* [Software Carpentry](http://software-carpentry.org/)'s online [testing](http://software-carpentry.org/4_0/test/index.html) lectures.
* A discussion on [is it worthwhile to write unit tests for scientific research codes?](http://scicomp.stackexchange.com/questions/206/is-it-worthwhile-to-write-unit-tests-for-scientific-research-codes)
* G. Wilson, D. A. Aruliah, C. T. Brown, N. P. Chue Hong, M. Davis, R. T. Guy, S. H. D. Haddock, K. Huff, I. M. Mitchell, M. Plumbley, B. Waugh, E. P. White, P. Wilson (2012) "[Best Practices for Scientific Computing](http://arxiv.org/abs/1210.0530)", arXiv:1210.0530 [cs.MS].
+Previous: [Test-driven development](TDD.md)
* [Testing in practice](RealWorld.md)
* [Test-driven development](TDD.md)
* [Conclusions and further information](Conclusion.md)
+Next: [Let's start writing some tests](Writing.md)
Yes, tests like this *do* occur on projects!
+Previous: [Let's start writing some tests](Writing.md) Next: [Test-driven development](TDD.md)
Now update `complement` to make your tests pass. You may want to reuse some of the logic of `calculate_weight`!
When we're done, not only do we have a working function, we also have a set of tests. There's no risk of us leaving the tests "till later" and then never having time to write them.
+Previous: [Testing in practice](RealWorld.md) Next: [Conclusions and further information](Conclusion.md)
* Have we covered all the nucleotides?
* Have we covered all the types of string we can expect?
* In addition to test functions, other types of runtime test could we add to `calculate_weight`?
+Previous: [Testing](README.md) Next: [Testing in practice](RealWorld.md)