"digest.fail":"Digest does not match the specified local file",
"digest.stray":"Digest files that do not have a corresponding ebuild",
"digest.missing":"Digest files that are missing (ebuild exists, digest doesn't)",
- "digest.disjointed":"Digests not added to cvs when the matching ebuild has been added",
- "digest.notadded":"Digests that exist but have not been added to cvs",
"digest.unmatch":"Digests which are incomplete (please check if your USE/ARCH includes all files)",
"ebuild.invalidname":"Ebuild files with a non-parseable or syntactically incorrect name (or using 2.1 versioning extensions)",
"ebuild.namenomatch":"Ebuild files that do not have the same name as their parent directory",
for y in filesdirlist:
if not y.startswith("digest-"):
- if y[7:] not in dadded:
- #digest not added to cvs
- stats["digest.notadded"]=stats["digest.notadded"]+1
- fails["digest.notadded"].append(x+"/files/"+y)
- if y[7:] in eadded:
- stats["digest.disjointed"]=stats["digest.disjointed"]+1
- fails["digest.disjointed"].append(x+"/files/"+y)
if os.stat(checkdir+"/files/"+y)[0] & 0x0248:
stats["file.executable"] += 1