
- -i pylibs/pylama/utils.py || die
- # there's still pylint left, I failed to debundle it :/
- mv pylint.ini "${T}" || die
- sed -e "s|expand(\"<sfile>:p:h:h\")|\"${EPREFIX}/usr/share/${PN}\"|" \
- -i autoload/pymode.vim || die # use custom path
-src_install() {
- vim-plugin_src_install
- insinto usr/share/${PN}
- doins "${T}"/pylint.ini
-pkg_postinst() {
- vim-plugin_pkg_postinst
- einfo "If you use custom pylintrc make sure you append the contents of"
- einfo " ${EPREFIX}/usr/share/${PN}/pylint.ini"
- einfo "to it. Otherwise PyLint command will not work properly."