+++ /dev/null
-diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
-index eff69e5..5c0c024 100644
---- a/Makefile
-+++ b/Makefile
-@@ -28,3 +28,3 @@ SOURCES := $(shell find src -name '*.cr')
- SPEC_SOURCES := $(shell find spec -name '*.cr')
--FLAGS := $(if $(release),--release )$(if $(stats),--stats )$(if $(progress),--progress )$(if $(threads),--threads $(threads) )$(if $(debug),-d )$(if $(static),--static )
-+FLAGS := $(if $(release),--release )$(if $(stats),--stats )$(if $(progress),--progress )$(if $(threads),--threads $(threads) )$(if $(debug),-d )$(if $(static),--static )$(if $(verbose),--verbose )$(if $(LDFLAGS),--link-flags="$(LDFLAGS)" )
- SPEC_FLAGS := $(if $(verbose),-v )$(if $(junit_output),--junit_output $(junit_output) )
+++ /dev/null
-diff --git a/spec/std/file_spec.cr b/spec/std/file_spec.cr
-index 4a08b7d..cb1b28c 100644
---- a/spec/std/file_spec.cr
-+++ b/spec/std/file_spec.cr
-@@ -1026,7 +1026,8 @@ describe "File" do
- end
- end
-- it "raises if file cannot be accessed" do
-+ # On linux it's "Permission denied", not "Operation not permitted"
-+ pending "raises if file cannot be accessed" do
- expect_raises Errno, "Operation not permitted" do
- File.touch("/bin/ls")
- end
-diff --git a/spec/std/process_spec.cr b/spec/std/process_spec.cr
-index 4a36f18..0cd63a8 100644
---- a/spec/std/process_spec.cr
-+++ b/spec/std/process_spec.cr
-@@ -115,14 +115,16 @@ describe Process do
- end
- describe "environ" do
-- it "clears the environment" do
-+ #gentoo's sandbox keeps sandbox environment
-+ pending "clears the environment" do
- value = Process.run("env", clear_env: true) do |proc|
- proc.output.gets_to_end
- end
- value.should eq("")
- end
-- it "sets an environment variable" do
-+ #gentoo's sandbox keeps sandbox environment
-+ pending "sets an environment variable" do
- env = {"FOO" => "bar"}
- value = Process.run("env", clear_env: true, env: env) do |proc|
- proc.output.gets_to_end
+++ /dev/null
---- a/spec/std/socket/tcp_server_spec.cr
-+++ b/spec/std/socket/tcp_server_spec.cr
-@@ -76,13 +76,17 @@ describe TCPServer do
- TCPServer.new("localhost", unused_local_port)
- end
-- it "raises when host doesn't exist" do
-+ # gentoo's FEATURES=network-sandbox blocks external network:
-+ # Socket::Error: getaddrinfo: Temporary failure in name resolution
-+ pending "raises when host doesn't exist" do
- expect_raises(Socket::Error, "No address") do
- TCPServer.new("doesnotexist.example.org.", 12345)
- end
- end
-- it "raises (rather than segfault on darwin) when host doesn't exist and port is 0" do
-+ # gentoo's FEATURES=network-sandbox blocks external network:
-+ # Socket::Error: getaddrinfo: Temporary failure in name resolution
-+ pending "raises (rather than segfault on darwin) when host doesn't exist and port is 0" do
- expect_raises(Socket::Error, "No address") do
- TCPServer.new("doesnotexist.example.org.", 0)
- end
---- a/spec/std/socket/tcp_socket_spec.cr
-+++ b/spec/std/socket/tcp_socket_spec.cr
-@@ -56,13 +56,17 @@ describe TCPSocket do
- end
- end
-- it "raises when host doesn't exist" do
-+ # gentoo's FEATURES=network-sandbox blocks external network:
-+ # Socket::Error: getaddrinfo: Temporary failure in name resolution
-+ pending "raises when host doesn't exist" do
- expect_raises(Socket::Error, "No address") do
- TCPSocket.new("doesnotexist.example.org.", 12345)
- end
- end
-- it "raises (rather than segfault on darwin) when host doesn't exist and port is 0" do
-+ # gentoo's FEATURES=network-sandbox blocks external network:
-+ # Socket::Error: getaddrinfo: Temporary failure in name resolution
-+ pending "raises (rather than segfault on darwin) when host doesn't exist and port is 0" do
- expect_raises(Socket::Error, "No address") do
- TCPSocket.new("doesnotexist.example.org.", 0)
- end