Thanks to Jonathan Callen <abcd@g.o> for reporting.
svn path=/main/trunk/; revision=15119
# We need this next line for "die" and "assert". It expands
# It _must_ preceed all the calls to die and assert.
shopt -s expand_aliases
-alias assert='_pipestatus="${PIPESTATUS[*]}"; [[ "${_pipestatus// /}" -eq 0 ]] || die'
+alias assert='for _pipestatus in ${PIPESTATUS[*]} ; do [ $_pipestatus -eq 0 ] || die ; done'
alias save_IFS='[ "${IFS:-unset}" != "unset" ] && old_IFS="${IFS}"'
alias restore_IFS='if [ "${old_IFS:-unset}" != "unset" ]; then IFS="${old_IFS}"; unset old_IFS; else unset IFS; fi'