required_sets[s] = InternalPackageSet(
# When removing packages, use a temporary version of world
# which excludes packages that are intended to be eligible for
# removal.
def cmp_reference_count(node1, node2):
return node_refcounts[node1] - node_refcounts[node2]
ignore_priority_range = [None]
range(UnmergeDepPriority.MIN, UnmergeDepPriority.MAX + 1))
portage.writemsg(yellow("WARNING:") + " adding required option " + \
"%s not included in PORTAGE_RSYNC_OPTS\n" % opt)
for exclude in ("distfiles", "local", "packages"):
opt = "--exclude=/%s" % exclude
if opt not in rsync_opts:
" adding required option %s not included in " % opt + \
"PORTAGE_RSYNC_OPTS (can be overridden with --exclude='!')\n")
if syncuri.rstrip("/").endswith(""):
def rsync_opt_startswith(opt_prefix):
for x in rsync_opts:
print(red(" * ")+"To update portage, run 'emerge portage' now.")
display_news_notification(root_config, myopts)
return os.EX_OK
UNREAD_PATH = os.path.join(target_root, NEWS_LIB_PATH, "news")
newsReaderDisplay = False
update = "--pretend" not in myopts
+ if "news" not in settings.features:
+ return
if not settings.treeVirtuals:
# Populate these using our existing vartree, to avoid
print(colorize("WARN", " * IMPORTANT:"), end=' ')
print("%s news items need reading for repository '%s'." % (unreadItems, repo))
if newsReaderDisplay:
print(colorize("WARN", " *"), end=' ')
print("Use " + colorize("GOOD", "eselect news") + " to read news items.")
Examines news items in repodir + '/' + NEWS_PATH and attempts to find unread items
Returns the number of unread (yet relevent) items.
@param portdb: a portage tree database
@type portdb: pordbapi
@param vardb: an installed package database
@rtype: Integer
1. The number of unread but relevant news items.
from import NewsManager
manager = NewsManager(portdb, vardb, NEWS_PATH, UNREAD_PATH)