--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import string
+import libhookecurve as lhc
+class DataChunk(list):
+ #Dummy class to provide ext and ret methods to the data list.
+ def ext(self):
+ halflen=(len(self)/2)
+ return self[0:halflen]
+ def ret(self):
+ halflen=(len(self)/2)
+ return self[halflen:]
+class jpkDriver(lhc.Driver):
+ def __init__(self, filename):
+ self.filename=filename #self.filename can always be useful, and should be defined
+ self.filedata = open(filename,'r') #We open the file
+ self.filelines=self.filedata.readlines()
+ self.filedata.close()
+ '''These are two strings that can be used by Hooke commands/plugins to understand what they are looking at. They have no other
+ meaning. They have to be somehow defined however - commands often look for those variables.
+ self.filetype should contain the name of the exact filetype defined by the driver (so that filetype-specific commands can know
+ if they're dealing with the correct filetype)
+ self.experiment should contain instead the type of data involved (for example, various drivers can be used for force-clamp experiments,
+ but hooke commands could like to know if we're looking at force clamp data, regardless of their origin, and not other
+ kinds of data)
+ Of course, all other variables you like can be defined in the class.
+ '''
+ self.filetype = 'jpk'
+ self.experiment = 'smfsz'
+ def __del__(self):
+ self.filedata.close()
+ def is_me(self):
+ '''
+ we define our magic heuristic for HemingClamp files
+ '''
+ myfile=file(self.filename)
+ headerlines=myfile.readlines()[0:3]
+ myfile.close()
+ if headerlines[0][0:11]=='# xPosition' and headerlines[1][0:11]=='# yPosition':
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def close_all(self):
+ self.filedata.close()
+ def _read_data_segment(self):
+ #routine that actually reads the data
+ height_ms=[]
+ height_m=[]
+ height=[]
+ v_deflection=[]
+ h_deflection=[]
+ self.springconstant=0 #if we don't meet any spring constant, use deflection...
+ for line in self.filelines:
+ #we meet the segment defining the order of data columns
+ if line[0:9]=='# columns':
+ splitline=line.split()[2:]
+ height_ms_index=splitline.index('smoothedStrainGaugeHeight')
+ height_m_index=splitline.index('strainGaugeHeight')
+ height_index=splitline.index('height')
+ v_deflection_index=splitline.index('vDeflection')
+ #h_deflection=splitline.index('hDeflection')
+ if line[0:16]=='# springConstant':
+ self.springconstant=float(line.split()[2])
+ if line[0] != '#' and len(line.split())>1:
+ dataline=line.split()
+ height_ms.append(float(dataline[height_ms_index]))
+ height_m.append(float(dataline[height_m_index]))
+ height.append(float(dataline[height_index]))
+ v_deflection.append(float(dataline[v_deflection_index]))
+ #h_deflection.append(float(dataline[h_deflection_index]))
+ if self.springconstant != 0:
+ force=[item*self.springconstant for item in v_deflection]
+ else: #we have measured no spring constant :(
+ force=v_deflection
+ height_ms=[item*-1 for item in height_ms]
+ height_m=[item*-1 for item in height_m]
+ height=[item*-1 for item in height]
+ return DataChunk(height_ms),DataChunk(height_m),DataChunk(height),DataChunk(v_deflection),DataChunk(force)
+ def default_plots(self):
+ height_ms,height_m,height,v_deflection,force=self._read_data_segment()
+ height_ms_ext=height_ms.ext()
+ height_ms_ret=height_ms.ret()
+ force_ext=force.ext()
+ force_ret=force.ret()
+ #reverse the return data, to make it coherent with hooke standard
+ height_ms_ret.reverse
+ force_ret.reverse
+ main_plot=lhc.PlotObject()
+ main_plot.add_set(height_ms_ext,force_ext)
+ main_plot.add_set(height_ms_ret,force_ret)
+ if self.springconstant != 0:
+ main_plot.units=['meters','force']
+ else:
+ main_plot.units=['meters','meters']
+ main_plot.normalize_vectors()
+ main_plot.destination=0
+ main_plot.title=self.filename
+ return [main_plot]
\ No newline at end of file