# Copyright 2002-2008 Gentoo Foundation; 2008 Chris Gianelloni, Andrew Gaffney
# Distributed under the GPL v2
+ 07 Dec 2008; Andrew Gaffney <agaffney@gentoo.org>
+ targets/support/pre-kmerge.sh:
+ Remove evil hacks that copy gk files around for netboot2
04 Dec 2008; Chris Gianelloni <wolf31o2@wolf31o2.org> catalyst:
Bumping version for release.
run_merge --oneshot genkernel
install -d /tmp/kerncache
-case ${clst_target} in
- netboot2)
- # Set the netboot builddate/hostname in linuxrc and copy to proper arch
- # directory in genkernel
- sed -e "s/@@MYDATE@@/$(date '+%Y%m%d')/g" \
- -e "s/@@RELVER@@/${clst_version_stamp}/g" \
- /usr/share/genkernel/netboot/linuxrc.x \
- > /usr/share/genkernel/${clst_hostarch}/linuxrc
- echo ">>> Copying support files to ${clst_root_path} ..."
- cp -pPRf /usr/share/genkernel/netboot/misc/* \
- ${clst_merge_path}
- echo ">>> Copying busybox config ..."
- cp -f /tmp/busy-config \
- /usr/share/genkernel/${clst_hostarch}/busy-config
- ;;